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48 Cards in this Set

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which is most appropriate cycloplegic in 29 yr old for refractive surgery eval?
cyclopentolate 2%
routing pupil dilation can be best achieved w/ whcih drugs
tropicamide 1% and phenylephrine 2.5
whihc is most appropriate cycloplegic in 2 yr old w/ accommodative eso tropia
atropine 1%
what is false regarding tropicamide
2% concentration
which is useful in diagnosis of adie's tonic
pilocarpine 0.1%
which would be best for a pt 1st seen w/ draatic lid swelling and chemotic conjunctivitis from allergies
olopatatine 2x a day and fexofenadine 180 mg
accidental exposure to dilators in a nurse is suspected as she is seen w/ unilateral dilated pupil. you can rule out serious intracranial pathology by instillig pilo and finding which
pupil dilation remains the same
which agent is used primarily in the tx of moderate ant uveitis
homatropine 5%
which is used systemically in tx of motion sickness
cetriaxone sodium is useful in management of which
which dose of azithromycin is appropriate for tx of ocular chlamyida
100 mg PO one time
a 73 yr old pt has acute dacryocystitis. she is febrile to 100 F. fce is sore to the touch and she has pronounced epiphora and allergic to cefalexin. what tx regimen is best
whcih agent would be most effective in treating mild atropic dermatitis of the eyelid skin
hydrocortisone, 1% cream
a darker pigmented pt w/ chalazion should not be treated w/ intralesional steroid injection b/c
increased risk of depigmentation
which is the best choice for managing severe uveitis associated w/ anklyosing spondylitis
prednisone acetate
which is not a useful full strenght topical steroid drug
fluoromethalone .1%
which is not a systemic effects of cortcosteroids
weight loss
whcih steroid drug is used for injection of chalazia
hydrocodone is not available in combo w/ acetaminphen
1 mg
which agent is most appropriate in managing mild ocular surface pain associated w/ recurrent corneal erosion
whcih immunomodulating med is approved for tx of sever k. sicca
mech of action of anesthetics are does not affect
enzyme carbonic anhydrase by inhibition
which are not synthetic, aromatic or heterocyclic compounds
which is the local ocular anesthetic of choice
which is not a ester derviative local anesthetic
whcih has the least diminution of fluoroscence and therefore is available in combo w/ NaFl
to minimize systemic effects of topically adminstered drugs, one can
use nasolacrimal occulsion and eyelid closure
a pledget delivery system is
small piece of cotton saturated w/ drug and place in conj sac
viscous additives to ophthalmic products serve
slow drainage and increase residence time and adsorption of product
which is not an advantage of ointment vehicle
better clarity of vision
which is used to treat choroidal neo in ARMD
which is clinically more useful in staining dead and devitalized tissue than rose bengal
lissmaine green
ophthalmic use of fluoroscein is not for
staining dead and devitalized tissue
whihc agent is drug of choice in management of dentritiform HSK
which tx is approved for chicken pox
whcih is not useful for tx of phthiris pubis infestation
which is a major site of absorption for ocualre drugs
whihc vitamin is not helpful as a free radical scavenger
which topical beta blocking agent is associated w/ granulomatout iridocyclitic on occasion
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors given orally may cause not cause
fluid retention
a pt w/ acute ACG and IOP of 69 is allergic to sulfonamides and ragweed. pt is a controled insulin dependent diabetic w/ incipient lenses, which oral hyperosmotic agent for this pt
which glc drug is known to cause change in iris color
when faced w/ pt who is non responsive to beta blocker tx trial, one should consider
stop b blocker and start prostaglandin
a 63 yr old pt w/ cardiac arrhythmia is treated w/ amidodarone and might be eexpected to have
whorl keratopathy
which is an advantage of using timolol .5% XE in place of timolo .5%
once daily dosing is better than BID
which topical beta blocker is best for pt w/ lipid problems
which is most true of beta blockers
0.25% once daily is as effective as most in .5% BID w/ fewer side effects
which is not a CI of beta blockers
systemic steroid use concomitantly