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39 Cards in this Set

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Sand Creek massacre 1864

troop of cavalry attacked an undefended Cheyenne camp mutilating women, children and elderly people.

The Plains Wars 1862-67

A series of wars between tribes an US troops

Little Crow (1862)

Cheyenne Uprising (1863)

Red Cloud (1867)

Winter Campaign (1868)

Tribal Laws

Laws formulated over hundreds of years and were typically at odds with US law

Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876)

General Custer and his men were sent to round up indians who had left the reservation, without waiting for the rest of the team to arrive Custer divided his men and came under attack. All were killed.

Manifest Destiny

A white American ideology that God had sent them to manifest the lands of America and revolutionise it.

Wounded knee 1890

Blamed Sitting Bull for tribal dances which scared those living near the reservations. After Sitting Bull was shot over 200 fled to the camp of Chief Big Foot where they were gunend down by US forces.

IRA 1882

social activist group, devoted to assimilation of Native Americans. Lacked empathy to their way of life.

General Allotment (Dawes) Act 1887

Atte,pted the upheaval of Native Americans to homesteads where they would farm. It was understood that this would aid assimilation and 'civilise' them.

Curtis Act 1898

Allowed for the 5 civilised tribes to have the Dawes act applied.

Muskogee Convention 1905

Convention to discuss a seperate state for Native people

Lone Wolf V Hitchcock 1903

Allowed congress to revoke all treaties previously made

Society of American Indians (SAI) 1911

50 educated Indians, first attempt at relieving tribal tensions. Campaigned for financial aid.

Indian Citizenship act 1924

grented citizenship to Native Americans

Harrison V Laveen 1948

They were refused their vote, which they appealed against. It was found that the state acted constitutionally.

dance order 1921

Threatened to prohibit traditional dance

Bursum Bill 1922

Authorised acquisition of Pueblo lands

Meriam Report 1928

Declared that the way that Native Americans were treated was wrong and work should be done to correct it

Wheeler-Howard act 1934

The name of the Indian-Reorganisation Act after it became law.

Japanese relocation to Native Lands

After Pearl Harbour suspicion of Japanese rose. This included forcing all Japanese to sell their possessions and move to the reservations. They were then given reservation land as compensation.

NCAI 1944

Represented 50 tribes, was significant as it represented a large group of people.

Indian Claims Comission (ICC) 1946

Set up as a 'reward' for their service in WW2, allowed Native people to put points forward to congress.

Indian Vocational Training Act 1956

Put more emphasis on vocational training for Native Americans.

National Indian Youth Council (NIYC) 1961

Formed to preserve Indian rights. Came as a result of the growing realisation that there was an economic gap between white Americans and Native people.

Louis R. Bruce Jnr.

Made senior commissioner for Indian Affairs, a significant point as there had never been one before.

Indian Self Determination Act 1975

Laid down processes to which tribes could organise and give arguments to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to take responsibility for their own education and social services.

Indian Education Assistance Act 1975

Gave American-Indian parents more involvement in their children's education.

Occupation of Mt. Rushmore 1971

AIM protesters occupied the area. They re-named it mt. Crazy Horse. They were subsequently evicted.

AIM took over Bureau of Indian Affairs 1972

after a violent protest. Was significant as it allowed a group generally interested in Indian Affairs to talk to government.

Occupation of Wounded Knee 1973

71 days of violent protest caused by the mistreatment of government staff on the native people.

NARF 1970

Founded to defend the rights of Native Americans. Was concerned with making sure tribes which were terminated were re-instated.

Siege of Alcatraz 1969

Siege of Alcatraz. Used to protest termination. Organised by Adam Fortunate Eagle Nordwell and Richard Oakes. Accredited with spurring many of red power protest movements.

1976 Fisher V Montana

Secured the right for native people to go through tribal courts when deciding on adoption.

1980 US V Sioux Nation

US ruled that Sioux people were allowed 17.5 million dollars in compensation and a further 5% interest since 1877. (106 million)

1982 Seminole V Butterworth

Secured the right to allow gambling enterprises on tribal land.

Charrier V Bell 1986

Secured the right to reclaim the dead and artefacts from museums etc.

Native American Religious freedom Act 1978

'to believe, express and exercise traditional religions'

American Indian policy review 1975

set up to review legal and historical relationship

Indian Child Welfare Act 1978

An attempt to determine the rights of Native American parents in relation to forcibly removing Indian children from their families.

1972 employment opportunity

Indian Americans given greater opportunities udner Nixon in employment.