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52 Cards in this Set

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What is CDT?
Career Development Team
What is a key ingredient of a successful career development program?
An effective CDT/ Training
What role does the CCC assume by organizing a command wide CDT?
That of a CDP manager
The composition of the CDT should include but it not limited to?
CO, XO, CMC/COB, CCC, Department Heads, Division Officers, LCPOs, Department/Division Career Counselors
How often are department and division career counselor meetings to be held?
Department and division career counselor meetings should be schedule via?
Planning Board for Training
What are some items that should be on the department and division career counselor meeting agenda?
Review of team detailing, PTS, results of all CDBs, new programs and policies
Who should chair a command CDT at least quarterly?
Commanding Officer per the OPNAVINST 1040.11A
Audio and visual equipment should be tested at least how many minutes prior to a meeting?
What is the client to counselor ratio?
30 to 1
The training level for CDT members must be maintained at what percent?
Training is defined for a CDT member as having?
Attended CDTC during the current tour
How often should an evaluation of retention statistics be submitted to the Commanding Officer?
Monthly or Quarterly
What is reenlistment rate?
Measures end of service obligation retention behavior
How do you compute the reenlistment rate?
(Reenlistments + Long Term Extensions(24 months & more, less 6 year obligation extensions)) /
Reenlistments + Long Term Extensions + EAOS Losses
What is cross section attrition rate?
Measures loss behavior prior to end of service obligation for the zone population
How do you compute the cross section attrition rate?
Before EAOS Losses
Before EAOS Inventory
What is transaction based attrition rate?
Measures loss behavior prior to end of service obligation for all transactions within the period for the zone
How do you compute the transaction based attrition rate?
Before EAOS Losses
At EAOS + Before EAOS Losses + 6YO Extensions
What is retention rate?
Combines reenlistment and attrition rates
How do you compute retention rate?
Reenlistments + Long Term Extensions
At EAOS + Before EAOS Losses
What is a long term extension (LTE)?
Extension of 24 months or greater, less 6-year obligation extensions.
Who are the permanent command level CDB members?
CMC, CCC, ESO augmented by department CBD members and as directed
How long do you maintain the minutes from every CDB?
2 years
Command level CDB will see first enlistment Sailors within how many days of reporting?
30 days
A command level CDB is required for a Sailor who has PNA’d an exam how many times?
3 times
A command level CDB is required for a Sailor who has a standard exam score of?
40 or below
When shall a CDB be conducted for a Sailor who is approaching HYT?
24 months
Department level CDBs will see all Sailors on second or subsequent enlistment within how many days of reporting?
60 days
What provides requirements to establish the Command Sponsor and Indoctrination Program?
When should a sponsor be assigned?
Within 5 days of receipt of orders or sponsor request
What is the Reenlistment Quality Control instruction?
What MILPERSMAN article must be used when determining a Sailor’s eligibility for reenlistment?
Personnel transferring to the Fleet Reserve or retiring should begin transition counseling or Transition Assistance Program (TAP) at what point?
24 months
Historically, over what percent of undecided or separating Sailors who attend pre-separation briefs and the TAP workshop prior to 180 days form EAOS decide to stay Navy?
How long should you retain monthly reports?
12 months
The Naval Reserve represents what percent of the Navy’s total assets?
Normally, participating reservist train during how many regular drill periods per month
What is the minimum drill time for one paid drill period is how many hours?
Drills performed by reservists for pay purposes cannot exceed?
2 daily
Most units require four drills per month but not to exceed how many regular drills per fiscal year?
What is the primary purpose of additional drills?
To provide unit the opportunity to obtain training/readiness that cannot be accomplished within regularly scheduled drills
A Naval Reservist must earn a minimum of how many retirement points in an anniversary year to be credited with a year of satisfactory service for retirement purposes?
How do retirement points for active duty count?
One point for each day of active duty or AT (including travel time)
How do retirement points for drills count?
One point for each authorized drill attended.
What is the maximum retirement points that may be credited for each drill weekend?
What is considered a drill?
Drills are usually two 4-hour periods per day, on a weekend
How many points are credited for each complete year of active status membership in a Reserve component?
What is the maximum points per anniversary year that can be credited from drills, correspondence courses and membership?
No more than 90
When does the retirement pay start for reservist?
What is the minimum amount of years that must be served in Naval Reserves before a member can retire?
8 years
The President has authority to call up selected reservists for how many days with the authority to extend for how many more days?