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103 Cards in this Set

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Sternomastoid muscle
Muscle that arises from sternum & medial part of clavicle & extends diagonally across neck to mastoid process behind ear; head rotation & head flexion; innervated by CN XI (spinal accessory)
Trapezius muscle
Muscle that arises from occipital bone & the vertebrae & extends fanning out to scapula & clavicle; the pr form a trapezoid shape on upper back; move the shoulders & extend & turn the head
Lymph nodes in front of ear
Posterior auricular
Lymph nodes superficial to the mastoid process
Lymph nodes at the base of the skull
Lymph nodes behind the tip of the mandible
Lymph nodes halfway b/n the angle & tip of the mandible
Lymph nodes under the angle of the mandible
Superficial cervical
Lymph nodes overlying the sternomastoid muscle
Deep cervical
Lymph nodes deep under the sternomastoid muscle
Posterior cervical
Lymph nodes in the posterior triangle along the edge of the trapezius muscle
Lymph nodes just above & behind the clavicle, at the sternomastoid muscle
Anterior triangle
Lies in front, b/n sternomastoid & midline of body, w/its base along lower border of mandible & apex down at suprasternal notch
Posterior triangle
Behind sternomastoid, w/trapezius muscle on other side & w/its base along the clavicle below; contains posterior belly of omohyoid muscle
Enlargement of the lymph nodes (>1 cm) from infection, allergy, or neoplasm
Acute infection
In this abnormal finding, nodes are bilateral, enlarged, warm, tender, & firm but freely moveable
In this abnormal finding, nodes are hard, unilateral, nontender, fixed
Tympanic membrane
eardrum; separates external & middle ear & is tilted obliquely to the ear canal, facing downward & somewhat forward; shiny, translucent membrane w/pearly gray color & prominent cone of light in anteroinferior quadrant (R-5:00, L-7:00); oval, slightly concave
"Hammer"; first of the 3 middle ear ossicles; made up of umbo, manubrium, & short process
Pars flaccida
Small, slack, superior section of tympanic membrane
Pars tensa
Thick, taut, central/inferior section of tympanic membrane
Outer fibrous rim of the drum
Conductive hearing loss
Involves mechanical dysfunction of external/middle ear; partial loss b/c person able to hear if sound amplitude is increased enough to reach normal nerve elements in inner ear; causes: impacted cerumen, foreign bodies, perforated tympanic membrane, pus/serum in middle ear, otosclerosis (decrease in mobility of ossicles)
Gradual hardening that causes foot plate of stapes to become fixed in oval window --> decrease in mobility of ossicles
Sensorineural hearing loss
Pathology of inner ear, CN VIII, or auditory areas of cerebral cortex; increase in amplitude may not enable person to understand words; causes: presbycusis, ototoxic drugs (affect hair cells in cochlea)
Gradual nerve degeneration in inner ear/auditory nerve that occurs w/aging
Otitis media
Middle ear infection that occurs b/c of obstruction of eustachian tube or passage of nasopharyngeal secretions into middle ear; one of most common illnesses in children
Yellow waxy material that lubricates & protects ear canal; genetically determined, comes in two major types
Dry cerumen
Gray, flaky, frequently forms a thin mass in ear canal; Asians & American Indians have 84% frequency
Wet cerumen
Honey brown to dark brown & moist; Blacks have 99% frequency, whites have 97% frequency
Inspecting w/otoscope
Pull pinna up & back on adult, pull pinna down & back on infant & child < 3 yrs; hold otoscope upside down, have dorsa of hand along pt's cheek; insert speculum along axis of canal, put eye up to otoscope; may need to rotate otoscope slightly to visualize all the eardrum
Whispered voice test
Rapidly push tragus in & out of auditory meatus, shield lips; 1-2 ft from pt's ear, exhale & whisper slowly 2-syllable words (e.g. Tuesday, baseball); normal = pt repeats ea. word correctly
Tuning fork tests
Measure hearing by air conduction (AC) or bone conduction (BC); AC - through ear canal & middle ear, usu. more sensitive; BC - sound vibrates through cranial bones to inner ear; to activate tuning fork, hold it by stem & strike tines softly on back of hand
Weber test
Valuable when pt reports hearing better w/one ear than the other; place vibrating tuning fork in midline of person's skull, ask whether tone sounds the same in both ears or better in one; normal = tone should sound equally loud in both ears
Rinne test
Compares air conduction & bone conduction sound; place stem of vibrating tuning fork on person's mastoid process, ask pt to signal when sound goes away; quickly invert fork so vibrating end near ear canal, person should still hear sound; normal = positive Rinne test (AC > BC, sound heard twice as long by air conduction)
Reddish blue discoloration & swelling of auricle after exposure to extreme cold; vesicles/bullae may develop, person feels pain & tenderness, & ear necrosis may ensue
Otitis externa
"Swimmer's ear"; infection of outer ear, w/severe painful movement of pinna & tragus, redness & swelling of pinna & canal, scanty purulent discharge, scaling, itching, fever, enlarged tender regional lymph nodes; hearing normal/slightly diminished; more common in hot humid weather; after swimming, skinfolds set up for infection
Darwin's tubercle
Small painless nodule at helix; congenital variation, not significant
Small, whitish-yellow, hard, nontender nodules in/near helix/antihelix; contain greasy, chalky material of uric acid crystals; sign of gout
Overgrowth of scar tissue, invades original site of trauma; more common in dark-skinned ppl, in ear it is most common at lobule at site of pierced ear
Ulcerated crusted nodule w/indurated base that fails to heal; bleeds intermittently; must refer for biopsy; usu. occurs on superior rim of pinna (most sun exposure); may occur in ear canal & show chronic serosanguineous/bloody discharge
Exquisitely painful, reddened, infected hair follicle; may occur on tragus, cartilaginous part of ear canal; regional lymphadenopathy often accompanies it
Perforation (TM)
Usu. appears as round/oval darkened area on drum; central - occur in pars tensa, marginal - occur at annulus, attic perforation - when they occur in pars flaccida (superior part of drum); causes: untreated acute otitis media, trauma
Inner ear structure containing the central hearing apparatus
Eustachian tube
Connects middle ear w/nasopharynx & allows passage of air
Superior, posterior free rim of pinna
"Anvil"; middle of the 3 middle ear ossicles
Bony prominence of skull located just behind ear
Organ of Corti
Sensory organ of hearing
Auricle or outer ear
"Stirrup"; inner of the 3 middle ear ossicles
Ringing in the ears
Knob of malleus that shows through the tympanic membrane
Spinning, twirling sensation
Overgrowth of epidermal tissue in middle ear/temporal bone, may result over the years after marginal TM perforation; pearly white, cheesy appearance; can erode bone & produce hearing loss; early signs: otorrhea, unilateral conductive hearing loss, tinnitus
Discharge from the ear
Pain in the ear
Weber test - conductive loss
Sound lateralizes to affected/poorer ear b/c it's not distracted by background noise & has better chance to hear bone-conducted sound
Weber test - sensorineural loss
Sound lateralizes to unaffected/better ear b/c affected/poor ear is unable to perceive sound
Rinne test - conductive loss
Sound is heard as long (AC=BC) or longer (AC<BC) by bone conduction; negative Rinne test
Rinne test - sensorineural loss
Normal ratio of AC>BC is intact but reduced overall; person hears poorly both ways
Goiter; exophthalmos; symptoms: nervousness, fatigue, weight loss, muscle cramps, heat intolerance; signs: tachycardia, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, fine muscle tremor, thin, silky hair & skin, infrequent blinking, staring appearance
Deficiency of thyroid hormone, when severe, causes a non-pitting edema or myxedema; puffy edematous face, esp. around eyes (periorbital edema), coarse facial features, dry skin, dry coarse hair & eyebrows
3 parallel bony projections that increase surface area so that more blood vessels & mucous membranes are available to warm, humidify, & filter inhaled air
Frontal sinus
Sinus located in frontal bone above & medial to orbits
Maxillary sinus
Sinus in maxilla (cheekbone) alone side walls of nasal cavity
Ethmoid sinus
Sinus b/n the orbits
Sphenoid sinus
Sinus deep w/in skull in sphenoid bone
Hard palate
Part of the arching roof of the mouth that is made up of bone & whitish in color
Soft palate
Arch of muscle that is pinker, mobile
Parotid, submandibular, sublingual
3 pairs of salivary glands (name them)
Function of salivary glands
Secrete saliva, which moistens & lubricates the food bolus, starts digestion, & cleans & protects the mucosa
Parotid gland
Largest of the salivary glands; lies w/in the cheeks in front of the ear extending from the zygomatic arch down to angle of the jaw; Stensen's (its duct)
Stensen's duct
Duct of the parotid gland that runs forward to open on the buccal mucosa opposite the second molar
Submandibular gland
Walnut-sized; lies beneath mandible at angle of the jaw; Wharton's (duct)
Wharton's duct
Duct of the submandibular gland that runs up & forward to the floor of the mouth & opens at either side of frenulum
Midline fold of tissue that connects tongue to floor of the mouth
Sublingual gland
Smallest of the salivary glands, almond-shaped; lies w/in floor of the mouth under the tongue; has many small openings along sublingual fold under the tongue
Bifid uvula
Uvula is split either completely or partially; may indicate a submucous cleft palate, which may affect speech development b/c it prevents necessary air trapping; occurs in some Native American groups (18%) & Asians (10%), uncommon in whites, rare in blacks
Cleft lip
Maxillofacial clefts are the most common congenital deformities of head & neck; incidence highest in American Indians & Japanese & lowest in blacks; early treatment preserves functions of speech & language formation & deglutition (swallowing)
Cleft palate
Failure of fusion of maxillary processes; congenital defect; wide variation occurs in extent of cleft formation, from upper lip only, palate only, uvula only, to cleft of the nostril & the hard & soft palates; most common in American Indians & Asians & least common in blacks
Nasal mucosa swollen, bright red w/an upper respiratory infection
Chornic allergy
Mucosa looks swollen, boggy, pale, gray
Inspecting the nasal cavity
Gently lift up tip of nose w/your finger, & insert into nasal vestibule the short wide-tipped speculum attached to the otoscope head; view each nasal cavity w/person's head erect & then w/head tilted back; normal = red color & smooth moist surface; note swelling, discharge, bleeding, foreign body
Superior turbinate
Which turbinate cannot be inspected w/the otoscope?
U-shaped area under the tongue behind the teeth
Where do oral malignancies most likely develop on the tongue?
Oval, surface rough & peppered w/indentations; located behind anterior tonsillar pillar; pink like oral mucosa
Tonsil grade
1+ visible, 2+ halfway b/n tonsillar pillars & uvula, 3+ touching the uvula, 4+ touching each other
Tonsil - acute infection
Tonsils enlarged to 2+, 3+, 4+
Testing CN X (vagus)
Ask the person to say "ahhh" & note soft palate & uvula rise in the midline
Testing CN IX (glossopharyngeal) & X (vagus)
Touch the posterior wall of oral cavity w/tongue blade to elicit gag reflex
Testing CN XII (hypoglossal)
Ask the person to stick out the tongue; normal = it protrudes in the midline; note any tremor, loss of movement, or deviation to the side
May be spontaneous from local cuase or a sign of underlying illness; causes: nose picking, forceful coughing/sneezing, fracture, foreign body, rhinitis, heavy exertion, coagulation disorder; bleeding from anteror septum is easily controlled, rarely severe; posterior hemorrhage is less common (<10%) but more profuse, harder to manage, more serious
Kiesselbach's plexus in anterior septum
Most common site of nosebleed
Acute rhinitis
1st sign is a clear, watery discharge, rhinorrhea, which later becomes purulent; accompanied by sneezing & swollen mucosa, which causes nasal obstruction; turbinates are dark red, swollen
Allergic rhinitis
Rhinorrhea, itching of nose & eyes, lacrimation, nasal congestion, sneezing; note serous edema & swelling of turbinates to fill the air space; turbinates usu. pale (may appear violet) & their surface looks smooth, glistening; may be seasonal/perennial, depending on allergen; strong family history of seasonal allergies
Herpes Simplex 1
Cold sores; clear vesicles w/surrounding indurated erythematous base that evolve into pustules, which rupture, weep, & crust, & heal in 4-10 days; most likely site is lip-skin junction & infection often recurs in same site; caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV-1); highly contagious & spread by direct contact; recurrent herpes infections may be precipitated by sunlight, fever, colds, allergy; very common lesion (50% of adults)
Gum margins are red, swollen, & bleed easily; gingival tissue has desquamated (peeled off), exposing roots/teeth; inflammation usu. due to poor dental hygiene or vitamin C deficiency; may occur in pregnancy/puberty b/c of changing hormonal balance
Koplik's spots
Small blue-white spots w/irregular red halo scattered over mucsoa opposite the molars; early sign & pathognomonic of measles
Candidiasis (monilial infection)
White, cheesy, curdlike patch on buccal mucosa & tongue; scrapes off, leaving raw, red surface that bleeds easily; termed "thrush" in newborn; opportunistic infection that occurs after use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, & in immunosuppressed persons
Oral Kaposi's sarcoma
Bruiselike, dark red/violet, confluent macule; usu. on hard palate, may be on soft plalte or gingival margin; oral lesions may be among earliest lesions to develop w/AIDS
Perforated nasal septum
Hole in septum, usu. in cartilaginous part; may be caused by snorting cocaine, chronic infection, trauma from continual picking of crusts, nasal surgery; seen directly or as spot of light when penlight directed into other naris
Changes in bathroom habits; A sore that doesn't heal; Unusual discharge/bleeding; Thickness/lumps in breast or other areas; Indigestion & difficulty in swallowing; Obvious changes in moles/warts; Nagging cough & hoarseness