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39 Cards in this Set

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National pride and loyalty
James Monroe
Easily defeated the Federalist candidate, Senator Rufus King of New York
Rush-Bagor Agreement
Pact limiting naval power on the Great Lakes for the United States and Great Britain
Convention of 1818
Agreement between the United States and Britain that est. the U.S.
Luis de Onis
Spanish diplomat for the United States to buy the land
Adams-Onis Treaty
Agreement in which Spain transferred East Florida to the United States
Simon Bolivar
He helped win independence for his own country in 1812
Monroe Doctrine
The president vowed the the U.S. would not interfere with any existing European colonies in Latin America
Gold or silver coins that the and held to back up the notes.
Henry Clay
Served as a U.S. senator and a member of the House of Representatives.
American System
Proposal to increase federal involvement in the economy
Tariff Act of 1816
Federal law that places a 25% duty on the most imported factory good; increased conflict between the North and South Pole
National Road
In 1815 construction is road began;also called Cumberland, Maryland
Erie Canal
In 1817 New York began one of the most ambitious transportation projects of the era
Market Revolution
A Creation of National Markets
Industrial Revolution
A period of dynamic changes in manufacturing
mass production
The manufacture of large quantities of goods.
Samuel Slater
Worker who came to the U.S. to in 1789 with hopes of making a fortune
Eli Whitney
Employed interchangeable parts in the manufactured firearms.
Interchangeable parts
Process developed by Eli Whitney in the 1790's that called for mass production by use of identical, replaceable parts
Panic of 1819
A chain reaction of bank failures, falling land prices , and foreclosures.
Missouri Compromise
Agreement propsed by Henry Clay that allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state, Maine to enter as a free state, banned slavery
John Quincy Adams
One of the 5 republicans that competed for the presidency; from Massachusetts
Andrew Jackson
Another one of the 5 republicans that competed for the presidency; from Tennessee
Democratic Party
Political party founded by supporters of Andrew Jackson in the 1820's
Spoils system
Politicians practice of giving government jobs to their supporters
Rotation in office
The periodic replacement of officefolders
He didn't speak english; The Cherokee were greatly assisted in their efforts by the work of one man-
Indian Removal Act
Act that authorized the relocation of American Indians from east of the Mississippi River to Indian Territory in present day Oklahoma
Trail of Tears
An 800 mile fored march the Cherokee made from their homeland in the Southeast to Indian Territory in present day Oklahoma
Worcester v. Georgia
Supreme Cout ruling that limited state power over the Cherokee Nation and said that the federal gov. should protect the Cherokee from state gov. that were trying to take their land
John c. Calhoun
Vice President of 1828 who abandoned his earlier nationalist views
Doctrine of Nullification
Belief that states had the right to disobey federal laws that they considered unconstitutional
Martin Van Buren
Him and Jackson won by a ways in vetoing against Henry Clay
Pet banks
State banks that received deposits of federal funds because of their officers loyalty to the Democratic Party and to President Andrew Jackson
Specie Circular
Executive order issued by President Andre Jackson instruction the Treasury to accept only gold and silver as payment for public lands
Panic of 1837
U.S. economic collapse caused in part by the Specie Circular and by an economic crisis in Great Britain
William Henry Harrison
In 1814 he was a war hero; a general
John Tyler
From Virginia; chant was " Tippecanoe and Tyler too."