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26 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Which of the following processes is/are
included in the Navy’s
procurement process
submission of requisitions
referrals of req
issuance of material
To obtain an item that does NOT have a
stock number, a customer should take
which of the following actions?
Submit a requisition to the supporting
supply activity
Which of the following persons is
responsible for procuring all equipment and
supplies used by the ship?
S u pp l y Officer
Define the term “endurance.”
The period of time required by a ship
to use a definite amount of supplies
In determining quantities of supplies that
should be stocked for a newly
commissioned ship, the supply officer
should be guided by which of the following
Allowance lists, initial outfitting lists,
and usage data tables
Which of the following factors may
necessitate a review of stock records and a
reevaluation of requirements for some or all
items stocked aboard a ship?
Length of cruise, type of operation,
supply support availability, and
climate during operation
In preparing for your ship's deployment,
what factor is of prime importance to the
supply officer?
Availability of supply support during
the cruise
When ordering non-NSN material, you
should use what DD Form?
1 3 4 8 - 6
The DD Form 1348-6 format consists of
what total number of parts?
What DD Form s h o u l d you u s e t o requisition
rentals of copying machines and repairs of
certain equipment?
What form is normally used to procure bulk
lube oil from an ashore supply activity?
The use of what form is mandatory in all
procurements of material from a
N A V S U P F o r m 1 3 1 4
Which of the following documents must be
prepared to support each category of
material that is to be procured from
O n e SSL, i n t r i p l i c a t e
One DD 1348 or NAVSUP 1250-1
T h e D D Fo r m 1 3 4 8 e m e r g e n c y
requirements requisition used to obtain
material from ships other than supply ships
and tenders should contain all EXCEPT
which of the following entries
R o u t i n g i d e n t i f i e r
All except which of the following sources
are customary sources of supply for fuel
C o mm e r c i a l s h i p s
Who is responsible for requisitioning fuel?
Supply Officer
Which of the following forms is used in
procuring fuel?
Which of the following entries is shown in
card column 51 of a DD 1348 requisition
for an I COG publication?
Dn or M
When material such as ship's store or
subsistence stock is transferred for ship's
use, it is chargeable to what ship's account?
When requisitioning I COG publications,
which of the following items of information
pertaining to the transaction is provided by
the Navy Stock List of Forms and
Restrictions, approval, and special
requisitioning instructions
The material outstanding file should be
maintained in what order?
D o c u m e n t n u m b e r
The amount and kind of supply status you
receive on a requisition is indicated by
which of the following codes?
M e d i a a n d s t a t u s
Which of the following document
identifiers is used on a DD Form 1348
Follow-up request?
Your ship receives a group of supply status
cards. What code indicates those
requisitions for which automatic supply
status has been requested?
What means is used by supply activities to
inform customers about the action being
taken on their requisitions?
A m a t e r i a l o b l i g a t i o n v a l i d a t i o n
Which o f the following conditions must
exist in order for the supply officer of a
naval vessel to purchase supplies or service
on the open market?
Immediate and urgent requirement,
services/supplies not available at local
supply support center, and time and
scheduled operations will not permit
procurement through normal channels