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100 Cards in this Set

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Which behavioral characteristic shoudl the nurse expect in a pt who has a dx of narcissistic personality disorder?
Lack of empathy
Which characteristic is the most common in successful resolution of the grief response? The person who is grieving..
Has a healthy self-esteem
A pt with severe depression refuses to leave his room, refuses to eat, and repeats, "I'm no good." What nursing diagnosis should have first priority?
Risk for self-directed violence
Which statement most accurately describes one of Harry Stack Sullivan's concepts related to mental health and illness?
Anxiety occurs when one is unsuccessful at satisfying needs or achieving interpersonal security.
(Anxiety comes from tension that arises from social insecurity or block to satisfaction.)
A pt taking litium carbonate complains of find hand tremors and slight thirst. The nurse would expect the pt's blood level of litium to be at which level?
Therapeutic level 0.4 - 1.0 mEq/L
Which disorder is associated with an excess of the neurotransmitter dopamine?
Which finding should the nurse expect when taking a hx from a pt with conversion disorder?
Actual change or loss of body function.
(conversion disorder involves unexplained symptoms or defects affecting voluntary motor or sensory function suggesting a neurological or other general medical condition.)
How would the nurse evaluate improvement in the self-care activities of a pt with dementia?
Ask the nursing asst how much of the bath was completed independently.
A college student who is away from home for the first time has trouble sleeping, cannot concentrate on her studies, and call home several times a day to ask for her mother's advice. What is the student most likely experiencing?
A developmental crisis.
Which speech pattern is commonly seen in pts during the manic phase of bipolar disease?
Rapid pressured speech

(other findings are elated mood, increased activity, and reduced sleep)
Which dx criterion is specific for anorexia nervosa, but not for bulimia nervosa?
Amenorrhea in post-menarcheal females.
Which biological theory is exemplified when a pt with diabetes mellitus experiences secondary anxiety due to the physiological disease process?

(DM is a hormonal disorder)
What is the primary focus of cognitive therapy?
Current problems

(It is active, directive, time-limited, strutured approach that addresses current problems.)
The nurse removes a depressed pt from the bathroom where he was attempting to hang himself in the shower stall. Which intervention should be given priority?
Assign one-to-one monitoring

(one to one, arms length monitoring)
Which is the most appropriate initial nursing intervention for a pt in an acute manic phase?
Provide a safe environment.
Which personality disorder has as its essential features magical thinking, excessive social anxiety, and congnitive perceptual distortion?

(It is a cluster disoder (odd or eccentric) that involves a pattern of social and interpersonal deficits characterized by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships)
Which is associated with increased risk for violence among pts with schizophrenia?
Substance abuse

(Substance abuse is assoc with homelessness, violence, and suicide in pts with schizo)
A pt tells the nurse many details about his parents' death and funeral. He says, "I feel no loss or pain." Which defense mechanism is the pt using?

(repression is banishing a memory)
Which lab tests does the nurse need to monitor a pt receiving valproic acid (Valproate) therapy for bipolar disorder?
Hepatic function

(baseline liver funct test should be monitored and reg intervals)
What is the purpose of setting limits with a pt who displays manipulative behavior?
To help the pt gain control and take responsibility.
Which statement best describes phenotypes?
Total set of genes in an individual.

(Represents the physical appearance or makeup of an individual.)
In which setting is the nurse most likely to encounter pts with delirium?
A long-term care facility for older adults
Which observation indicates that litium carbonate (Eskalith) therapy has been effective for a pt with bipolar disorder?
Delusions of grandeur have subsided.
Which are the vegatative signs of depression?
Disturbances of sleep and digestion.
(change in bowel movements, eating habits, sleep, disinterest in sex)
According to the psychodynamic theory, an individual who places a high value on self-control is most likely to experience which intial response when that control is threatened?

(a person who values self control highly will react to stress as a threat to self)
Which nursing intervention is the priority for a pt who just had an electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatment?
Monitor vital signs every 15 min for at least the first hour.
Which activity can the nurse assign to the nursing asst in caring for a pt who has depression?
Check the pt's room for potential harmful objects.

(Suicide potential is the highest assessment priority)
Which client would benefit most from cognitive therapy?
An adolescent who has chronic pain.

(Cognitive therapy is an active, directive, time-limted, structural approach that addresses current problems, such as chronic pain)
A pt who was initially admitted for depression now announces that she feels great, races energetically around the unit, describes her cure for cancer, and rapidly changes topics of conversation. These presenting features and the pts past hx of depression should lead the nurse to suspect that the pt has which condition?
Bipolar disorder

(signs indicate manic stage)
The nurse is making a home visit to assess the needs of an older adult with Alzheimer's disease. What nursing dx should be the priority for this pt, based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
Rish for injury related to impaired judgement.

(falls in the biological category in Maslow's)
Which is the primary goal for a pt in a preliminary stage of recovery from substance abuse?
To acknowledge that the pt has a problem.
What is the goal of family therapy as a component of tx for a pt who has schizophrenia?
Reduce family's stress level.
A pt who has anorexia nervosa is likely to experience difficulty with which developmental achievement?
Establishing individual autonomy
(difficulty with self image and trusting themselves)
Which is an appropriate expected outcome for a 5 yo child who is autistic and has a nursing dx of social isolation? The child will..
Make attempts to offer toys to peers.
An individual who has been discharged to a group home following a prolonged stay in a psychiatric institution is most likely to experience difficulty with which activity?
Initiating a change in the daily schedule.
What nursing dx takes priority for a pt with major depression who is being admitted to an inpt tx center?
Risk for self-directed violence related to anger.
Which behavior is characteristic of all types of personality disorders?
Inflexible response to stress.
A pt is receiving a tricyclic antidepressant medication. The nurse should observe this pt for which side effect?
Orthostatic hypotension

(the result of alpha-adrenergic blockade of tricyclic antidepressants.)
Why is it essetial for the nurse to be aware of the thoughts of a pt who has delusions of being an important political leader?
To identify factors that may influence the pts behavior.

(identify the political leaders characteristics, actions, and circumstances)
Which outcome best reflects resolution of a common symptom of post-traumatic stress syndrome? The pt..
Sleeps through the night.

(inability to sleep thru the night or with nightmares are symptoms of PTSD)
Which is the most important nursing intervention during the nurse's initial interaction with a pt who is experiencing auditory hallucinations?
Determine what the voices are saying to the pt.

(so that the appropriate precautions can be provided if the voices direct pt to be violent or self destructive)
Which behavior by a child who is emotionally disturbed is most indicative of a severe problem?
Unresponsiveness to the environment.

(Indicates a severe problem and requires intervention)
Nurses often use reminiscence therapy to help older adults achieve which of Erikson's psychosocial developmental goals?

(The crisis of integrity versus despair occurs in older adults. Reminising therapy helps older adults successfully achieve integrity.)
The nurse suggests that a pt use all five senses to mentally create a relaxing environment to help the pt manage the physiological symptoms of stress. Which term describes the nursing measure used in this situation?
Guided imagery

(A process in which a person is left to envision images that are calming and health enhancing)
Which action would the nurse take in response to a pt whose manic behavior becomes calmer and more controlled?
Have the pt participate in small, quiet groups.
The nurse in the crisis center is talking on the phone with a pt who has suicidal thoughts. Which pt statement is the most effective no-suicide contract?
"I will call you when I have thoughts of killing myself."
A person with borderline personality disorder would most likely engage in self-destructive behavior if faced with which stressor?
Abandonment by spouse.

(precipitated by rejection)
Which nursing dx takes priority for a pt who has bipolar disorder?
Risk for injury to self
Which is an appropriate outcome for an eight-year-old child with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who has a low tolerance for frustration? The child will...
Increase verbal expression of feelings to others.
A newly admitted pt tells the nurse, "I don't feel comfortable here. NO one seems to like me." Which response by the nurse is an ex of the technique of reflecting?
"You seem to have some concerns about being accepted here."

(Nurse conveys and observation of the pt to help pt better understand personal thoughts and feelings.)
When adminitering an injection to a pt with inpaired liver function, the nurse should take special precautions to prevent which problem?

(Many pts with liver disease have clotting defects and are at risk for bleeding.)
A baseline assessment of a pt receiving pancrelipase(Pancrease) for tx of chronic pancreatitis should include which nursing measure?
Assess for pain with food.

(Pancrease is a replacement for pancreatic enzymes that helps to digest and absorb fat, protein, and carbs. The nurse would need to monitor whether the pt was having pain with meals to determine the effectiveness of the meds.)
Which medication prescribed for the pt with diabetes mellitus (type 2) acts by delaying absorption of glucose in the intestinal tract?
Acarbose (Precose)

(Precose acts by delaying absorption of glucose in the intestinal tract)
The nurse would be alert for which assessment finding during the first 24 hrs following an open cholecystectomy?
Urinary output 60 mL in 4 hrs

(may indicate a complication. A urinary output of 30 mL/hr or greater is the acceptable outcome postoperatively)
A pt experiencing symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy is given lactulose (Cephulac) to reduce which blood component?

(Lactulose acts to promote exretion of ammonia in the stool)
Which response by a nursing asst indicates an understanding of the dietary needs of a pt who is recovering from pancreatitis?
"Decaffeinated coffee is your best choice."

(Caffeine should be avoided because it increases pancreatic and gastric secretions.)
Which nursing dx is appropriate for a pt with diabetes mellitus who is unable to control elevated glucose?
Altered health maintenance
A pt with diabetes mellitus is planning to begin an exercise program. Which statement by the pt indicates the need for further teaching?
"If my blood sugar is over 250 mg/dL, excercise will lower it."

(This is a false statement)
A referral for home care is indicated for a 60 yo pt recovering from acute pancreatitis. Which nursing intervention is essential for the home care agency to continue? The nurse should..
Reinforce the importance of the pts fluid and nutrition intake.

(Pt should adhere to a high- carb, low-protein, and low-fat, elimiate alcohol, and avoid excessive use of spicy foods and caffeine.)
By what mechanism does propranolol hydrochloride (Inderal) prevent hemorrhage from esophogeal varices?
Decrease in portal hypertension.

(Inderal is a beta-blocking agent that acts to decrease portal pressure and has been shown to decrease esophogeal varices.)
A pt displaying the clinical manifestations of cholecystitis should be questioned about the recent ingestion of which drug?
Erythromycin estolate (Ilosone)

(Common side effects are nausea or vomiting, abd pain, diarrhea.
A nurse is planning home care for a pt who has diabetes mellitus and is visually impaired. Which nursing action is a priority? The nurse...
Assesses the pts ability to perform a reliable capillary puncture at regular intervals to monitor blood sugar.
Which pt is at risk for developing cholelithiasis?
A pt with diabetes mellitus.
Which statement by a pt with ascites indicates that compliance with the prescribed dietary regimen may be difficult?
"I drink water all day and I'm still thirsty."

(Pt with ascites has significant issues with sodium and water retention. )
Which observation indicates a need for health teaching for a pt with chronic pancreatitis? The pt...
Weighs himself once a week.

(Pt should monitor weight DAILY)
A pt with pancreatic dysfunction is likely to exhibit which clinical manifestation?
A pt iwth diabetes mellitus (type 1) is experiencing poor glycemic control. Other than poor dietary management, what is the most likely contibutor to this problem?

(a localized reaction at the site of insulin injections. If insulin is injected into scarred areas, absorption may be delayed.)
How can the nurse help the pt with abd ascities accept the change in body image? The nurse should...
Assist the pt to maximize her/his personal appearance.
Which assessment of a stool characteristic indicates a problem following a choledochostomy?
Clay colored

(any change in color could indicate complications)
Which pt statement indicates an understanding of the initial recommended tx for signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia?
"I will eat several hard candies."

(pt needs 15g of fast acting source of carbs and can meet this need by eating 6-10 pieces of hard candy)
What causes pruritis in the pt with biliary cirrhosis of the liver?
Retention of salts.

(biliary cirrhosis is the result of chronic biliary obstruction and infection)
Which assesment finding in a pt with diabetes mellitus (type 1) is a clinical manifestation of diabetic neuropathy? The pt ...
Walks with an unsteady gait.

(unsteady gait assoc with decreased sensation to light touch)
At which time of the day should a pt with diabetes mellitus (type 2) be instructed by the nurse to take acarbose (Precose)?
With the first bite of each main meal.

(Acarbose affects food absorption, so it must be taken immediately before a meal.)
The nurse administers glucagon to a pt with diabetes mellitus experiencing a loss of consciousness. What is the typical therpeutic effect of this med?
Transitory hyperglycemia

(glucagon is used to treat severe hypoglycemia. It accelerates the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver, causing transitory hypergylcemia)
Which information should the nurse include when instructing a pt who is scheduled for liver biopsy?
Prior to the biopsy you will need blood work done to check for clotting.

(Prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, and platelet counts)
A pt has a decreased erythropoietin production secondary to end stage renal disease (ESRD). Which nursing dx would be most appropriate for this pt?
Activity intolerance related to fatigue.

(ESRD causes waste products to build in the blood at toxic levels. Fatigue is prominent body response to this toxicity, resulting directly from Erythropoietin production (anemia)).
A pt with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) has a nursing dx of altered nutrition; less than body requirements. Which pt outcome would be appropriate?
Consumes a high-calorie, high-protein diet

(pt with Graves has a high metabolic rate and increased peristalsis).
A pt with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) is receiving Lugol's solution prior to a thyroidectomy. What is the desired therapeutic effect of this med?
To reduce the vascularity of the thyroid gland.

(Iodine prep such as Lugol's solution are administered to reduce blood loss by reducing vascularity and size of the thyroid gland.)
Which nursing assessment is a priority for a pt with phechromocytoma?
Vital sigs

(Pheochromocytoma is characterized by headache, diaphoresis, and palpitations. Also, could have high BP and other cardiovasc probs.)
The nurse is preparing a room for a pt who is undergoing a partial thyroidectomy. Which equipment should be available in this pt's room?
Tracheostomy tray, suction apparatus, and IV calcium gluconate.

(Pt is at risk for breathing emergency because of swelling of throat, hematoma, or nerve injury).
Why is it important to gradually introduce thyroid supplmentation to an older adult pt who has hypothyroidism?
Cardiovascular changes put older adult pts at risk for angina and myocardial infarction and neuro side effects)
A pt is receiving hemodialysis at an outpt dialysis center. Which problem assoc with this procedure must the nurse be prepared to quickly identify and to intervene if it develops?
Leg cramps

(Muscle cramping occurs because of rapid fluids and electrolytes loss from the extracellular space.)
A pt expresses concern about developing a moon face while on corticosteroid therapy. Which would be the best response by the nurse?
"Most changes in appearance are temp and will disappear when therapy is no longer necessary."
What is the expected effect of administering epoetin alfa (Epogen) to a pt with chronic renal failure? An increase in ..
Red blood cells

(Epogen increases hematocrit, which is a measure of circulating RBCs).
A pt has developed acute renal failure as a result of prolonged dehydration. Lab analysis reveals a potassium level of 6.4 mEq/L. Which med would be an appropriate tx modality?
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate)

(A cation-exchange resin used in gen cases of hyperkalemia. Can be used for acute renal failure).
Which vital sign is monitored closely in a pt who is receiving epoetin alfa (Epogen) for tx of anemia associated with chronic renal failure?
Blood pressure

(Epogen may cause hypertension, especially early in tx).
Oversecretion of growth hormone during childhood normally results in which condition?
Which action is most appropriate for a nurse when discussing physical and psychological changes with a pt who has undergone a kidney transplant after years of dialysis?
Encourage pt to contact the National Assoc of Kidney Pts.
A pt with renal failure is given aluminum hydroxide gel (Amphojel) after meals and at bedtime. The nurse would anticipate which effect from this therapy? Management of...
Which strategy should the nurse consider when teaching an older adult pt who is newly diagnosed with diabetes about self monitoring of blood glucose?
Include a significant other in the teaching.
Which is an appropriate nursing action when caring for a pt who has undergone a bilateral adrenalectomy and is receiving glucocorticoid replacement?
Monitor serum glucose
Which alteration in the integument is a clinical manifestation of chronic renal failure?

(dry, flaky skin is common in chronic renal failure)
Which statment by the pt with polycystic kidney disease indicates a need for further teaching?
"if I follow this agressive tx plan, I might be cured of the disease."

(Polycystic kidney disease is chronic with no specific tx).
A nursing asst reports that a pt with renal failure has gained 5 lbs since yesterday. Which is the most appropriate action by the nurse?
Assess the pt's breath sounds.

(a build up of fluids could lead to heart failure or pulm edema.)
Which factor contributes to the development of diabetes mellitus in a pt with Cushing's syndrome?
Excessive cortisol causes increased gluconeogenesis.
Which manifestation would the nurse be most likely to detect in the mental status of the pt with Cushing's syndrome?
Emotional lability
Which clinical manifestation should the nurse expect in a pt with hyperthyroidism?
Weight loss

(in spite of increase in appetite and intake).
Which statement made by the pt describes a clinical manifestation of Addison's disease?
"I have been lightheaded."

(Hypotension and light headedness is common).
Which lab finding supports the nursging diagnosis of fluid volume deficit in a pt with diabetes insipidus?
Increased serum sodium

(pt is not excreting sodium)
Which statement best indicates that levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid) therapy for a pt with hypothyroidism has been effective?
"I felt warm, so I opened the window."

(A pt with hypothyroidism usually feels cold. This statement indicates an improvement attributed to Synthroid.)