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19 Cards in this Set

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Goal of interventions for older adults
Goal: Interventions to promote independence and prevent functional decline
a functional assessment is the basis for what?
Care Planning
Goal setting
Discharge planning
Eligibility for service like Rehabilitation Units and DME
Long term care placement, Home Health or Hospice
Domains of functional assessment
Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL)

Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
self care
Shopping, meal preparation, taking meds,
Mobility domain of functional assessment
coordination, endurance
considerations during functional assessment
*may tire easily
*medication side effects
*hearing aid/glasses
*face client when speaking low pitch voice
*room comfort
KATZ index of independence in ADL measures?
Measures physical function in the older adult and the chronically ill
ADL impairment usually assoc w/?
What is the best place for functional assessment for elderly - though may not be possible?
Mini-mental status exam
assesses orientation, registration, attention, and recall to assess risk for loss of ADLs
quality of life in elderly is closely linked with?
social support
The three types of social support
formal: social welfare and health care

semiformal: church groups, neighborhood groups, etc.

informal: usually family, friend, and/or female
Important to assess the person receiving care as it is to assess the?
caregiver - often a loved one who is just as frail; may result in CAREGIVER BURNOUT
When it comes to elder abuse, the perpetrator is often?
family - may be in form of physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, financial or neglect
Signs of elderly mistreatment
Look for inconsistencies, delay in treatment for injuries, poor hygiene, reluctance of caregiver to leave elder alone with care provider
Hospice Care
Philosophy of care that focuses on comfort care versus cure of illness
What makes one eligible for Hospice Care?
Eligible if doctor certifies that a person has a terminal illness and has 6 months or less if the disease runs its normal course
90% of people will die of a chronic illness versus an acute episode
Interesting fact re: hospice care is that less than _______ is due to _________
<40% due to cancer

Less than 40% are cancer diagnosis
End stage cardiac, pulmonary, dementia, stroke