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31 Cards in this Set

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Name the 5 levels of organisation in the human body
Describe the features of a protoctist
Some features like animal cell, some like plants
They're pathogenic
Describe the features of a virus
Small particles
Parasitic, can only reproduce inside other cells
Infect every type of living organism
Variety of shapes
Not made of cells but have protein coat and contain DNA/RNA
Describe the key features of fungi
Do not carry out photosyn.
Body in myecelium made from hyphae
Cell walls made out of chitin
Feed by secreting enzymes onto food which break it down and they can absorb the products (saprotropic nutrition)
Store carbohydrates as glycogen
Why do we need repeats?
Reduces the effects of anomalous readings
How do you improve accuracy?
More readings around the optimum
Label A, B and C
A; fungal spore
B; spore case
C; hyphae
3 differences between plant and animal cells
Has cell wall, large vacuole, chloroplasts
Animal cell
No cell wall, no vacuole, no choloplasts
Key features of animal
Feed off other organisms
Nervous coordination
Can move easily
Carb. stored as glycogen
Key features of bacteria
Single celled
Lack of nucleus
Feed off other organisms
Key features of plant cell
Chloroplasts carry out photosyn.
Transport carb as sucrose and store as sucrose/starch
Cell walls made of cellulose
Give key features and function of;
large vacuole
cell wall
nucleus; contains DNA, control centre of cell
membrane; selectively permeable, controls enters/leaves
cytoplasm; fills up most of cell, where chem react take place
chloroplast; chlorophyll, photosynthesis
large vacuole; cell sap, provides support/controls water balance of cell
cell wall; cellulose, provides rigid structure
Define 'movement'
Move towards food/light or away from predators
Define 'respiration'
release of energy from food
Define 'sensitivity'
reacting to surroundings
Define 'homeostatis'
'Keeping conditions the same
Define 'growth'
Increase in size, greater number of cells
Define 'reproduction'
To produce offspring and keep species alive
Define 'excretion'
release of waste products
Define 'nutrition'
Obtaining the necessary molecules
Label A, B, C, D and E
A; slime capsule
B; cell wall
C; cell membrane
D; cytoplasm
E; loop of DNA
How do plants/animals gain the biological molecules they need?
Plants make themselves
Animals eat other living things
Describe simple sugars
Soluble in water
Sweet tasting
Supply energy
Describe complex carbohydrates
Very large molecule
Insoluble in water
Storage of carb (starch in plants, glycogen in animals)
Cellulose is in cell walls
Why is starch a good storage molecule?
Not reactive
Describe lipids
Made up of glycerol and fatty acids
Functions of lipids
Store of energy
Describe proteins
Made up of amino acids
Order determines shape
Functions of proteins
Growth and repari
Making enzymes
Describe food test for glucose
Benedict's solution, heat in water bath, blue-brick red
Describe food test for starch
Iodine, red/brown -> blue/black