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146 Cards in this Set

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What is absolute zero?
The temperature at which matter has lost all its thermal energy
What is accretion?
The growing together of plant or animal tissues that are normally separate.
What is acid?
A substance in which H acts as a metal (+ ion).
What is ADP?
Adenosine diphosphate, a compound involved with energy storage and release in the cell
What is aerobic?
relating to a living organism that requires atmospheric oxygen.
What is air mass?
a body of air having common characteristics.
What is alimentary canal?
the food tube in animals.
What is allele?
one pair of genes.
What is alloy?
a material composed of two or more metals.
What is altimeter?
an instrument used to measure altitude
What is AMP?
a unit of current equaling one coulomb per second
What is anaerobic?
relating to organisms unable to survive in atmospheric oxygen
What is anemometer?
an instrument that measures wind speed.
What is angstrom?
a linear measurement equal to 1 x 10(-8) (0.00000001 cm)
What is anhydrous?
Without H(2)O
What is anode?
positive electrical terminal in an electric cell
What is antibiotic?
a substance produced by molds, fungi, or bacteria. Used to cure bacterial infections.
What is aorta?
the large artery leaving the heart to the body.
What is apogee?
the point at which an orbiting satellite is farthest from earth.
What is Aquifer?
a layer of rock that holds H(2)O
What is archaeopteryx?
the first bird
What is artery?
large blood vessels carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart.
What is asexual reproduction?
reproduction without sperm and eggs
What is astronomical unit?
distance between the earth and the sun - 93,000,000 miles
What is atomic weight?
the relative weight of an atom, compared to the standard -C(12)
What is ATP?
adenosine triphosphate, a compound involved with energy storage and release in the cell.
What is axon?
a part of the nerve cell that conducts electrical impulses away from the cell body.
What is barometer?
an instrument used to measure air pressure.
What is base?
a substance which combines with hydroxyl ions.
What is binary star?
two stars revolving around each other
What is brownian movement?
the erratic movement of particles due to collisions with atomic or molecular matter.
What is BTU?
british thermal unit, a unit of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound H(2)O one degree F
What is buffer?
a substance which will resist any change in the pH of a solution.
What is calorie?
a unit of heat energy needed to raise one gram of H(2)O one degree
What is catalyst?
a substance that controls the rate of a chemical reaction
What is cathode?
negative electrical terminal in an electric cell
What is central nervous system?
brain and spinal cord
What is centrifugal reaction?
the reaction of a body to centripetal force.
What is centripetal force
the force that causes a body to conform to movement around a curve.
What is cerebellum?
the part of the brain involved with balance and muscle coordination
what is cerebrum?
the part of the brain involved with intelligence.
What is chlorophyll?
green substance used in the food manufacturing process in plants.
What is chronometer?
a ship's clock which is used to determine longitude.
What is coelom?
a space forming the body cavity of an animmal
What is colloid?
a particle suspended in a medium (most often, liquid)
What is color?
that property of light related to wavelength.
What is condensation nuclei?
the "seeds" upon which H(2)O molecules will condense, forming cloud droplets.
What is coriolis effect?
the deflection of the atmosphere and ocean currents due to the earth's rotation
What is cotyledon?
a thick food leaf formed from the seed of a newly germinated plant
What is cross-pollination?
the movement of pollen from one plant to another plant
What is cryogenics?
the science of low temperature phenomena
What is curie?
a unit of radioactivity
What is decibel?
a unit of sound level intensity
What is deciduous?
relating to woody plants that lose their leaves in winter.
What is dendrite?
a part of the nerve that conducts electrical impulse to the cell body.
What is density?
D=m/v, mas per unit volume
What is dew point?
the temperature at which the air is saturated with H(2)O vapor.
What is diaphragm?
muscular separation between the chest and abdominal cavities.
What is dicotyledon?
two thick food leaves formed from the seed of a newly germinated plant
What is diffusion?
the spreading out of particles to fill a space
What is DNA?
deoxyribonucleic acid. a large molecule that controls cell functions. contains cell's genetic information
What is doppler effect
the apparent change in the wavelength of energy emitted by a source as determined b the receiver.
What is dorsel?
relating to upper or "back" surface of an animal
What is dyne?
a unit of force; 1 dyne = 1gram/cm per sec(2)
What is ecology?
the study of the relationship between organisms and their environment.
What is effervescence?
the rapid excape of gas from a liquid (i.e. soda)
What is efficiency?
the comparison of work input of a machine to its work output
What is endoderm?
inner layer of cell in an animal body.
What is endothermic?
the absorption of heat energy during a chemical reaction
What is energy level?
the location around the nucleus where electrons are found.
What is enzyme?
catalyst used in chemical reactions in cells
What is epicenterr?
point on the surface of the earth that is directly above the focus of an earthquake
What is equilibrium?
a situation in which two opposite processes occur at the same rate
What is equinox?
the days when the sun's direct rays strike perpendicularly at the equator
What is erg?
unit of work; 1 erg = 1 dyne x 1 cm
What is erosion?
movement of sediments by wind, water, and ice.
What is eutrophication?
aging of ponds or lakes as plants and sediments fill them in
What is evolution?
the gradual change of organisms with respect to acquired traits.
What is exothermic?
relating to the release of heat energy during a chemical reaction.
What is extrusive rocks?
igneous rocks that form on or near the surface
What is fault?
a break in rocks along which movement has occurred.
What is fertilization?
the joining together of sperm and egg
What is fibrinogen?
a protein present in blood which aids in clotting
What is firn?
snow or ice pellets that become part of a glacier
What is fission?
the breakup of a heavy nucleus into two smaller weighted nuclei
What is focus?
the point in the earth's crust where an earthquake originates
What is force?
that action which produces or prevents changes in motion
What is fossil?
remains or evidence of life as it was in the past
What is fovea?
a part of the eye which has many cones.
What is frequency?
number of cycles per unit time
What is friction?
a force that opposes motion
What is front?
the line along which two air masses collide
What is fruit?
an ovary
What is fulcrum?
a pivot point
What is fusion?
the combining of two lightweight nuclei into one heavy necleus
What is galvanize?
to coat Fe or steel with Zn
What is gametophyte?
a stage in reproduction in which gametes are formed.
What is gastrula?
the early stage of development when germ layers appear
What is geiger counter?
an instrument that detects radioactivity
What is gene?
a portion of the DNA molecule that produces a trait in the organism
What is genetic code?
the chemical sequence in DNA that produces a trait
What is geosyncline?
downfold of the earth's crust which is being filled with sediments
What is geyser?
steam and hot water that erupt from cracks in the earth's surface
What is gill?
an organ used to remove O(2) from water H(2)O
What is glacier?
a moving body of ice
What is glucose?
a simple sugar
What is gonads?
male and female reproductive organs
What is hard water?
H(2)O containing dissolved minerals
What is heat of formation?
the amount of heat needed or released when a compound is formed
What is herbaceous?
relating to the stem of a plant that lives only one season
What is herbivores?
plant-eating animals
What is heredity?
the passing of traits from parents to offspring
What is horizon?
a line of vision where the surface meets the sky
What is horsepower?
a unit of power equal to 550 ft.-lb./sec
What is host?
an organism used by a parasite to supply it with food
What is humus?
decayed organic matter
What is hydration?
the attachment of H(2)O molecules to a particle of matter
What is hygrometer?
an instrument that determines relative humidity
What is hypothesis?
a possible explanation
What is igneous rocks?
rocks that form from liquid rock (lava/magma)
What is inorganic?
materials which are not hydrocarbons
What is insolation?
incoming solar raiation
What is insulator?
a poor conductor of heat or electricity
What is insulin?
a hormone produced by the pancreas to regulate the oxidation or sugar in cells
What is international date-line?
the 180 degree east or west longitude line (bent for convenience) that separates dates east and west (crossing over the dateline est to west-gain a day; west to east - lost a day)
What is intrusive rocks?
igneous rocks that form deep within the earth's crust
What is invertebrate?
animal lacking a backbone
What is iris?
colored portion of the eye
What is iso?
prefix meaning "the same'
What is isobar?
a line connecting points of equal air pressure on a weather map
What is joule?
unit of work equaling 1 nt. x 1 m.
What is kinetic energy?
energy of motion.
What is knot?
one nautical mile/hour
What is lactase?
an enzyme used to change lactose to glucose.
What is latitude?
degrees north or south of the equator.
What is lava?
molten rock that reaches the earth's surface.
What is lever?
a bar used as a simple machine.
What is light reaction?
first stage of photosynthesis in which energy is produced and used to split H(2)O molecules
What is lipase?
an enzyme used to change fat into fatty acids and glycerin
What is lithosphere?
crust of the earth
What is local moon?
the time at which the sun in its transit across the sky crosses the observer's meridian (longitude)
What is longitude?
degrees east or west of the prime peridian
What is lunar month?
29 1/2 days
What is luster?
shine of a mineral surface (metallic, earthy, pearly, glassy, etc)
What is magma?
liquid rock that is located deep within the earth's crust
What is magnitude?
the apparent brightness of a star