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134 Cards in this Set

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Receptor type
- Supraspinal analgesia
- Euphoria
Receptor type
- Spinal analgesia
- Respiratory depression
- Constipation
Receptor type
- Spinal analgesia
- Diuresis
- Dysphoria
Receptor type
- Supraspinal and spinal analgesia
Receptor type that has had an increased use b/c causes less respiratory depression than the other types
Receptor type
- Dysphoria
- Hallucinations
- Cardiac Stimulation
Morphine action at receptors
- Mu, Kappa and delta agonist
Buprenorphine action at receptors
Mu partial agonist only
Butorphanol, Pentazocine and Nalbuphine action at receptors
- Mu antagonist
- Kappa agonist
Naloxene action at receptors
Mu, Kappa and Delta antagonist
Naltrexone action at receptors
Mu, Kappa and Delta anatagonists
Endogenous Opioids -->Electrical stimulation of specific CNS areas (ex: _____________ )can produce strong analgesia
Periaqueductal gray area
________ opioids effects very similar to narcotic drugs
Precursor for beta endorphin
Beta endorphin is a ____ AA peptide
Propiomelanocortin = makes (3)
- beta endorphin
- Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)
Beta endorphins found primarily in _________
Pituitary gland
Beta endorphins bind primarily to (2)
- Mu
- Delta
Enkephalins precursor
2 type of enkephalins (each are 5 peptides long)
- Met-enkephalin
- Leu-enkephalin
Met enkephalin = AA # 61-65 of ________
Beta endorphin
Located especially in:
- Brainstem
- Dorsal horn - spinal cord
- Basal ganglia
- Limbic system
Probable mechanism of enkephalins
- Bind to opioid R--> dec release of substance P --> dec pain transmission
Enkephalins bind equally to (2)
- Delta
- Mu1
Dynorphin precursor
Dynorphins bind primarily to
Endorphins and enkephalins not of clinical value b/c (2)
- Not absorbed PO
- Rapid biotransformation
Narcotic definition
- Ring structure + carbon chain + oxygen + nitrogen
CNS actions of Narcotics (5)
- Analgesia
- Sedation
- Emesis
- Depression of cough reflex
- Respiratory Depression
Supraspinal Narcotic Analgesia MOA
- Act at opioid receptors in periaqueductal gray and other areas --> stimulate descending inhibition --> dec transmission of pain from spinal cord to higher sites
Spinal Narcotic Analgesia MOA
Stimulate enkephalin R's --> decs Ca2+ availability --> dec substance P --> dec pain
When stimulated, Mu/Delta cause:
Dec adenylate cyclase activity --> dec cAMP --> inc K+ efflux --> hyperpolarization --> dec Ca2+ influx --> dec substance P
When stimulated, Kappa causes:
Dec Ca2+ influx --> dec substance P
Narcotic cause this CNS effect but barbiturates are better at it
This CNS ADR of narcotics increases when pt is ambulatory
(b/c inc sensitivty to motion)
Narcotic CNS effect --> depression of _________
Cough reflex
Narcotic CNS effect that can be cause of death
Respiratory depression
Narcotic CNS effect that is usually not an effect at therapeutic dose unless pt has previous problem
Respiratory depression
Narcotic ADR = hypotension --> the direct cause = ___________
Depression of vasomotor center
Narcotic ADR = hypotension --> the indirect cause = _________
Histamine release --> peripheral vasodilation
Narcotic GI ADRs (2)
- Decreased peristalsis
- Delayed gastric emptying
Narcotic eye ADRs
Narcotic ADR - increases smooth muscle tone in(3)
1. GI
2. Biliary Tract --> can't give morphine for gall bladder attack
3. Urinary
Pts receiving narcotics for 1 month+ may have decreases in (3)
- Cortisol
- Sex Hormone
Opioid cause relief of ___________ pain
Moderate to severe
Chronic use of opioids does not cause addiction, it causes _____________
Psychological dependence
Degree of physical dependence on opioids depends on _____ and ______ of use
Amount and duration
Most effective dose of opioids for chronic pain =
Fixed schedule (ex: every 6 hrs around the clock)
______ improves when a patient receives regular analgesia (3)
- Quality of sleep
- Mood --> better interactions with caregivers
- Appetite
In addiction, pain control may improve so that _____ narcotic is required --> so decs
Less narcotic --> decs ADRs
More restrictive narcotic regulations has less to
Opiophobia and less use of narcotics
Causes of Opiophobia (3)
- Fear of Addiction
- Causes dec in cognition --> people don't want this before they die
- Some think that their decreased pain and suffering leads to decreased spiritual growth
Goldstein study found:
- Opioids given pre-op reduced pain, N/V and use (blood levels) of opioids post-op
Narcotics can be used for __________ chronic cough
Narcotics can be used for relief of severe _______
Diarrhea (b/c ADR = constipation)
Narcotics can cause immediate and short term relief of dyspnea associated with (2)
- Pulmonary edema
(by dec'ing L ventricular workload)
Narcotics can improve respiration on pts with ventilators by __________
Decrease tendency to 'fight' assisted breathing
Narcotic ADRs that people develop tolerance to (5)
- H/A
- N/V
- Dizziness
- Sedation
- Respiratory depression
Ways to prevent Constipation ADR (4)
- Inc fluids
- Inc fiber
- Ambulation when possible
- May req daily laxatives
Narcotic ADR that is observed in newborn after dose to mom
Respiratory depression
Genitourinary ADRs of Narcotics (3)
- Urinary retention
- Dysuria
- Dec sexual desire
OD of Narcotic signs(6)
- Miosis
- Hypotension + Bradycardia
- Hypothermia
- Oligouria
- Pulmonary edema
- Respiratory depression --> come
Contraindications for Narcotic Use
- Convulsive states
- Inc ICP (b/c dec resp --> inc CO2 --> cerebral vasodilation --> inc ICP
- Undx acute abdominal conditions
Narcotics cause further _______ when combo with alcohol, barbiturates, etc
CNS depression
Withdraw rxns within 12 hrs after last dose (6)
- Lacrimation
- Sweating
- Rhinorrhea
- Yawning
- Chills
- Piloerection
Withdraw rxns within 36 hrs of last dose (6)
- Abdominal cramping
- Muscle aching
- N/V
- Diarrhea
- Hyperthermia
- Hyperventilation
Most withdraw rxns end within ____
3-5 days
When pts on narcotics, muscle relaxation and respiratory depression inc with ______
Muscle relaxants
Most widely used narcotic
Morphine given ___ for cancer pts
Morphine used for ___ for limited periods of pain
Patient Controlled Anesthesia
2 morphine metabolites
- Morphine-6-glucuronide (M-6-G)
- M-3-G
- High affinity for Mu
- Analgesic
- More powerful than morphine
- Highly polar
- Stays prolonged in CSF
(morpine 6 glucoronide)
If switch pt from 1 opioid to another (3)
- Calculate dose based on acute potency difference
- Reduce dose
- Adjust dose up if necessary
_______ between 2 drugs is incomplete --> so can't just switch easily from 1 drug to another
Cross tolerance
____ reported with higher doses of morphine --> may be due to M-3-G
____ release occurs after morphine epidural and intrathecal
________ if effective at decreasing morphine histamine release but may also decrease analgesia effects
_______ effective at decreasing morphine histamine release and does NOT dec analgesia
Can not give ________ forms of morphine with alcohol, because it dissolves it immediately and makes it an instant dose
Sustained release forms (of morphine and related opioids)
100x more potent than morphine
- Greater lipid solubility than morphine (can't do PO)
- Shorter acting than morphine
Major ADR = pruritis at injection site
Contraindication for = acute pain b/c patches take a while to work ---> so pt may put on multiple and die
Different forms of Fentanyl (5)
- Transdermal
- Oral Lozenge
- Lozenge of a stick (lollipop)
- Buccal tablet
- Buccal film
Contraindications =
- acute pain
- post-op pain
- mild or intermittent pain
- doses > 25 mg
- Less potent than morphine
- Can only use for acute tx
Meperidine can not use chronically, b/c will get accumulation of _______ which has a longer t1/2 (15-30 hrs)
- Not reversed with naloxone
- Toxicity more frequent in those with renal failure
ADRs = CNS stimulant
- Tremor
- Muscle twitch
- Seizures
- Strongly binds Mu
- Hard to reverse with naloxone
- Anatagonist at Kappa
- Dose related respiration depression
- Only used to tx narcotic addiction (esp when given with naloxone)
Physicians who prescribe must:
- Meet reqts
- Notify secretary of health and human services
- Good PO absorption
- Limited biotransformation
- Very LONG lasting
Methadone danger of use
Duration of respi depression > analgesia
(pt may take more to help pain but may further inc resp depression)
2 uses of methadone
- Tx of cancer pts
- Tx of narcotic addiction
When used to tx cancer pt chronically, pt also needs short-acting opioid for "rescue" pain
Tx of narcotic addiction --> goal is to get patient to be on this chronically = more stable
Methadone advantages in tx'ing narcotic pts (2)
- Can be given PO
- Long t 1/2 so less frequent doses needed
Mechanism of Methadone used as tx of addiction --> makes pt stable by producing ______-
Best candidates for tx of addiction with this drug:
- 18+ yrs
- 2+ yrs of addiction
- Failed other modalities
- Volunteer
- Not used much anymore
- Longer acting derivative of Methadone
FDA approved ONLY for tx of narcotic addiction (need approved tx program to give)
Centrally acting analgesic
- synthetic codeine with less R affinity
Tramadol MOA (2)
- Mu R agonist
- Block of 5HT uptake
(like antidep's)
- Centrally acting analgesic
- Less chance for abuse and resp depression than others
- Partial reversal by Naloxone
Narcotic agonists-antagonist activate __ R's
Narcotic agonists-antagonists have antagonist activity at __ R's --> can cause withdraw rxns in pts on opiods that inc this R activity
Narcotic agonist-antagonists have less _______ than pure narcotics
Respiratory Depression
- Developed as 'non-addictive' opioid but dependence can develop
- ADR = psychological: hallucinations, nightmares (more likely in hepatic and renal probs bc less metabolism)
- PO only
- Pentazocine + naloxone
Talwin Nx
ADRs = nightmares and hallucinations --> more likley in people with renal and hepatic probs bc inc don't metabolize
- Combo drug --> decreased abuse
- Naloxone in it does not cause decreased analgesia
- Significant antagonist effects may cause withdraw sx's
Talwin Nx
- 5x more potent than morphine
- Nasal spray or parenteral
Narcotic agonist-antagonists MOA (2)
Kappa agonist
Mu antagonist
- Like Butorphanol, has no increase in respiratory depression with inc dose
- Only one that has increased respiratory depression with increased dose (so acute use only)
Narcotic antagonists (3)
- Naloxone
- Nalmefene
- Naltrexone
Narcotic antagonist
- Derivative of oxymorphone
- Short acting
Naloxone MOA
- Blocks opioid Rs with HIGH affinity (so rapid reversal)
(Does not activate R's)
Used to determine if there is presence of narcotics in pts prior to initiation of Naltrexone therapy
Narcan Challenge test
Test that puts person in immediate withdraw to determine if he or she is a chronic opioid user (addict)
Narcan Challegne Test
Before putting pt on ______, have to do narcan challenge test to see if person goes into withdraw (proves person is addict)
Narcan =
Too rapid reversal of OD with Naloxone can cause (3)
CNS excitation:
- N/V
- Inc BP
- Derivative of Naltrexone
- Used only IV
- Longer t 1/2
Like naloxone, is a derivative of oxymorphone, but is longer acting
To initiate therapy of this, need 2 reqts:
- Pt must be opioid free for 7-10 days
- Negative narcan challenge test (no withdraw rxn)
ADRs =
- Hepatotoxic
- Confusion
- Hallucination
Contraindications for Naltrexone
- Pts taking opioids
- In withdraw
- + urine opioid test
- Liver probs
Naltrexone can also be used to tx _________ b/c decs induced euphoria
Alcohol induced euphoria can be treated with Naltrexone and is explained by:
Inc BF to R prefrontal cortex
ADRs for treating alcoholism with Naltrexone = same as when treating narcotic addiction + ___________
Increased N/V
(may explain anorexia and wt loss)
Naltrexone decs alcohol use - 4 ways of proof =
- Dec # drinks/day
- Improved compliance
- Dec relapses
- Better coping with relapses