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301 Cards in this Set

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Any pregnancy, regardless of duration, including present pregnancy
Birth after 20 weeks gestation regardless of whether the infant is born alive or dead
The number of weeks since the first day of the last menstrual period
The normal duration of pregnancy
Second or any subsequent pregnancy
Period during which a woman is pregant
From the onset of labor until birth of the baby and placenta
From birth until the woman's body return to a prepregnant condition. Approx. 6 weeks
G, T, P, A, L
Number of term
Number or pre-term
What must you consider for gestational age
1)last menstrual period
2)menstrual history (interval and duration)
3)contraceptive use
What is Nagele's Rule
LMP + 7 -3 months = EDC
What are ancillary dating methods used for pregnancy testing
Detects presence of Beta hCG
When can Beta hCG be detected in normal pregnancy
as early as 6-9 days following ovulation
When does the level of Beta hCG rise after conception
During the first 3-4 weeks and then levels off eventually to decline
What do low levels of hCG indicate
Ectopic, or impending SAB
What can higher levels of hCG indicate
When are heart tones first audible?
Doppler 10-12 weeks
Fetoscope 17-20 weeks
The fundus reaches the umbilicus at approximately how many weeks
Between how many weeks gestation is the fundal hight in cms equal to the G.A in weeks
When measuring fundal height, where do you measure the top
Fetal pole in fundus
When does quickening usually occur
between 17-20 weeks
What is the general rule regarding ultasound dating
the earlier teh estimate of the age, the more accurate it is
What is the new cornerstone of dating
What is the most common used method for figuring out the gestational age with an unknown LMP, irregular menses, and contraceptive use
Good dates
-reliable LMP
-Documented positive pregnancy test by 6 weeks
-1st exam before 12 weeks, S=D
-FHT's by doptone @10 weeks
Poor Dates
-unknown LMP
-1st exam after 30 weeks
-U/S after 30 weeks
-size < or > dates
What signs are these:
breastes are tender
-Cessation of menses
-increased urination
-Elevated BBT
-Skin changes
Presumptive signs
What signs are these:
-Enlargement of the abdomen
-Enlargement and change in shape of uterus
-Palpation of fetal outline
-Palpation of UC's
-Positive pregnancy test
Probable Signs
What signs are these
-Fetal Movement
When can the gestational sac be seen with an ultrasound
4-6 weeks
What are dark brown splotchy areas over the face
What is Palmar Erythremia
Redness of the palms of the hands due to high estrogen levels
What are stretch marks called
Striae Gravidarum
What are breast changes during pregnancy
-Breast enlargement and fullness
-Tingling and tenderness
-Areola darkening
-Montgomery tubercles become prominent
When pregnant stomach tone and motility ___
When pregant small intestine motility ____
When pregnant Colon motility _____
When pregnant what happens to the bladders tone
When pregnant what happens to retention capacity
It's reduced
When pregnant what happens to the kidneys and ureter
What happens to the Tubules during pregnancy
unable to reabsrob all filtered substances causing spillage of glucose
What are women at risk for
What respiratory change occur in pregnancy is not normal
Breathing from the diaphragm
When pregnantion what occurs as the tidal volume increases to blow off excessive CO2 coming from fetus
What happens to oxygen consumption when pregnant
It increases
Breathing is what during pregnancy
Thoracic, rib cage flares
When is the diaphragm displaced when pregnant
upward, SOB
How much does Blood volume increase during pregnancy
How much increase in plasma volume during pregnancy?
How much is cardiac output increased?
Pulse rate increase by
10-15 BPM
What are some iron rich foods
Lean Beef
Baked Beans
Pregnant Hemoglobin
> 11
Pregnant Hematocrit
>33 (Normal 37-47)
Pregnant Anemia
Hgb <10
Anemia in non-pregnant
What are changes in the uterus
size increases by stretching
thinner and softer
increase in muscle fibers
increase in contractility
What is the Chadwick's sign
Bluish Hue of the cervix when a woman is pregnant
What are changes in the cervix
more vascular and edematous
Chadwick's sign
Goodell's sign
Increase in mucus production
What is the Goodell's sign
Softening of the uterus
What changes happen in the vagina during pregnancy
Hypertrophy and hyperplasia
-thickened vaginal mucosa
-Increase in lenght of vault
-Increase in white vaginal discharge
when do food cravings common
Second trimester
When is constipation common
Second trimester
When are pigmentation change common
Second trimester
When are varicose veins common
Second trimester
When are round ligament pain common
Second trimester
When is supine hypotension common
Second trimester
When are Braxton Hicks UC's common
When is Dependent Edema common
Third Trimester
When is Insomnia common
Thrid Trimester
When is Urinary Frequency common
Thrid trimester
What are signs of pregnancy induced hypertension
headache, blurry vision
seeing spots before eyes
When is absence of fetal movement a danger sign
After 20 weeks
What are some danger signs
Sudden gush in fluid
-Vaginal bleeding
-Abdominal pain
-Temp and chills
-Sever H/A, blurred vision, spots
when should someone be referred for genetic consultation
Hx of 2 or more miscarriages
Mother 35>
Hx of family member with defect
-Mother's health condition
-Couple is first cousin or other close blood relative
What test is removal of a small tissue specimen from the fetal portion of the placental
Chorionic Villus Sampling
When is Chorionic Villus Sample taken
10-12 weeks
When should chorionic Villus not be done
Before 10 weeks
What does MSAFP stand for
Maternal Serum Alpha-fetoprotein
This test is recommended for all pregnant women
What does MSAFP detect
Neural Tube defects and open abdominal wall defects
Where is AFP produced
by the fetal liver
WHen is AFP detected in the serum
From 14-34 weeks
What do lower levels of AFP possibly mean
Down Syndrome and other autosomal trisomies
When is the triple-marker test performed
16-18 weeks
What does the triple-marker test test?
Three maternal serum markers:
unconjugated estriol
Human chorionic gonadotropin
Using a triple-marker test, what will a baby with down syndrome test
MSAFP and unconjugated estriol levels are low, and hCG level is elevated
MSAFP is what?
Only a screening test, not diagnostic
What happens if the MSAFP is positive
An U/S is ordered, Refered to genetics who will order amniocentesis
What is one example of a Genetic Diagnostic test
Chorionic Villi Sampling
What is CVS?
Chorionic Villi Sampling, analysis of chorionic villi for chromosome analysis
When is a CVS ordered
(Chorionic Villi Sampling) Between 9-11 weeks
What is an example of a genetic diagnostic test
withdrawal of amniotic fluid
What is both a screening and diagnostic test
What is the most widely applied technique for antepartum evaluation of the fetus
Nonstress test
Describe the nonstress test:
seated in a reclining chair
slight left or right tilt
FHR is recorded with a Doppler and a codynamometer is appled to detect uterine contractions.
-may take 20-30 minutes
-Baby has to be awakened
What are accepted criteria for Non-stress tests
Two or more accelerations of 15 beats/min lasting for 15 seconds over a 20 min period
-Normal baseline rate
-Moderate variability
What can provide earlier warning of fetal compromise thant the NST and with fewere false-positive results
CST (Contraction stress test)
IS the CST Contraction stress test used often
How does the contraction stress test work
Two methods: nipple-stimulated contraction test and the oxytocin-stimulated contraction test
Interpretation of CST Contraction Stress Test
If no late deceleration are observed with the contraction the findings are considered negative
What are three fetal well-being tests
NST-non stress test
CST- contraction stress test
BPP-biophysical profile
What is the Biophysical Profile
noninvasive- Includes AFV (amniotic fluid volume)
FBMs (fetal breathing movements)
Fetal movements
*considered a physical examination of the fetus
Extra water
Amniotic fluid
stores of fat
When the expectant father adjusts to the reality of the pregnancy, what phase is this
stores of fat
When the expectant father adjusts to the reality of the pregnancy, what phase is this
What enzyme is present in the fetal liver in amounts less than those required after birth
glucuronyl transferase
How long does it take for the fetus to produce vitamin K
several days
What is the most critical alveolar surfactant required for postnatal lung expansion
What is used to determine the fetal lung maturity
L/S ratio, Sphingomyelin is also produced in the lungs but is constant, Lecithin increases at 21-24 weeks.
When are the lungs considered to be mature
When L/S reaches 2:1
When are the lungs usually mature by
35 weeks
What can retard fetal lung maturity
gestational diabetes and chronic glomerulonephritis
What babies have more respiratory difficulty?
Cesarean because the fluid is not sqeezed out
Is the GFR high or low in a term baby
When sould newborns void
within 24 hours of birth
When does the neural tube form
during the 4th week
What can cause fetal hiccups
cold solution placed into the amniotic fluid
What is the name for a large fetus
macrosomic fetus
What is it called with infants secret fluid from engorged breasts
Witch's Milk
What is the cheesy material that protects the skin of the fetus
Vernix caseosa
What is the very fine hairs called
What is the only immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta
What is an immunoglobulin that is not produced by the baby
What does colostrum contain
large amounts of IgA
Two zygoes
Dizygotic twins- two placenta that may fuse
Identical twins
Monozygotic twins
A woman who has never been pregnant
A woman who has not completed a pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who have reached 20 weeks
A pregnancy that goes beyond 42 weeks
Postdate or posterm
A pregnancy that has reached 20 weeks of gestation but ends before completion of 37 weeks of gestation
A woman who is preganant for the first time
A pregancy from the beginning of 38 weeds to the end of 42 weeks
capacity to live outside the uterus; abotu 22-25 weeks
What pregancy test can detect the beta subunit of hCG
RIA radioimmunoassy; performed in the labratory
What can cause false-positive tests
What causes false negatives
diuretics and promethazine
What does the uterus look like during the second trimester
spherical or globular
When does the pregnancy show?
14th week
What is it called when the fetus begins to descend and engage in the pelvis
When does lightening occur in the nullipara
about 2 weeks before the onset of labor
When does lightening occur in the multipara
Start of labor
at 6 weeks gestation, softening and compressibility of the lower uterine segment occur
Hegar Sign
When do Braxton Hicks start
Fourth month
What is the sound made by blood in the uterine arteries that is synchronous with the maternal pulse
uterine souffle
Sound made by blood rushing through the umbilical vessels and synchronous with the fetal hearth rate
Funic souffle
Softening of the cervical tip
Goodell Sign
Passive movement of the unengaged fetus
ballottement (bouncing it gently)
First sign
Violet-bluish color of the vaginal mucosa and cervix
Chadwick, (6-8th week)
White or slightly gray mucoid discharge with a faint musty odor
formation of the mucous plug
Is the vaginal secretions more acidic or basic
What is a pregnant more prone to
yeast infections
What are sebaceous oil glands embedded in the primary areolae
Montgomery tubercles
viscous secretory material can be found in the acini cells by the third month of gestation
Creamy, white-to-yellowish-toorange premilk fluid may be expressed from the nipples as early as 16 weeks
When does the apical impulse and PMI shift
Upward and laterally about 1-1.5 cm
Does systolic blood pressure change
usually remains the same
Does diastolic blood pressur echange
begins to decrease in the first trimester, continues to drop until 24-32 weeks, then gradually increases and retuns to prepregnancy levels by term
Drop of more than 30mm in systolic bp. bradycardia is noted,feels faint
Supine hypotensive syndrome
hemodilution is referred to as
physiologic anemia
When does the Total white cell count increase
second, and peaks during the 3rd
What causes the lung expansion to relax
What does estrogen cause
more vascularity
What happens to BMR
What side do the urters ususally dialate more on
Why is their urinary frequency
Initially from increased bladder sensitivity and later from compression
What happens to bladder tone
may decrease which increases the bladder capacity to 1500ml
What happens to the GFR early in pregnancy
Does physiologic edema or dpendent edema require treatment
Tubular reabsorption of what is impaired
glucosuria occurs when maternal glucose levels are lower than
160 (Normal 160-180)
Does proteinuria usually occur during pregnancy
No, except during labor or afterbirth. 1+ protein or less than 300 mg per 24 hr are acceptable
Facial melasma is called
What might cause stretchmarks
In multipara in addition to the striae of the present pregancy glistening silvery lines appear on...
light skined women, purplish lines on dark skined
Whats antoher word for vascular spiders
Where are vascular spiders normally found
neck, thorax, face, and arms, usually disappear
Palmar Erythema
Pinkish-red, diffuse mottling or well-defined blotches on the palms of the hands
What is the most common cause of pruritic rash
Cholestasis of pregnancy
Gingival granuloma gravidarum, red, raised nodule on the gums that bleeds easily
Separation of the abdominal muscles
diastasis recti abdominis, gradually regain tone
When is carpal tunnel synderome common
last trimester
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome
Edema involving the peripheral nerves
Numbness and tingling of the hands
When does lightheadedness commonly occur
during early pregnancy
When does morning sickness usually appear
4-6 weeks
Excessive salivation
Are peptic ulcers common
No- estrogen decreases production of hydrochloric acid
What causes acid indigestion or heartburn
Increased progesterone- decreased tone and motility of smooth muscles, resulting in esophageal regurgitation, slower emptying time and reverse peristalsis
What causes constipation
increased progesterone, causes increase in water absorption from the colon and hypoperistalsis, and iron supplements
When should bleeding be reported
all instances
What happens to the thyroid during pregnancy
enlarges because of estrogen
Does insulin cross the placenta
What causes the mother to need more insulin
Estrogen, progesterone, hCS and cortisol collectively decrease the mothers ability to use insulin
What is considered a LBW
2500g or less; very big risk if less than 1500
How much folic acid should be consumed
400 micrograms
What is the expected energy expenditure for the first trimester
the same as in the prepregnant state
What is the estimated energy expenditure for the second trimester
340 kcal above normal amount
What is the estimated energy expenditure during the 4th trimester
462 kcal abovethe normal amount
Is theoptimal weight gain during pregnancy known
Who are at risk for giving birth to an infant with intrauterine grwoth restriction
Normal-weight and underweight women
Who is more likely to have preclampsia
obese women, tons of other risks
How much weight should be gained if single fetus and with normal BMI
11.5-16 kg
How much should women gain with single fetus and are underweight
12.5-18 kg
How much should women gain with single fetus and are overweight
7-11.5 kg
How much should women gain with twins and are underweight
21-28 kg
How much should women gain with twins and are overweight
How much should women gain with twins and are normal weight
17-24.5 kg
How much should women gain with twins and are obese
12-17.7 kg
How much should women gain with single and are obese
7 kg
When are pretem births greater
when weight gain is during the last half of pregnancy
Average weight gain during first trimester
1-2.5 kg for normal weight
What is the recommended weight gain per week for normal weight
.4 kg
What is considered excessive weight gain
3 kg per month
How much does a a women have to gain to be especially at risk
18 kg or more
Are high-protein supplements recommended
no- they have been associated with incidence of preterm births
How many servings of grains
6 ounces
How many servings of vegetables
How many servings of fruits
How many servigs from milk group
How much meat
5 ounce equivalents: fish, nuts, and seeds
How much oil
6 teaspoons
How much water
8-10 glasses or 2.3 L
What has caffeine been associated with
miscarriage and giving birth to infans with IUGR
How much caffeine is "Okay"
no more than 150-300 mg
What sweetner should be avoided with a woman with PKU
Who is anemia most common in
adolescents, AA, and lower socioeconomic
What is the recommended amount of Iron
30 mg of ferrous iron daily, starting by 12 weeks gestation
What is the recommended amount of calcium
There is no increase in the DRI of calcium 1000 for >19 and 1300 <19
What increase absortion of iron
Vitamin C
What decreases iron absorption
Bran, tea, coffee, milk, oxalates,
When should iron be taken
on an empty stomach and at bedtime
What are good sources of magnesium
dairy products, nuts, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables
IS moderate peripheral edema normal in pregnancy
What is one of the most likely vitams to be lacking in the diets of women of childbearing age
What can vitamin E help prevent
IF a women has borne a child with a neural tube defect they are advised to take how much folic acid
4 mg
Food can and should be the normal vehicle to meet the additional nutrient needs imposed by pregnancy except
Practice of consuming nonfood substances
What increases the woman's risk of obesity later in life
adolescent pregnancy
How much more should be consumed when breast feeding
330 kcal for the first 6 months
What is the average loss during lactation
.5-1 kg per month
What can impair milk production
What can accumulate in the infant
Cutoff values for anemia are higher in these women
smoke or live at high altitudes
How many caloreis should the lactating woman get
What should the food plan be for women with diabetes
four to six meals and snacks daily, carbohydrate intake distributed
What might help nausea
vitamin b6 or ginger
-eat dry food when nausea
-avoid a lot of fluids in the morning
-avoid skipping meals
-avoid sudden movements
-decrease fried or fatty foods
-foods at cool temperature
-avoid brusing teeth immediately after eating
-herbal teas
How much fiber? (constipation)
First trimester is weeks
Second trimester is weeks
Third trimester is weeks
These are detected by an examiner and related mainly to physical changes in the uterus
Probable indicators
When does the ultrasound examination become 100% reliable
only at 8-9 weeks
What is the first step in adapting to the maternal role
accepting the idea of pregnancy and assimilating the pregnant state "I am pregnant"
having conflicting feelings simultaneously is considered a nomal response for people preparing for a new role
When should ambivalence indicate an unresolved conflict with the motherhood role
if persists through the 3rd trimester
What are the two major needs expressed by the woman
feeling loved and valued and having the child accepted by the partner
accepts the growing fetus as disting from herself, usually accomplished by the fifth month. "I am going to have a baby"
Phase 2
prepares realistically for the birth and parenting of the child "I'm going to be a mother"
Phase 3
men experience pregnancy-like symptoms, such as nausea, weight gain, and other physical symptoms
couvade syndrome
1st Phase a father goes though. last from a few hours to a few weeks. Accept the biologic fact of pregnancy
announcement phase
2nd phase a father goes though. adjusts to the reality of pregnancy
Moratorium phase
3rd phase a father goes through. last trimester. active involvement in both the pregnancy and his relationship with his child
Focusing phase
How will a 2 year old react to the fact of their mom being pregnant
May exhibit more clinging behavior and revert to the dependent behaviors in toilet training or eating
How will a 3 or 4 year old react to mom having baby
They like to be told the story of their own beginning and accept its being compared with the present pregnancy
How do school-age children react
They take a more clinical interest "how did the baby get in there?". The look forward to the new baby, see themselves as mother or fathers
How do early and middle adolescents react?
preoccupied with the establishment of their own sexual identity
When should dr. visits be scheduled
Every month until 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, and then every week
When is the height of the fundus measured
after the first trimester
Signs of preeclampsia
rapidly progressive
high blood pressure
protein in the urine
swelling,, sudden weight gain
headaches and changes in vision
usually occurs after 20 weeks
Hypertension in pregnancy
140 systolic
90 diastolic
after 20 weeks gestation
When should BP be alarming
SBP>- 125
DBP>- 75 in midpregnancy

SBP>130 or
DBP>- 85 later in pregnancy

Any rise of 30 mmhg SBP over baseline or 15 mmhg DBP
excessive n/v, morning sickness
hyperemesis gravidarum
How many kicks within an hour after a meal indicate good fetal wellbeing
How long should the FHT be counted for
1 minute
What does the triple screen measue
MSAFP, hCG and unconjugated estriol
What test is used for syphilis
When is tub bathing contraindicated
after rupture of the membranes
What might help prevent urinary tract and vaginal infections
Yogurt and acidophilus milk
How long is it recommended to breastfeed
1 year
When should breast shells be worn
for 1-2 hours during the last trimester of pregnancy
What is linked with peridontal disease
preterm births and LBW and preeclampsia
Can dental work be done while pregnant
Yes, with antibacterial therapy
How often should you take your pulse while exercising
q 10-15min
You pulse should not exceed what when exercising
How long should you exercise
No more than 35 minutes
What is the most common cause of fetal death
Materl death, next is placental separation (abruptio placentae)
WHat can be administered during pregnancy
recombinant hepatitis B