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12 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 types of casualties found on the BW Battlefield?
1.Conventional Casualties
2.Direct Biological warfare Casualties
3.Indirect Biological Warfare Casualties
What type of Casualty no BW injury but may have contamination of the clothing or equipment?
Conventional Casualties
What type of Casualty includes BW Injury and mixed conventional with BW?
Direct Biological Warfare Casualties
What type of Casualty suffers from combat stress reaction, possable heat injury, or side effects from treatments?
Indirect Biological Warfare Casualties
What type of BW casualty will most likely be the largest group treated?
Indirect Biological Warfare
A BW attack should be suspected when?
Any sudden increase of unexplained casualties presenting with the same signs and symptoms occurs.
If BW operations are unlikely and relatively few members are affected what is the suspected cause?
an Endemic or epidemic disease
If the number of cases continue to present over an extended period of time what should you suspect?
A naturally occuring epedemic disease.
In order to distinguish between BW and pschological casualties what questions should the medical officer ask?
1. Was MOPP worn?
2. Was there any Aircraft/Artillary bombardment?
3. Was anyone dispersing spray or vapor?
4. Did anyone tamper with the Water or Food?
5.Any evidence of spray/liquid droplets or suspicious people?
6. Was anyone else affected?
The Medical Officer should consider the following:
1. groups of patients from a the same unit or area with the same illness in a short time period
2. Signs and symptoms not associated with any endemic illness in the AO.
Also question the patient about the _________or _________ of the onset of symptoms.
Delay or rapidity
To assess the dose of the agent recieved by the patient dtermine the following:
1. was the casualty excercising or resting?
2. was the casualty in the open or under cover?
3. How long was the suspected agent inhaled?
4. How long between contamination and decontamination?