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166 Cards in this Set

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GABA-potentiating barbiturates
Phenobarbital--> enhances GABA inhibitory neurotransmitter
Benzodiazepines-- potentiating GABA action
Lorazepam, Clonazepam, Diazpam--> intensifies GABA, short term therapy for ABSENCE, MYOCLONIC, and to terminate status elpitcus
act by delaying influx of calcium (Ethozuxmide Zarontin-- ABSENSE
Hydantoin delay...
the influc of sodium into neuron, Phenytoin, Dilantin... DONT USE ON ABSENCE
monitor pt on Valproic acid (depakene for
restlessness and agitation (kids)
Report bleeding and bruising to health care ASAP if on...
Carbamazepine (Tegretol)--> all seisures except absence
What meds treat partial seisures
Valproic acid- depakene
Carbamazepine - tegretol
Regional loss of sensation is achieved by...
local anesthetics- topically, infiltration, nerve block, spinal or epidural
Local anesthetics
block sodium channels in neurons
Local anesthetics are classfied as
amids or esters
are being replaced by AMIDES (Lidocaine) Xylocaine bc they are safer
General anesthsia-->
complete oss of sensation w/ loss of consciousness (acheived through multiple meds)
INhaled general anesthetics-->
maintain surgical anesthetics
Nitrous oxide
inhaled general anesthtic with low efficacy
Halothane (Fluthane
induces deep anesthesia
Return of gag reflex should be prirority nursing assessment when
pt recieved lidocaine vicous before a gastroscopy
Epinephrine can..
prolong duration of anesthetics action
When used as adjunct anesthesia succinylcholine (Anectine) look for what side effect
bradycardia, resp depression
after recieving Katamine (Ketalar) a pt should be
put into a quiet place with low lights and away from npisy pt// equipement
Nerve block
direct injection into tissues, affects nerve bundles, used on limbs/face
Spinal anesthsiea
injected into CSF, affects large regonal areas EX lower abdomen and leegs... orthopedic procedures
Infiltration (field block(
injected into tissue right where surgrey is happening
inject into epidural space used with l &d
When to use CSF combined spinal epidural
othropedics, lower limbs, amputation, female pelvi surgery,
Epidural anesthsia w/ general
pediatric surgrey, throacic surgrey
general anesthetics
in a few seconds- 1. loss of pain, 2. excitement and hyperactivity, 3. surgical anesthsia, 4 paralysis of medulla
local anesthics adverse effects
CNS stimulant at first then CNS depressant
Monitor--> local and general anesthsia
cardio/ resp side effects, length of effectiveness, DI and GU effects, client safety, vitals, recovery from anestsia
3 layers of skin
epidermis, dermis, sub q layer
stratum basale
deepest, supplies new cells to dermis, takes 3 weeks for production
in deeper layes, secretes the dark pigment melanin, protects skin from sun
2nd layer foundation of hair and nails, nerve endings, pild glands,sweat glands, blood vessels found here
Sub q layer
hypodermis, adipose tissue,
MRSA treat with
Mupirocin Batroban
Herpes tx
acyclovir zovirax
Lice and scabies tx with
Permethrin- nix, acticin, elimite,
Tx sunburn w/
topical lidocaine
Seborrhea and androgens=
factors associated w/ acne
Acne tx
OTC- benzoyle, keraolytic effect
Treinoin--> vitamin A
Oral contraceptive-- ethinyl estradiol
Rosacea tx
benzoyl, retinoids
atopic or hypersensitivity- Topical glucocorticoids
Open angle gluacoma
damage to the optic nerve painless and slow that a large portion of vision can be lost. Bi optic, most common form, it is called OPEN bc the iris does not cover the trabecular meshwork, it remains OPEN, final disease state= halos around eyes fatigue and discomfort. Tunnel vision and loss of peripheral vision is first reportable signs
Acute close angel glucoma
caused by stress, impact injurt or meds. pressure inside the anterior chamger increases suddenly bc the iris is pushed over the area where the aqueous fluid normally drains S/S headache, difficulty concentration, bloodshot eyes, blurred vision, buldging iris, SUDDEN inc in IOP
Drugs for glaucoma
DEC IOP by INC outflow of aqueour humor
DEC formation of aquemos humor
many affect autonomic nervous system
Protaglandins & gloacoma
-long durations of action and produce fewer adverse effects then other drugs,may be combined with beta adrendic blockers to produce additive reduction of IOP in px with resistant glaucoma..
DECREASE OP by increase AQUEOUS HUMOR outflow--> Lantanoprost (Xalatan).... TREATS OPEN ANGLE
Beta adrenergic blockers
before prostaglandins beta blockers were drug of choice for open angle glaucoma

- DECREASE production of aqueous humor by the ciliary body and can lower IOP

- A/E bronchoconstriction, dyrythmias, hypotension, (cautious with asthma and heart failure)
Beta adrenergic blockers
Prototype--> timolol (timpotic)
- reduces FORMATION of aqueous humor, reduce elated intraocular pressure in chronic open angle glaucoma
Alpha 2 anrenergic agonist
Brimonidine (Alpagan)- dec production of aqueous humor
Non selective sympathomimetics
Dipivefrin HCL (propine) activate the sympathetic nervous system (mydriatics)- dilate pupil to increase outflow, not as effective as beta blocker or prostaglandins may INC BP or HR
Cholinergics agonist (miotics)
Pilocarpine (isotoscarpine) constricts pupil to allow room for outflow, by activating cholinergic receptors in the eye creast miosis contraction of the pupular and contraction of the cilary muslce
Osmotic diuretics
reduce formation of aqueous humor Mannitol (Osmitrol) Acute close angle
Prostaglandin drops may
cause brown pigmentation
If using beta adrenegic agents to treat glaucoma
teach pt and family to monitor pulse and blood pressure
Eye drops
into conjunctival sac
hold slight pressure on tear duct 1 min after using drops
avoid direct contact
The myocardiym requires continous supply of oxygen from the
coronary arteries to fx properly.
Coronary <3 disease=
both angina &mycardal infarction... caused by narrowing of the arterial lumen due to atherosclerotic plaque
Angina pectoris is
the narrowing of a coronary artery resulting in lack of enough oxygen to the <3 muscle... chest pain during activity
Chronic stable angina
exertional pain is generally related to plaque which limits blood flow CAD gnerally treated with NTG
Variant angina
prinzemetal/vasospastic... pain is related to arterial spasm. again treated with NTG but the effect is vasodilatory in nature creating inc blood flow and deleivery of O2
Unstable angina
medical emergency--. t/t plauq, vasospasm, platlet aggregation. MONA morphine, o2, nitrates, asa.
SA node is the
from SA node impulses travel down to the
AV node
At the AV node is where
the impulse is held until the ventrcles are at the optimal state of readiness
heart has 2 types of action potentials
Fast action potentals occur in the His purkenje system, the atrial muslc and ventrucles (CONTRACTION

Slow action potentials occur in the SA and AV nodes (rate)
Antidysrthmic drugs work by
impeding enhancing or blocking impulse creation/condution
Angina management
diet, lifestyle mods, angioplasty
goals for therapy of angina
terminate acute attacks and preventing futrue attacks--> reduce cardiac work load
organic nitrates releive angina by
dilating veins and coronary arteries... drug of choice for terminating acute episode of stable angina
BBlocker relieve anginal pain by
decreasing the oxygen demands on the heart... drug of choice for prophylaxis of stable angina
CCB relieve angina by dilating the
coronary vessels and reducing the workload on the <3. First drug of choice for tx of vasospastic angina
Nitrates work so well with angina tx b/c
they decrease the afterload so the workload of the <3 decreases
Beta blockers....
slow heart rate and decrease contractility
Pt should take off nitroglycerin patch at night to..
delay develoment of tolerance
Px experiencing chest pain you..
assess the loaction quality and intensity, assess RH and BP, administer NTG, document interventions and outcomes
Changes in sodium and potassium levels generate...
the Action potential in myocardial cells
Depolarization occurs when
sodium calcium rush in
Repolarization occurs
when sodium ions are remvoed and potassium ions are restored inside the cells
Sodium channel blockers--> antidysrthymic
largest group, act by slowing the rate of impulse conduction across the heart
Beta adrenergic blockers
antidysrhythmics... act by reducing automaticity as well as by slowing conduction velocity across myocardium
Potassium channel blockers
act by prolonging the refractory period of the <3
Calcium channel blockers... act by
reducing automaticity and by slowing myocardial conduction velocity. their actions are similar to beta blockers
Beta blockers can mask...
symptoms of hypoglycemia
monitor HR when taking
antidysrhyhmic agents
Verapamil is contradicted in
px with <3 failure
adverse effects of antidysrhymics
hypotension, dizziness, weakness
So not stop taking propanolol (inderal)
Digoxin (Lanoxin)
Misc. - generally used for HF, prescribed for certain atrial dysrhythmias. Dec automaticity of SA node & slows conduction through the AV node. Monitor px carefully
Hemostasis is a
complex process enzymes and clotting factors that the final product ends up with a fibrin clot
Fibrinolysis is the
removal of a blood clot= an enzymatic process initiated by the release of TPA... plasmins digests the fibrin stands... restoring circulation to the injured area
Anticoagulatnts are used to
prevent thrombi from forming or enlarging--> primary drugs are heparin (parenteral), warfarin (oral
Several drugs prolong bleeding time by interfereing with aggrigation of platelets
antiplatelet drugs- aspirin, ADP blockers, glycoprotein IIb/IIa receptor antagonist and miscellaneous agents to treat claudication
Thrombolytics are used to
dissolve esxsisting clots in pt with MI or CVA
Hemostatics or antifibrinolytics
are used to promote the formation of clots in patients with excessive bleeding from surgical sites
Which clotting factors are formed after injury to the vessel?
Thrombin, fibrin
Pt asks how heparin is a "blood thinner" you respond
hepearin does not thin the blood but prevents clots from forming as easily in the blood vessels
Pt receiving thrombolytic agent alteplase (activase) after a myocardial infarction what finding is most likely due to being on thrombolytic agent
bruising and epistaxis
Intrinsic clotting cascade beings in the blood stream.. it is activated with blood is exposed to
Factor XII is activated to
XIIa by exposed collagen
Extrinsic pathway beings in the vessel wall... damaged endothelial cells will release
Factor III (tissue factor)
Arterial thrombus begin with formation of
a platlet plug
venous thrombus begin with the formation of
fibrin which then snares RBCs and platelets
Arterial thrombi are best prevented with
antiplatlet drugs
Venous thrombi are best prevented with
Anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin)
Heparin supprsses coagulation by helping inactivate
thrombin and factor Xa
Antidote for heparin
Promate sulfate
Antidotes for warfarin
vitamin K
durgs that inhibit clotting factors and prevent clot formation and extension. DO not break down clots
Drugs that bind to receptors on the surface of the platelet and inhibit platlete activity
Drugs that dissolve exsisting clots
Warfarin (coumadin)
Anticoagulant--> blocks clotting cascade.. venous thrombi prevention, monitored by Protime (PT with an INR goal is 2-3.. eat green leafy veggies, avoid NSAIDS
Anticoagulant properties r/t inhibitoion f circulating factor Xa and IIa..cofactor to antithrombin
Unfractionated heparin
alters the shape of antithrombin-- allowing the thrombin to accept the drug
low molecular eight heparin
lays along the base of antithrombin, inhibition more specific to factor X. 2-4xs longer duration, less likely to cause thrombocytopenia, prevention of DVTs
The panceras is 2 types of glands
endocrine and exocrine- it secretes as well as stimulates release of hormones
insulin LOWERS...
BLOOD glucuse levels
glucagon RAISES
blood glucose levels
what is the primary responsible for stable serum glucose levels
Type 1 diabetes
is autoimmune in nature, beta cells are destroyed in the pancrease causing consistently HIGH levels of serum GLUCOSE
B/c glucose levels are high in ciculating serum the body is required to use
lipid stores for energy thus increasingly high levels of by products.. ketones
Type 2 is caused by lack of responses of
insulin receptors
oral agents and lifestyle management
Glucagon is release when what decreases
insulin is released when what increases
blood glucose
islet of Langerhans
are resoponsible for the endocrine fx which is release of insulin and glucagon
Regular insulin...
is to promote entry of glucose into the cells there by lowering glucose
Insulin causes potassium to move into cells which could cause
DM 2 you produce insulin but what
you cant use it
Rapid insulins
Lispro (Humalog)
Glulisine (Apidra)
Aspart Novolog)
- inject about 10 mins before a meal
Short insulins
Regular (Humulin R, Novolin R)
- 30 to 60 before a meal
Intermediate insulins
isophane susp (NPG, Humulin N)- 1 hour before a meal
Long insulins
Insulin detemir (levemir)
insulin glargine (lantus)
stimulates beta cells to produce more insulin, stimulate release of insulin from pancreatic cells, inc sensitivity of insulin receptors, used used for Hyperglycmia...
Metformin (Glucophage)
dec hepatic production of glucose
Alpha Glucosidase inhibitors
Acarbose (Precose)
Miglitol (Glyset)
block enzymes in the small intestines breaking down complex carbs into monosaccharides
Thiazloidinediones (Glitazones
Rosiglitazone (Avandia)
Pioglitazone (Actos)
reduces blood glucose by dec insulin resistance.. inc glucose utilization and dec glucose production
other agents
Exenatide (Byetta)
Pramlintide (Symlin) for type 1 and 2
meglitinides hypoglycemics type 2
Repalinide (prandin)
Nateglinide (Starlix)
hypothalamus secretes
RELEASING hormone that travel via blood vessels a short distance to the pituitary gland these hormones specify which hormone is to be released by the pituitary--> Pituitary secretes STIMULATING hormone
Anterior Pituitary (growth, reproduction, metabolism) consists of glandular tissue and stimulates what?
- Growth hormone (GH): stimulates the growth and metabolism of nearly every cell in the body. Def in kids = short stature/dwarfism
- Follical stimulating hormone (FSH)
- Luetuenizing hormone (LH
- Prolactin (PRL)
- Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
- Adrenocorticotrpoic hormone (ACTH)
Growth Hormone target
- bone, muslc, other tissue
Follical stimulating homrone target is
testes and ovarys
luteinzing hormone target is
thyroid stimulating hormone target is
Prolactin targets
mammary glands
ACTH's target is
adrenal glands which tells the medulla to secrete glucocorticoids and epinephrine
Posterior pituitary secretes
Antiduiretic hormone (kidneys)
Oxytocin (uterus, mammories, and prostate)
Hypothalamix release factors are used mostly for
diagnostic and tx of cancer
- Leuprolide (lupron) inhibits premature luteizing hormone surge in woman under going fertillity tx, dx of endometeriosis
- Corticotrophin -releasing homrone= used in the dx of CUSHING disease
GH antagonist
octretide (sandostain) treat acromegaly
GH agonist
somatatropin (nutropin) tx of ppl with growth homrone deficit
adjucnt tx after abalation of thyroid
Corticiotropin (athcar)
dx of adrenal fx
Desmopressin DDAVP (posterior pit)
use w/ pt to control acute symptoms of DI who have insufficent ADH, long duration, 20 hours, usually sublingual or nasal
Vasopressin (pitressin) and lypressin (diapid)
short duration 2.8 hours given only if we think we can control DI , enhancing water reabsorption
Hypothyroidism (Myexdema)
s/s weakness, muscle cramps, dry skin... Severe S/S slurred speach, low HR, weight inc, DEC sense of taste and smell, intolerance to cold, ELEVATED TSH diminished T3 and T4
Most common cause of hypOthyroidism in US
destruction of thyroid gland due to chronic autoimmune
S/S increase body metabolism, inc HR, weight loss, elevated temp, and anxiety//
Graves Disease
Hyperthyroidism... most common cause of hyperthyroidism
TX for hyperthyroidism
Administer thiomides which decrease acvitity of thyroid
- Propylthiouracil PTU, methimazole (tapazole)
- radio active iodine (sodium 131
Addison's disease
Primary ADRENALCORTICAL insufficency.. S/S n&v, lethargy, confusin, coma, low plasma cortisol level, w/ high plasma ACTH levels, dehydration, serium sodium dec, serum K inc, vascular collapse, renal shut down, hypoglycemia, postural hypotension, weight loss, bronze pig of skin
Cushings syndrome
-due to prolong high levels of glucocorticoids in the body, adrenal atrophy, osteoporosis, hTn, in risk to infection**, delyaed wound healing, ance, peptic ulcer, moon face, buffalo bump,
tx of cushings
metyrapone (metopirone)
kryoconazole (nizoral) antifungal
mifepristone (mifepprex) steroids ocupies glucocorticoid receptor
secreted by ovarian follicles, prepare endo for implantation
secreted by corpus luteum, prepare for endo for implantation
estrogen/ progestin contraceptives
shut down LH and FSH
progestin only pill
produce thick mucus
72 hours plan B
misoprostol cytoec