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20 Cards in this Set

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A sudden seizure of power.
Coup d` Etat
How did Napoleon become "Hero of the Hour?"
Napoleon defended the delegates of the revolutionary government from Royalist rebels in 1795. Because of his strong and decisive tactics, he is said to have saved the revolution.
A uniform set of laws created to restore order in France after the revolution. The laws focused on creating order rather than preserving rights and liberties.
Napoleonic Code
What was the Concordat?
An agreement between Napoleon and the Pope which restored Catholicism as the official religion in France. The agreement maintained Napoleon's dominance in matters of state.
Why did Napoleon join the revolutionary army?
Napoleon knew that he would be able to advance his career much faster in the revolutionary army. Additionally, he despised the Old Regime government that had taken control of his birthplace, Corsica.
What were Napoleon's THREE major mistakes?
Continental System
Peninsular War
Invasion of Russia
A forcible closing of ports and trade routes is known as this...
Describe the Continental System. What was its purpose and what were the end results?
The continental system was created to weaken Great Britain's economy and make Napoleon's empire self sufficient. Napoleon created a set of blockades to cut off supplies to Britain. The system was a failure because the superior British navy easily smuggled goods through the blockade and created their own blockade against France. In the end, Napoleon was hurt the most.
What is the significance of the battle of Trafalgar?
At this time, Britain was the last of the coalition forces that was still fighting with Napoleon. The British victory reinforced their naval superiority and proved that Napoleon could be defeated.
Why did Napoleon sell the Louisiana purchase to the United States?
The sale of this land not only gave Napoleon 15 million dollars to continue funding his military campaigns, but it also strengthened the United States creating more competition for Great Britain.
What is a Coalition?
A group of nations, people,etc...working together to achieve a common goal.
How did Napoleon restore Economic order to France?
Created an equal tax code
Set up National Bank
Stabilized the currency
Provided loans to small businesses
How did Napoleon restore order in Government and Society in France?
Created the Napoleonic Code
set up public schools - lycees
removed corrupt officials
promoted individuals based on merit
How did Napoleon restore Religious order in France?
Napoleon allowed religious tolerance and signed the Concordat with the Pope which re-established France's relationship with the Catholic Church.
A Plebiscite is...
A vote by the people..."yes or no"
Why did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States?
Napoleon earned 15 million dollars from the sale to put toward European conquests. It also would irritate Britain by significantly increasing the size of the U.S. and creating a more powerful nation in the New World.
Where was Napoleon finally defeated?
Napoleon's last battle took place at Waterloo. He was defeated by the British and Prussian forces and sent into exile for the second and final time.
Who was the most powerful delegate at the Congress of Vienna and how did his views shape the policies?
Klemens von Metternich from Austria. He disliked democratic ideals and blamed them for the instability that had plagued Europe during the French Revolution and Napoleon's reign.
What is Diplomacy?
Diplomacy is using words and negotiations rather than military violence to solve issues between groups and nations.
What were the three goals of the Congress of Vienna?
Balance of Power - No single nation was supposed to emerge with too much power.
Legitimacy - All royal families who had lost their thrones under Napoleon would be returned as the "legitimate" rulers of their nations.
Encirclement - France would be surrounded by stronger nations to prevent future aggression.