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93 Cards in this Set

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The single most useful agent in resuscitation is -
The principle danger associated with the use of nitrous oxide anesthesia in concentrations excedding 80% is
Antiarrythmic drugs,such as quinidine,supress certain cardiac arrythmias by
Increasing the refractory period of cardiac muscle.
Procaine differs from lidocaine in that
Procaine is p-aminobenzoic acid ester and lidocaine is not.
A paralyzing dose of succinylcholine will initially elicit
Muscle fasiculation
The agent of choice in the immediate management of anaphylatic crisis is
When the combined action of two drugs is greatre than the sum of thier individula actions is
Alpha or Beta adrenergic blocing drugs act by
Competetive inhibition of post junctional adrenergic receptors.
When an attempt is made to distingush between habituation and addiction,the greatest importance is usually given to the presence or absence of
physical dependence on the drug
For treating most oral infections,penicillin V is preferred to penicillin G because penicillin V
is less sensitive to acid degradation.
The use of epinephrine for local hemostasis during surgery might result in
cardiac arrythia
Dimercaprol( BAL) is an effective antidote for mercury poisoning because it
Forms a stable complex with mercury and allows it to be excreted as an inactive compound
Oral contraceptives prevent conception prmarily by
Preventing ovulation
The mechanism of action of Reserpine is to
Prevent re up-take of norepinephrine by storage granules in the nerve terminal.
The activity of procaine is terminted by
Metabolism in the liver and by pseudocholinesterase in the plasma.
Administration of ganglionic blocking agents will result in
Orthostatic hypotension
A patient recieving propranolol has an acute asthmatic attck wjile undergoing dental treatment.The most useful agent for management of the condition is
Gastrointestinal upset and pseudomembranous colitis has been prominently associated with
According to the theory that agonists and antagonists occupy the same receptor site,an effective antagonist should exhibit
No intrinsic aactivity and high affinity
The action of ultra short acting barbiturates is terminated primarily by the process of
The phenomenon in which two drugs produce opposite effects on a physiologic system but do not act at the same receptor site is
physiologic antagonism
The most serious and life threatining blood dyscrasia associated with drug toxicity is
Aplastic anemia
When digitalis is used in atrial fibrillation,the theraupatic objective is to
Decrease the rate of A-V conduction
The US federal regulatory agency that has the responsibility for determing which drugs are to be sold by prescreption only is the
Food and Drug administration
Inhaled ammonia actas against syncope by
irritating the sensory endings of the trigeminal nerve.
Cimetidine is used therapeutically to
decrease gastric acid secretion
Anti-inflammatory agents,such as aspirin,interfere with hemostasis by
inhibiting the platelet aggregation
Pencillins effectiveness against rapidly growing cells is primarily due to its effect on
cell wall synthesis.
Sulfonamides and trimethoprim are synergestic bacteriostatic agents because in bacteria they
Interfere seqentially with folinic acid production.
The mechanism of action of prazosin,an anti hypertensive agent is to
Inhibit the postsynaptic action of nor epinephrine on vascular smooth muscle.
The more rapid onset of action of local anesthetics in small nerves is due to
The greater surface-volume ratio of small nerves.
The antipsychotic effects of the phenothiazines are probably the result of
blockade of dopaminergic sites in the brain.
Lithium carbonate is particularly effective in treating the
Manic depressive psychosis.
Small doses of barbiturates and morhine depress respiraton primarily by
rendering the respiratory center less sensitive to changes in co2
of the follwoing one of the most effective treatments currently available in the us for most patients suffering from parkinsonism involves oral administration of
Levodopa plus carbidopa
Currently,the drug of choice for status epilepticus is
A nonsteroidal ,anti inflammatory agent that appears to produce fewer gastro intestinal disturbances than high doses of aspirin is
Compared with the parent compund,bio transformation usually results in drugs that are
More ionized
The contraindication to prescribing phenobarbital to apatient on anticoagulant therapy i sbased on the baility of pheno barbital to cause
Enzyme induction
On oral administrtaion,the blood level of a drug may be influenced by
- body weight
- presenc of food in the stomach
- quantity of the drug asminsitered
-Formulation of the drug.
When comparing drugs with respect to intensity of response,the drug that produces the greatest maximum effect is the one with the highest
Heaptic"first pass" metabolism of drugs is most significant after administration
The theraupatic effect of the salicylates is explained on the basis of the ability of the drug to
inhibit the synthesis of the prostagalandins
The use of a combination of an antipscychotic agent and a schedule II narcotic in pain control is referres to as
neuroleptic analgesia
Which of the efollowing endocrine disorders may predispose a patient to exaggerated responses to epinephrine in local anesthetic solutions.
The cardiac glycosides will reduce the concentration of which ion in active heart muscle
which of the following acts by antagonizingcholinesterase
Abuse of which of the following drugs is likely to produce the greatest damage due to nutrtional deficiencies.
Which of the follwoing drugs act by inhibiting renal absorption of sodium?
Organo phosphate insecticides and nerve gases inhibit the action of which of the following enzymes
Acetyl cholinesterase
Which of the following properties are common to all drugs of abuse?
They have the ability to change ones mood and sensory perceptions
Which of the follwoing drugs is most likely to dry secretion in the oral cavity?
Which of the following antibiotice should be considered the drug of choice for treatment of infection caused by pencillinase-producing staphylococcus
which of the following antibiotics may be cross allergenic with penicillin?
which of the following is true regarding the mechanis of action of local anesthetics?
Prevent the generation of nerve action potential
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the efefctiveness of action of methyldopa?
It produces a false transmitter,the effect of which is primarily at central nuclei
Which of the following effects of nitro glyecerin are antagonized by propranolol?
Increase in heart rate
Which of the following drugs is best to adminsiter after poisoning by an organo phosphate cholinesterase inhibitor?
The streptomycin is
Which of teh follwoing has the greatest sodium retaining effect in comparison with cortisone?
Morphine and its surrogates produce thier majoe effects by activating the receptors for which of the following mediators?
Which of the follwoing antibiotics is the substitute of choice for penicillin in the penicilln sensitive patient?
Which of the follwoing prescreptions can not be repeated with out a written authority?
Codeine phosphate,30mg.
Which of the following drugs is not used as analgesic?
Which of the following is not a property of diphenhydramine?
Blocks the depressor effect of Isoproterenol
Which of the following properties are common to all drugs of abuse?
They have the ability to change ones mood and sensory perceptions
Which of the follwoing drugs is most likely to dry secretion in the oral cavity?
Which of the following antibiotice should be considered the drug of choice for treatment of infection caused by pencillinase-producing staphylococcus
which of the following antibiotics may be cross allergenic with penicillin?
which of the following is true regarding the mechanis of action of local anesthetics?
Prevent the generation of nerve action potential
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the efefctiveness of action of methyldopa?
It produces a false transmitter,the effect of which is primarily at central nuclei
Which of the following effects of nitro glyecerin are antagonized by propranolol?
Increase in heart rate
Which of the following drugs is best to adminsiter after poisoning by an organo phosphate cholinesterase inhibitor?
The streptomycin is
Which of teh follwoing has the greatest sodium retaining effect in comparison with cortisone?
Morphine and its surrogates produce thier majoe effects by activating the receptors for which of the following mediators?
Which of the follwoing antibiotics is the substitute of choice for penicillin in the penicilln sensitive patient?
Which of the follwoing prescreptions can not be repeated with out a written authority?
Codeine phosphate,30mg.
Which of the following drugs is not used as analgesic?
Which of the following is not a property of diphenhydramine?
Blocks the depressor effect of Isoproterenol
Which of thefollwoing is not true regarding coumarin anticoagulants?
Differ in thier mechanism of action
The following are true regarding the Coumarin anticoagulants?
-Administerd orally
-slow onset of action
-anti metabolites of vitamin K
-highly bound to plasma protiens.
Which of the following is not true regarding acetaminophen?
It has anti inflammatory properties
The following are true regarding acetaminophen
-It has anti pyretic properties
-It may induce methemoglobinemia
-It can be combined with Codeine
-It is not cross allergenic with aspirin.
The following statement is not true about pentazocine?
It is effective only on parenteral administration
The following is true about Pentazocine
-It is equanalgesic with codeine
-It is partial opiod antagonist
-Its abuse poetentisl is less than that of heroin
-It may induce dysphoria and mental abberations
The followings statement is not true about barbiturates
possess significant analgesic properties
The following are true about barbiturates
-Possess serious drug dependence potential
-vary in degree in lipid solubility and hypnotic potency
-possess anti convulsant properties
-Supress REM sleep
Epinephrine,when administered intra venously in high dose,would not be expected to
cause bronchiolar constriction
A local nasthetic injected in to an inflammed area will not give maximum effects because
The ph of inflammed tissue inhibits the release of the free base.
each of the following drugs can be used in the prevention or treatemnt of angina pectoris
-Nitro glycerin
-Iso sorbide dinitrate
-Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
The following drugs are useful in the treatment of hypertension
- Methyldopa
-Thiazide diuretics
ALl of the following are metabolized by ester linkage which include