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18 Cards in this Set

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What is the urine specific gravity in Diabetes Insipidus
1.001 - 1.005
What is Bulimia
Binge eating
What should you have in a patient's room for 48hrs after thyroidectomy, and why?
trachestomy set, because
What is the plan of care in corticosteroid therapy?
Prevent infection
What does the nurse need to ask the patient prior to an IVP?
Do you have any allergies
What abnormal adipose tissue distribution is found in Cushing's syndrome?
Buffalo hump
What medication serves as replacement therapy in hypothyroidism?
A hormonal change of adolescence from androgentic stimulation of sebum production is a predisposing factor of what?
Acne Vulgaris
Why should Synthroid not be taken with food?
Food interfers with absorption
The use of Tofranil with concomitant may cause what?
GI complications
A patient on Synthroid therapy should report what side effect?
What are the S/S of HYPERKALEMIA?
muscle weakness, hypotension, shallow respirations, apathy, and anorexa
muscle weakness, flaccid paralysis, bradycardia, oliguria, muscle cramps
A patient who has good control of diabetes may show what?
a 2hr post-parndial blood sugar result of 139 mg/dl
A patient with hypothyroidism has what type of intolerance?
Cold intorlance, give a blanket
How should a DM (diabetic mellitus)patient take care of their feet?
Bathe feet daily in warm water and dry feet carefully, especially between the toes
A 21 y/o getting married in 3 weeks stated, "I'm not sure if I want to go through with it." This is an example of what Ericson theory?
Intimacy vs Isolation
What psychosocial stage of development in alcoholism is?