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50 Cards in this Set

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The artery supplying the majority of the tongue is?
Deep Lingual Artery
Each the the following muscles of facial expression is supplied by the buccal branches of the facial nerve Except one.
a) Levatory labii superioris
b) Levator anguli oris
c) Buccinator
d) Zygomaticus major
e) Orbicularis oculi
Orbicularis oculi
The dentist tries to determine what is causing the twitching of the eye. Each of the following transmits through the superior orbital fissure Except one.
a) Oculomotor nerve
b) Optic nerve
c) Ophthalmic division of Trigeminal nerve
d) Abducens nerve
e) Superior ophthalmic vein
Optic nerve
The patient's lymphocytes acquire the ability to determine self from foreign in the?
The denstist recalls that the patient has developed hoarseness in the voice since her last visit. Which muscle is responsible for this clinical manifestation?
Posterior Crycoarytenoid
The axillary artery becomes the brachial artery at the?
Inferior border of the teres major muscle
Which of the following layers of the epidermis is the location where cells can undergo mitosis?
a) Stratum basale, spinosum, and granulosm
b) Stratum corneum only
c) Stratum basale and spinosum
d) Stratum basale only
e) Stratum granulosum and corneum
Stratum basale and spinosum
The primary source of the periodontal ligament is the?
Dental sac
An individual is diagnosed with medial strabismus. A lesion in which nerve will produce this clinical manifestation?
A painter falls off a ladder and fractures the hypoglossal canal. Which of the following muscles would still be functional even if the hypoglossal canal is fractured?
a) Styloglossus
b) Inferior longitudinal
c) Hyoglossus
d) Genioglossus
e) Palatoglossus
Which of the following is Not found in the sublingual space?
a) Sublingual gland
b) Hypoglossal nerve
c) Lingual nerve
d) Submandibular gland
e) Mylohyoid muscle
Mylohyoid muscle
The internal thoracic artery terminates at the superior epigastric artery and?
Musculophrenic artery
Which of the following structures passes posterior to the anterior scalene muscle?
a) Suprascapular artery
b) Brachial plexus
c) Transverse cervical artery
d) Subclavian
e) Phrenic nerve
Brachial Plexus
What type of joint is found between vertebrae?
Following a fracture of the humerus, what type of bone will be seen in the healing area?
Woven bone
The entrance to the nasal cavity from the pterygopalatine fossa in the skull is the?
Sphenopalatine foramen
Which muscle is predominantly responsible for the retraction of the mandible?
The internal thoracic artery arises from the?
First part of the Subclavian Artery
Which of the following is Not characteristic of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint?
a) The medial pterygoid muscle attaches to the articular disc medially
b) The retrodiscal lamina attaches to the articular disc posteriorly
c) The joint capsule attaches to the articular disc mediolaterally at the poles
d) The lateral pterygoid muscle attaches to the articular disc anteriorly
e) The articular disc is composed of fibrous tissue
The medial pterygoid muscle attaches to the articular disc manually
Which of the following structures is found in the frontal cortex of the brain?
a) Primary sensory cortex
b) Wenicke's area
c) Broca's area
d) Head of caudate nucleus
e) Secondary sensory cortex
Broca's Area
Which of the following is a cutaneous nerve from the cervical plexus?
a) Transverse cervical
b) Lesser Auricular
c) Greater Occipital
d) Subclavicular
e) Suprascapular
Transverse Cervical
Which of the following venous dural systems drain into the internal jugular veins at the jugular foramen?
a) Transverse Sinus
b) Sigmoid Sinus
c) Straight Sinus
d) Cavernous Sinus
e) Superior sagittal sinus
Sigmoid Sinus
The deltoid muscle is innervated by the?
Axillary nerve
Which of the following structures is Not lined by transitional epithelium?
a) Urethra
b) Renal pelvis
c) Loop of Henle
d) Urinary bladder
e) Ureter
Loop of Henle
Which of the following cranial nerves carry parasympathetic preganglionic fibers?
a) V, VII, IX, X
b) III, V, VII, IX
c) V, VII, IX, XII
e) III, VII, IX, X
A bifid tongue is caused by the lack of fusion of what structures?
Lateral Swellings
The vertebral artery transmits through the?
Posterior Cranial Fossa
Sensation of taste from the anterior and posterior parts of the tongue are separated by an embryologically-formed inverted V-shaped border called the?
Sulcus Terminalis
What term describes the joint created by a tooth in a socket?
The vesicle that the hypothalamus develops from is the?
Which of the following paranasal sinuses does NOT open into the middle meatus?
a) Middle ethmoidal
b) Maxillary
c) Frontal
d) Anterior ethmoidal
e) Sphenoid
Sphenoid Sinus
Each of the following arteries is a branch of the pterygopalatine part of the maxillary artery Except one.
a) Middle meningeal
b) Pharyngeal
c) Infraorbital
d) Posterior superior alveolar
e) Descending palatine
Middle Meningeal
A biopsy of the esophagus reveals striated and smooth muscle. Which portion of the esophagus was the biopsy taken from?
Middle 1/3 of Esophagus Only
What term denotes the demarcation between the attached gingiva and the alveolar mucosa?
Mucogingival junction
Smooth muscle cells are found in muscular arteries in the layer of the?
a) Tunica lamina
b) Tunica adventitia
c) Tunica propria
d) Tunica media
e) Tunica intima
Tunica media
The layer that participates in the function of secretion and absorption and also dunctions as an epithelial barrier by separating the lumen of the tract from the body of the organism is the?
Wernicke's area is located in which lobe?
Temporal lobe
The esophagus is characteristic of each of the following Except one?
a) Receives SVA fibers from the superior laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve
b) Receives motor fibers from the recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve
c) Found in the posterior mediastinum
d) Receives sympathetic innervation from the esophageal plexus of nerves
e) Receives blood from the inferior thyroid artery
Receives SVA from the superior laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve
In contrast to the right lung, the left lung has?
One fewer lobe and is smaller
A calcified body located in the dental pulp is called?
Which of the following is NOT a component of the adenohypophysis?
a) Pars nervosa
b) Pars tuberalis
c) Pars distalis
d) Pars intermedia
Pars nervosa
The primary purpose of brown fat is heat production. Each of the following are characteristic of adipocytes found in brown adipose tissue encloses a single large lipid droplet
b) Brown adipose tissue has a basal lamina
c) Brown adipose tissue has receptors for insulin
d) Brown adipose tissue has a thin rim of cytoplasm
e) Brown adipose tissue does not have a flattened nucleus
Brown adipose tissue encloses a single large lipid droplet
Which of the following structures is NOT found in the infratemporal fossa?
a) Lingual nerve
b) Masseter muscle
c) Maxillary artery
d) Inferior alveolar artery
e) Lateral pterygoid muscle
Masseter Muscle
Which organelles glycosylate proteins and also contains a mannose-6-phosphate receptor?
Golgi Bodies
The major fibrillar component of mature dentin is?
Type I collagen
Which extraocular muscle is not functioning appropriately when the patient is asked to look downward and to the left?(the right eye looks left but not down {picture})
Right superior oblique
Which of the following is Not a structure of the sphenoid bone?
a) Sella turcica
b) Posterior clinoid process
c) Medial pterygoid plate
d) Cribriform plate
e) Spinal angularis
Cribriform plate
Which of the following types of epithelium composes the buccal mucosa?
a) Simple columnar cells
b) Stratified squamous orthokeratinized cells
c) Stratified squamous non-keratinized cells
d) Pseudostratified columnar cells
e) Stratified squamous parakeratinized cells
Stratified squamous non-keratinized cells
A developmental defect which accounts for a unilateral cleft lip is a result of failure of fusion of the?
Right maxillary prominence with right medial nasal prominence
Which of the following will NOT be affected if there is a compression of the enclosed nerves in the foramen ovale?
a) Temporalis
b) Buccinator
c) Tensor tympani
d) Anterior belly of digastric
e) Mylohyoid