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34 Cards in this Set

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State the purpose of the Navy training system.
To ensure a systematic approach to determine the what and how best to train.
Define the most essential, single link in the training chain.
The Instructor!
He must simplify learning process and transform students into proficient and productive technicians.
State and Discuss the 3 qualities of efficient and effective instructor.
Knowledge: Be the SME. conduct training to Navy not the individual.
Ability: Know principles, methods, and techniques of instruction and how to apply them.

Personality: Gain respect, show intrest and be genuine.
Discuss the Instructors responsibilities in terms of:
Students: Take care of them and resolve conflicts that may arise.
Safety: Do by the mook and always be safe. Never cut corners
Security: Keep classified documents secure at all times.
Curriculum: Know how to update and maintain curriculum.Continous surrvailennce is crucial.
List and Discuss the Four Principles of John Kellers model of motivational theory.
Attention: Gain and Keep attention to ensure learning.
Relevance: Show relevance to motivate. Students learn more when they see whats in it for them.
Confidence: Build by setting challenging but achievable goals. Show relationship of Effort and Success
Satisfaction: Can be inner by completion of task or by recognition by peers and sups.
Key principles of Applying motivation theory in a training situation.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 3 page 23 & 24
Needs and Drives: A need or drive is usually defined as a lack of something desirable or useful that causes a desire for satisfaction. Example, the need to belong can motivate a student to seek group acceptance. That need, or drive, can cause the student to behave in a manner which eventually reduces the need and results in satisfaction.
Attitudes: Attitudes consist of feelings for or against people, objects, or ideas. Show students a positive attitude when presenting a lesson. The students seeing a positive reinforcement from the instructor will cause a desire to learn the material.
Achievements: Achievement is a strong desire, an aim, a goal or a desired objective. To make an effort to succeed interesting students must have a need to achieve at a certain level.
Values: The students values, attitudes, and previous experience affect the nature and the amount that the student learns. The instructor must use a motivation technique which fits the student’s value system.
Interests: Refers to a person’s view of an activity as worthwhile or enjoyable for its own sake. As an instructor, learn to control student interest throughout the lesson. If the student loses interest, the learning process breaks down.
Incentives: Incentives (rewards) stimulate student motivation. Good grades, awards, choice of orders out of school, or selection as an honor student can motivate students to achieve.
State the ultimate goal of instruction
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 3 page 27
The ultimate goal of instruction is to cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor’s
influence and apply what they have learned on the job and in other areas of their lives
State and discuss the six laws of learning.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 4 page 30
LAW OF READINESS : The Law of Readiness states that people can only learn when they are physically and mentally read.
LAW OF EXERCISE : The Law of Exercise stresses that practice makes permanent and perfect (when taught correctly).
LAW OF EFFECT: The Law of Effect involves the emotional reaction of the learner. Learning will always be much more effective when a feeling of satisfaction, pleasantness, or reward accompanies or is a result of the learning process.
LAW OF PRIMACY: This law states that the first instructional event often creates a strong, almost unshakeable, impression on the learner.
LAW OF INTENSITY: The Law of Intensity states that if the stimulus (experience) is real, a change in behavior (learning) is far more likely to occur.
LAW OF RECENCY: All things being equal, the things learned last will be best remembered.
State and discuss five ways of learning.
Imitation: Students observe the behavior of others (primarily the instructor) and imitate that
behavior. Even without direct reinforcement of the repeated behavior, learning still occurs.
Trial and error: Also called discovery learning, trial and error is learning by doing. Hands-On
experience is how some students learn and are able to achieve success sooner. The instructor
is instrumental in setting the proper example for the student, resulting in fewer errors.
Association: A comparison of past learning to new learning situations, association is a mental
process which serves as a reference point for students. New problems are easier to
comprehend and solve when there is a similar element which can be remembered from past
Insight: Insight is the understanding that the whole is more than just the sum of the parts. To
learn by insight, the learner grasps the way the elements of a problem situation are connected.
It is unplanned discovery of a solution to a problem, often called the ―ah-ha‖ phenomenon,
resulting from a mental reorganization of ideas and concepts rather from simple ―trial and error‖.
Transfer: The process of applying past learning to new but somewhat similar situations. This is
an important process in Navy technical training because the training environment can rarely
duplicate the actual job environment. If possible, use of the actual equipment the student will
use in the fleet should be used for training.
Discuss how motivation affects student learning
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 4 page 37
Motivation often has as much or more impact than scholastic ability. Students bring different abilities and experience levels to the training environment. Motivation often determines whether or not a student achieves course objectives.
State and discuss the types of sensory learners
Visual Learner. Sight is considered the most important sense, accounting for as much as 75 percent of our basic learning. Most early learning comes from seeing and imitating. Visual learners prefer and enjoy graphic illustrations, color coding, maps, written materials to define new concepts, wall charts, drawings and designs and sitting up close during briefs.
Auditory Learner. Hearing is the second most important sense, accounting for a large percentage of the remaining sensory learning capacity. Your speech patterns and volume are critical classroom learning factors. For example, auditory learners prefer a verbal presentation of new information, a lecture, a group discussion to hear other points of view, fast-paced verbal exchange of ideas, a good joke or story they can repeat, verbal cues or pneumonic devices to help them remember information, words to accompany a cartoon, and
oral reports from working groups.
Kinesthetic Learner. Knesthesia is actually a blend of all senses with psychomotor and perceptual skills. It manifests itself in people’s ability to balance or move
with coordination. For example, kinesthetic learners like movement, hands-on experience to
learn, gestures while making a point, role-play exercises over discussion groups, shaking hands
when meeting or greeting people, trying new things without a lengthy explanation of the activity,
frequent breaks, regular opportunities to change seating or room arrangement, and they would
rather just do it rather than talk about it.
State and discuss the four basic learning styles.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 4 page 39 & 40
Concrete learners: prefer an experienced based approach to learning. They rely heavily on their own feelings and personal judgments.
Active Learners: prefer to learn by becoming involved with the subject and taking an active step by step approach. They learn best from small group discussions, structured exercises, and problem solving approaches. A trial and error way of learning appeals to them.
Reflective Learners: like to observe and reflect (make comparisons and contrasts) before drawing conclusions. They learn best from lectures, films, and reading. Reflective learners prefer to play the role of the impartial observer while watching others.
Abstract Learners: prefer a theory based, analytical approach to learning. They learn best from lectures by experts, theoretical reading, case studies, and activities that require solitary thinking. Abstract learners like to find the ―theory‖ behind the subject matter and analyze the approach to discover what concepts are involved.
Abstract = 20 %t retained
Abstract and reflective = 50% retained
Abstract, reflective, and concrete = 70%retained
Abstract, reflective, concrete, and active = 90%retained
Discuss the barriers to effective communication
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 4 page 54- 56
Overuse of abstractionisms: Concepts, ideas, or words that are not directly related to the subject being discussed
Fear: One of the greatest barriers to effective communication. The fear of showing ignorance, fear of disapproval, fear of losing status, and fear of judgment are common barriers
Environmental Factors: such as noises and temperature may interfere with the communication process.
Discuss the importance of listening communication skills.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 5 page 56
It is an active process of hearing and understanding, which demands concentration and attention. Both the instructor and the student have responsibilities in the communication process. The instructor must ensure the learning environment is free of distractions, which might interfere with the student’s ability to listen, and he should be alert to their non-verbal behavior. Effective listening depends on motivation and the instructor is the prime motivator. Students must take responsibility for their own learning through active listening, arriving ready to learn, and participating and asking questions.
Describe six factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 5 page 57 – 62
Rate of Speech
Force (of delivery)
State and discuss the importance of body movement as an important part of
successful communication
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 5 page 62
Body movement reinforces, emphasizes, and clarifies verbally expressed ideas
State and discuss the four purposes of oral questioning.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 5 pages 69 & 70
Focuses attention
Arouses interest in subject matter
Drills students on subject matter
Stimulates students to think
State and discuss the characteristics of a good oral question
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 5 page 70 & 71
Clarity of Meaning: Do not use trick phrases. Ensure the question being presented convey the true or intended meaning. Make questions brief, limiting them to one thought, not to confuse the student. State questions clearly and in a conversational tone.
Level of instruction: Use simple words, grammar which is correct, and complete sentences. Use words students can understand.
Use of an interrogative: Be sure to use the interrogatory at the beginning of your question so
that the students know immediately when a question is being asked
Discuss the types and purpose of oral questions.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 5 page 71 – 73 \
Multiple Answer: Has more than one correct answer. Increases student participation.
Yes / No: Can be used to arouse interest
Canvassing: Helps to determine how many students may already be familiar with the subject matter.
Leading: Suggests its own answer
Interest arousing: Used to focus student attention.
Factual Question: Asks for specific information.
Thought provoking: Stimulates student thinking
State the five steps of the five-step questioning technique.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 5 page 74 - 76
Ask (State the question)
Pick (Call on a student by name)
Listen (Comment on answer)
Emphasize correct answer
List and discuss the different instructional methods.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 6
Lecture : Lecture method is an instructional presentation of information, concepts, or principles. Its main purpose is to present a large amount of information in a short period of time.
Lecture with Audiovisuals: Lecture with audiovisuals includes visual and/or audio learning aids.
Lesson: The most often used method of classroom instruction within Navy training is the lesson method. The lesson method is interactive in nature and is primarily used to transfer knowledge or information to the students.
Demonstration: The basic, and most often used, method of instruction for teaching skill-type subjects is the demonstration method. It covers all of the steps your students need to learn a skill in an effective learning sequence.
Role-Playing: Role-playing requires the students to assume active roles in a simulated situation followed by a group discussion.
Team Dimensional Training (TDT) : TDT is a process that enables team members to diagnose and correct their own performance problems, thereby enabling them to adapt quickly to unfolding events, and to learn from and build upon their previous experiences together.
Gaming and Simulation: The most recent generation of learners entering the Navy has grown up playing video games. This generation has no problem learning how to manipulate hundreds of video-game characters in a variety of crises that require split-second decisions.
State and discuss the three parts of a learning objective.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 7 page 107 & 108
Behavior: What the student will be able to do as a result of a learning experience. Consists of subject / object / verb.
Condition: The aiding and limiting factors imposed upon the student in satisfying the performance requirements of the objective. From memory if not specified in TLO.
Standard: What degree of proficiency will be required to perform the behavior 100% if not stated in the TLO.
Discuss the two methods of testing and their importance
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 8 page 114
Knowledge: Knowledge tests measure the achievement of objectives through the use of test items written at the appropriate learning level.
Performance: Performance tests measure skill acquisition by having the student demonstrate specific behaviors defined by learning objectives.
Explain the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 8 page 114 & 115
Recognition: Process of verbatim identification of terms, facts, rules, methods, principles, procedures, objects, and the like, presented during training.
Recall: Requires the student to respond from memory instead of selecting the response from two or more alternatives. To answer a recall test item, students remember and respond exactly as taught.
Comprehension: Requires the understanding of what was taught rather than simply memorizing the information. Used when questions which require interpretation, explanation, translation, and summarizing information.
Application: Ability to use acquired knowledge in a job-related situation. Requires the student to demonstrate knowledge through mental skill exercises like performing computation, using information learned during training, and applying it to a new situation.
Analysis / Evaluation: Involves the understanding of elements of data and relationships among the data which make the meaning of information explicit. Involves the judgment
of the value of effectiveness of procedures or solutions based on data, criteria, or standards.
Discuss the different types of performance tests
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 8 page 12.
Product: Test involves comparing students efforts to an acceptable completed example.
(Within the standards as set forth by the learning objective).
Process: Test involves the students’ ability to correctly follow procedural steps in completing a
Combination: Some performance tests require a combination of both process and product
List and describe the primary materials used in presenting instruction
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 9 page 133
Lesson Plan: (front matter, lesson topics), ensures proper sequence and depth required by objectives.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 9 page 137.
Instruction Sheets: (Outline, Job, Problem, Assignment, Information, and Diagram) provide students with information or directions. ―O J P A I D‖
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 9 page 154
Instructional Media Material/Visual Media Material: IMM is a specially prepared transparency, illustration, video tape/DVD, computer-based, flash animation or MPEG movie, slide presentation, or exhibit that will assist students in understanding and expedite their learning.
Discuss student feedback/course critique.
The purpose of the student critique program is to provide feed back to the training and course supervisors on areas such as training and curriculum effectiveness, instructor performance, safety, and quality of life issues. It also provides a source of feedback to the Instructors on their performance
Discuss Equal Employment Oportunity and include possible actions and responsibilities
of an instructor.
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 4 page 48
Instructors should provide equal opportunities for both genders to serve in leadership roles and ensure both genders actively participate in learning activities. This effort ensures all students have the chance to do complex technical work.
Discuss Navy Core Values and include possible actions and responsibilities
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 2 page 12
Not only must you instruct in an efficient and effective manner, you must also serve as a role model in your military conduct, attitude, appearance, and bearing. You should exemplify the
Navy’s Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment
Discuss Sexual Harassment and include possible actions and responsibilities
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 2 page 15 & 16
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct that undermines the integrity of the instructor-student relationship.
Discuss Diversity and include possible actions and responsibilities
NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 2 page 16
―The term diversity encompasses not only the traditional categories of race, religion, age, gender, and national origin, but also all the different characteristics and attributes of individuals that enhance the mission readiness of the Department of the Navy and strengthen the capabilities of our Navy Total Force
Discuss the instructor qualification process
Upon completion of formal instructor training and immediately upon arrival at the instructor
Assignment, Learning Centers will direct a formal process to certify their new instructors to
Ensure proficiency in two areas: Instructional technique and technical knowledge
Discuss the instructor disqualification factors and process
Instuctors failing to maintain original screening requirements as well as instructors receiving
unsatisfactory evaluations shall be disqualified. Individuals considered unsuitable for continued
Instructor duties per reference (d) shall be reclassified (NEC 9502 removal process and reassignment); additionally cognizant Learning Centers (LC) will have the authority to establish what constitutes disqualification of their instructors. When appropriate, LCs may re-qualify individuals when deficiencies have been corrected or standards met by cognizant LC guidelines.
Discuss the items with your mentor that can be found on the MTS Community
of Practice (CoP).
MTS COP – MTS program manager, all applicable instructions, MTS PQS, certificate requests,
program description, and feedback.