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44 Cards in this Set

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Ainsworth, M.
Devised the "strange situation" to study attachment
Baumrind, D.
Studied the relationship between parental style and aggression
Bowlby, J.
Studied attachment in human children
Chomsky, N.
Linguist who suggested that children have an innate capacity for language acquisition.
Erikson, E.
Outlined eight stages of psychosocial development covering the entire lifespan
Freud, S.
Outlined five stages of psychosexual development; stressed the importance of the Oedipal conflict in psychosexual development.
Gesell, A.
Believed that development was due primarily to maturation
Gilligan, C.
Suggested that males and females have different orientations toward morality
Hall, G.
The founder of developmental psychology
Harlow, H.
Used monkeys and "surrogate mothers" to study the role of contact comfort in bond formation
Kohlberg, L.
Studied moral development using moral dilemmas
Locke, J.
British philosopher who suggested that infants had no predetermined tendencies, that they were blank slates (tabula rasa) to be written on by experience
Lorenz, K.
Studied imprinting in birds
Piaget, J.
Outlined four stages of cognitive development
Rousseau, J.
French philosopher who suggested that development could unfold without help from society
Terman, L.
Performed longitudinal study on gifted children
Tryon, R.
Studied the genetic basis of maze-running abilities in rats
Vygotsky, L.
Studied cognitive development; stressed the importance of the zone of proximald evelopment
Adler, A.
Psychodynamic theorist best known for the concept of inferiority complex
Allport, G.
Trait theorist known for the concept of functional autonomy; also distinguished between idiographic and nomothetic approaches to personality
Bandura, A.
Behaviorist theorist known for his social learning theory; did modeling experiment using punching bag ("Bobo" doll)
Bem, S.
Suggested that masculinity and femininity were two separate dimensions; also linked with concept of androgyny
Cattell, R.
Trait theorist who used factor analysis to study personality
Dollard, J. and Miller, N.
Behaviorist theorists who attempted to study psychoanalytic concepts within a behaviorist framework; also known for their work on approach-avoidance conflicts
Erikson, E.
Ego psychologist whose psychosocial stages of development encompass entire lifespan
Eysenck, H.
Trait theorist who proposed two main dimensions on which human personalities differ: introversion-extroversion and emotional stability-neuroticism
Freud, A.
Founder of ego psychology
Freud, S.
Originator of the psychodynamic approach to personality
Horney, K.
Psychodynamic theorist who suggested there were three ways to relate to others: moving toward, moving against, and moving away from
Jung, C.
Psychodynamic theorist who broke with Freud over the concept of libido; suggested that the unconscious could be divided into the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious, with archetypes being in the collective unconscious
Kelly, G.
Based personality theory on the notion of "individual as scientist"
Kernberg, O.
Object-relations theorist
Klein, M.
Object-relations theorist
Lewin, K.
Phenomenological personality theorist who developed field theory
Mahler, M.
Object-relations theorist
Maslow, A.
Phenomenological personality theorist known for developing a hierarchy of needs and for the concept of self-actualization
McClelland, D.
Studied need for achievement (nAch)
Mischel, W.
Critic of trait theories of personality
Rogers, C.
Phenomenological personality theorist
Rotter, J.
Studied locus of control
Sheldon, W.
Attempted to relate somatotype (body type) to personality type
Skinner, B.F.
Winnicott, D.W.
Object-relations theorist
Witkin, H.
Studied field-dependence and field-independence using the rod and frame test