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35 Cards in this Set

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Dopamine (Intropin)
Indications: Correction of hemodynamic imbalances present in shock

Actions: Acts directly and by the release of NE from sympathetic nerve terminals; mediates dilation of vessels in the renal and splanchnic beds to maintain renal perfusion while stimulating the sympathetic response

AE: Tachycardia, ectopic beats, anginal pain, hypotension, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, headache

Contraindications: Tachyarrhythmias or ventricular fib; Pheochromocytoma; Hypovolemia; halogenated hydrocarbon general anesthetics; caution w/ any peripheral vascular disease, MI, Pregnancy Risk Category C

Classification: inotropics, vasopressors; alpha&beta adrenergic agonists
Phenylephrine (Neo-synephrine)
Indications: Tx of vascular failure in shock or drug-induced hypotension; to overcome paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia; to prolong spinal anesthesia; as a vasoconstrictor in regional anesthesia; to maintain blood pressure during anesthesia; topically for symptomatic relief of nasal congestion and as adjunctive therapy in middle ear infections; ophthalmically to dilate pupils and as a decongestant to provide temporary relief of eye irritation

Actions: Powerful postsynaptic alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulant causing vasoconstriction and raising systolic and diastolic blood pressure with little effect on the beta-receptors in the heart

AE: Fear, anxiety, restlessness, headache, nausea, decreased urine formation, pallor

Contraindications: Allergy to drug; Severe HTN; Uncorrected fluid volume deficits; Tachyarrhythmias/tachycardia; Pheochromocytoma; Angle-closure glaucoma; Acute pancreatitis; Hepatitis; Hypersensitivity to bisulfites; Pregnancy (lactation); caution w/ DM, CVD or vasomotor spasm, occlusive vascular diseases

Classification: Vasopressors; alpha-specific adrenergic agonists
Isoproterenol (Isuprel, Medihaler-Iso)
Indications: Management of bronchospasm during anesthesia; vasopressor during shock; adjunct in the management of cardiac standstill and arrest, as well as serious ventricular arrhythmias that require increasaed inotropic action

Actions: Acts on beta-adrenergic receptors to produce increased HR, postive inotropic effect, bronchodilation, and vasoconstriction

AE: Restlessness, apprehension, anxiety, fear, cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, respiratory difficulties, coughing, pulmonary edema, sweating, pallor

Contraindications: Presence of Allergy to drug/components; Pulmonary HTN; Anesthesia w/ halogenated hydrocarbons;; Eclampsia; Uterine hemorrhage; Intrauterine death; caution w/ Diabetes, thyroid disease, vasomotor problems, degen heart disease, or history of stroke.

Classification: antiarrhythmics, bronchodilators; beta-specific adrenergic agonists
Labetalol (Trandate, Normodyne)
Indications: Management of HTN, alone or in combination w/ other drugs; unlabeled uses---control of blood pressure in pheochromocytoma, clonidine withdrawal HTN

Actions: Competitively blocks alpha- and beta-receptor sites in the SNS leading to lower blood pressure w/o reflex tachycardia & decreased renin levels

AE: Dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, gastric pain, flatulence, impotence, bronchospasm, dyspnea, cough, decreased exercise tolerance

Contraindications: Bradycardia or heart blocks; Shock or CHF; and Pregnancy or lactation; Caution: Diabetes; bronchospasm

Classification: antianginals, antiHTN; non-selective adrenergic blocking agent
Phentolamine (Regitine, Oraverse)
Indications: Prevention or control of hypertensive episodes associated w/ pheochromocytoma; test for Dx of pheochromocytoma; prevention and tx of dermal necrosis & sloughing associated w/ IV extravasation of NE or DA (dopamine)

Actions: Competitively blocks postsynaptic alpha1- and presynaptic alpha2-receptors, causing a vasodilation & lowering of blood pressure, accompanied by increased reflex tachycardia

AE: Acute and prolonged hypotensive episodes, MI, tachycardia, arrhythmias, nausea, flushing

Contraindications: Presence of allergy to this or similar drugs; coronary artery disease or MI; cautiously used in Pregnancy or lactation

Classification: agents for pheochromocytoma; non-selective alpha-adrenergic blocking agent
Doxazosin (Cardura)
Indications: Tx of mild to moderate HTN as monotherapy or in combo w/ other antihypertensives; Tx of BPH

Actions: Reduces total peripheral resistance through alpha blockade; does not affect HR or cardiac output; increases high-density lipoproteins while lowering total cholesterol levels

AE: Headache, fatigue, dizziness, postural dizziness, vertigo, tachycardia, edema, nausea, dyspepsia, diarrhea, sexual dysfunction

Contraindications: Presence of allergy to any of these drugs and also w/ lactation; cautiously in CHF or renal failure; hepatic impairment; Pregnancy

Classification: antihypertensives, peripherally acting alpha1-selective adrenergic blockers
Propranolol (Inderal)
Indications: Tx of HTN, angina pectoris, IHSS, supraventricular tachycardia, tremor; prevention of reinfarction after MI: adjunctive therapy in pheochromocytoma; prophylaxis of migraine headache; management of situational anxiety

Actions: Competitively blocks beta-adrenergic receptors in the heart & juxtaglomerular apparatus; reduces vascular tone in the CNS

AE: Allergic rxn, bradycardia, CHF, cardiac arrhythmias, CVA, pulmonary edma, gastric pain, flatulence, impotence, decreased exercise tolerance, bronchospasm

Contraindications: Presence of allergy; bradycardia or heart blocks; shock or CHF; bronchospasm; COPD, or acute asthma; lactation. Caution - diabetes and hypoglycemia; thyrotoxicosis; hepatic dysfunction

Classification: antianginals, antiarrhythmics (Class II), antiHTN, vascular headache suppressants; non-selective beta-adrenergic blockers
Atenolol (Tenormin)
Indications: Tx of angina pectoris, HTN, MI; unlabeled uses--prevention of migraine headaches, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, supraventricular tachycardias

Actions: Blocks beta1-adrenergic receptors, decreasing the excitability of the heart, cardiac output, & oxygen consumption; decreases renin release, which lowers blood pressure

AE: Allergic rxn, dizziness, bradycardia, CHF, arrhythmias, gastric pain, flatulence, impotence, bronchospasm, decreased exercise tolerance

Contraindications: Allergy to drug; sinus bradycardia, heart block, cardiogenic shock, CHF, or hypotension; lactation
Caution - diabetes, thyroid disease, or COPD

Classification: antianginals, antiHTNs; beta1-specific adrenergic blockers
Gentamicin (Garamycin)
Indications: Tx of serious infections caused by susceptible bacteria

Actions: Inhibits protein synthesis in susceptible strains of gram-negative bacteria, disrupting functional integrity of the cell membrane and causing cell death

AE: Sinusitis, dizziness, rash, fever, ototoxicity, risk of nephrotoxicity

Contraindications: Known allergy to drug; renal or hepatic disease; pre-existing hearing loss; active infection w/ herpes or mycobacterial infections; myasthenia gravis or parkinsonism; lactation; Caution - pregnancy

Classification: anti-infectives; aminoglycosides
Cefaclor (Ceclor)
Indications: Tx of respiratory, dermatological, urinary tract, and middle ear infections caused by susceptible strains of bacteria

Action: Inhibits the synthesis of bacterial cell walls, causing cell death in susceptible bacteria

AE: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, superinfection, bone marrow depression, risk for pseudomembranous colitis

Contraindications: Allergies to drug or penicillins; caution - renal failure, pregnancy or lactation

Classification: anti-infectives; 2nd-gen cehalosporins
Ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
Indications: Tx of respiratory, dermatological, urinary trac, ear, eye, bone, and joint infections; tx after anthrax exposure, typhoid fever

Action: Interferes w/ DNA replication in susceptible gram-negative bacteria, preventing cell reproduction

AE: Headache, dizziness, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, rash

Contraindications: Known allergy to drug; pregnant or lactating women; caution - renal dysfunction

Classification: anti-infectives; fluoroquinolones
Erythromycin (Ery-Tab, Eryc)
Indications: Tx of respiratory, dermatological, UT, and GI infections caused by susceptible strains of bacteria

Action: Binds to cell membranes causing a change in protein function and cell death; can be bacteriostatic or bactericidal

AE: Abdominal cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, superinfection, liver toxicity, risk for pseudomembranous colitis, potential for hearing loss

Contraindications: Known allergy to drug; ocular preparations contraindicated for viral, funga, or mycobacterial infections of the eye; Caution - hepatic dysfunction; renal disease; pregnancy

Classification: anti-infectives; macrolides
Amoxicillin (Amoxil, Trimox)
Indications: Tx of infections caused by susceptible strains of bacteria, postexposure prophylaxis for anthrax, tx of Helicobacter infections as part of combination therapy

Action: Inhibits synthesis of the cell wall in susceptible bacteria, causing cell death

AE: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, stomatitis, bone marrow suppression, rash, fever, superinfections, lethargy

Contraindications: Known allergies to penicillin or cephalosporins or other allergens;
**penicillin sensitivity tests can be used to detect if history unclear
Caution - renal disease; pregnant and lactating women

Classification: Anti-infectives, antiulcer agents; aminopenicillins (extended-spectrum PCN)
Tetracycline (Sumycin, Panmycin)
Indications: Tx of various infections caused by susceptible strains of bacteria; acne; when penicillin is contraindicated for eradication of susceptible organisms

Action: Inhibits protein synthesis in susceptible bacteria, preventing cell replication

AE: N/V/D, glossitis, discoloring & inadequate calcification of primary teeth of fetus when used in pregnant women or of 2nd teeth when used in children, bone marrow suppression, photosensitivity, superinfections, rash, local irritation w/ topical forms

Contraindications: Known allergy to drug or to tartrazine; pregnancy and lactation; ophthalmic prep - pt. who have fungal, mycobacterial, or viral ocular infections; caution - children < 8 y.o.; hepatic or renal dysfucntion

Classification: anti-infectives; tetracyclines
Isoniazid (INH) (Nydrazid)
Indications: Tx of TB as part of combination therapy; prophylactic tx of household members of recently diagnosed tuberculars

Action: Interferes w/ lipid & nucleic acid synthesis in actively growing tubercle bacilli

AE: Peripheral neuropathies, N/V, hepatitis, bone marrow suppression, fever, local irritation at injection sites, gynecomastia, lupus syndrome

Contraindications: allergy, renal, hepatic failure, hypersensitivity, previous hepatitis from INH
Caution - hx of liver damage or chronic alcohol ingestion, malnourished pt., diabetes; safety in lactation not est.

Classification: antituberculars
Rimantadine (Flumadine)
Indications: Prophylaxis and tx of illness caused by influenza A virus in adults; prophylaxis against influenza A in children

Action: Inhibits viral replication, possibly by preventing the uncoating of the virus

AE: Light-headedness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, dyspnea, orthostatic hypotension, depression

Contraindications: Known allergy to drug; pregnant or lactating women; renal or liver disease

Classification: anti-virals (respiratory viruses); agent for Influenza A
Acyclovir (Zovirax)
Indications: Tx of HSV 1 & 2 infections; tx of severe geneital HSV infections; tx of HSV encephalitis; acute tx of shingles & chickenpox; ointment for the tx of genital herpes infections; cream for the tx of cold sores (herpes labialis)

Action: Inhibits viral DNA replication

AE: Headache, vertigo, tremors, N/V, rash

Contraindications: during pregnancy or lactation or known allergies to these agents; renal disease; or severe CNS disorders

Classification: antivirals; purine analogues; agent for Herpes virus & cytomegalovirus
Fluconazole (Diflucan)
Indications: Tx of oropharyngeal, esophageal, & vaginal candidiasis; cryptococcal meningitis; systemic fungal infections; prophylaxis to decr. the incidence of candidiasis in bone marrow transplants.

Actions: Binds to sterols in the fungal cell membrane, changing membrane permeability; fungicidal or fungistatic, depending on the concentration of drug & the organism

AE: Headache, N/V/D, abdominal pain, rash

Contraindications: Renal dysfuntion; liver disease; allergy to drug; pregnant or lactating women

Classification: Systemic azole antifungals
Metronidazole (Flagyl, MetroGel, Noritate)
Indications: Acute intestinal amebiasis, amebic liver abscess, trichomoniasis, acute infections caused by susceptible strains of anaerobic bacteria, & preoperative & postoperative prophylaxis for pts. undergoing colorectal surgery

Actions: Inhibits DNA synthesis of specific anaerobes, causing cell death; mechanism of action as an antiprotozoal & amebicidal are not known

AE: Headache, N/D/V, dizziness, ataxia, metallic taste, darkening of the urine

Contraindications: Allergy/hypersensitivity to drug; preganancy; Caution - CNS disease; hepatic disease; candidiasis; and lactation

Classification: Antiprotozoal agents--other than antimalarial)
Cotrimoxazole (Septra, Bactrim)
Ind: Tx of urinary tract infection, acute otitis media in children, exacerbations of chronic bronchitis in adults, traveler's diarrhea in adults, & Pneumocystis carnii pneumonia when caused by susceptible strains of bacteria.

Actions: Blocks two consecutive steps in protein and nucleic acid production, leading to inability for cells to multiply.

AE: N/V/D; hepatocellular necrosis, hematuria, bone marrow suppression, Stevens– Johnson syndrome, rash, urticaria, photophobia, fever, chills.

Contra: Known allergy to drug; pregnancy; lactation; Caution - hx of renal disease or kidney stones

Class: Anti-infective; Sulfonamides
Ertapenem (Invanz)
Indications: Tx of community-acquired pneumonia, complicated GU infections, complicated intraabdominal infections, skin & skin structure infections, & acute pelvic infections caused by susceptible bacteria.

Actions: Inhibits protein synthesis in susceptible strains of gram(-) bacteria, disrupting functional integrity of the cell membrane and causing cell death.

AE: Headache, dizziness, N/V, pseudomembranous colitis, rash, pain at injection site.

Contra: known allergy to carbanems or beta-lactams; seizure disorders; meningitis; lactation - serious affect on infant; Caution - pregnancy. Test reg. - Toxic to kidney; not rec. for use in pt. <18 y.o.

Class: carbapenems; anti-infective (broad-spectrum antibiotics)
Bethanecol (Duvoid, Urecholine)
Indications: Acute postoperative or postpartum non-obstructive urinary retention; neurogenic atony of the bladder w/ retention

Action: Acts directly on cholinergic receptors to mimic the effects of Ach; increases tone of detrusor muscles & causes emptying of the bladder

AE: Abd. discomfort; salivation, N/V, sweating, flushing

Contra: Hypersens. to drug & in the presence of any condition that would be exacerbated by parasym effects: bradycardia, hypotension, vasomotor instability, & CAD; peptic ulcer, intestinal obstruction, or recent GI surgery could be negatively affected by the GI-stimulating effects of parasym effects; asthma; bladder obstruction or impaired healing of sites from recent bladder surgery; epilepsy and parkinsonism; Caution - pregnancy & lactation

Class: Direct-acting cholinergic agonists; tract stimulant
Pyridostigmine (Regonol, Mestinon)
Ind: Tx of myasthenia gravis, antidote for nondepolarizing neuromuscular junction blockers, increased survival after exposure to nerve gas.

Act: Reversible cholinesterase inhibitor that increases the levels of acetylcholine, facilitating transmission at the neuromuscular junction.

AE: Bradycardia, cardiac arrest, tearing, miosis, salivation, dysphagia, nausea, vomiting, increased bronchial secretions, urinary frequency, and incontinence.

Contra: Hypersens. to drug or bromides; mechanical obstruction of the GI or GU tract; known OH intolerance (syrup only). Caution in: Hx of asthma; ulcer disease; CVD; Epilepsy; hyperthyroidism; lactation; urterine irritability.

Class: indirect-acting cholinergic agonist--Agent for Myasthenia Gravis (antimyasthenics)
Donepezil (Aricept)
Ind: Tx of mild to moderate Alzheimer disease.

Act: Reversible cholinesterase inhibitor that causes elevated acetylcholine levels in the cortex, which slows the neuronal degradation of Alz disease.

AE: Insomnia, fatigue, rash, N/V/D, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, muscle cramps.

Contra: allergy to drugs; bradycardia or intestinal or urinary tract obstruction; pregnancy; lactation. Caution - any condition that could be exacerbated by cholinergic stimulation; asthma, coronary disease, peptic ulcer, arrhythmias, epilepsy, or parkinsonism; hepatic/renal dysfunction

Class: indirect-acting cholinergic (cholinesterase inhibitors) agonist--Agent for Alzheimer's Disease
Atropine (generic)
Ind: To decr secretions b4 surgery, tx of parkinsonism, restoration of cardiac rate & arterial pressure following vagal stimulation, relief of bradycardia and syncope due to hyperactive carotid sinus reflex, relief of pylorospasm, relaxation of the spasm of biliary & ureteral colic and bronchospasm, control of crying and laughing episodes associated with brain lesions, relaxation of uterine hypertonicity, management of peptic ulcer, control of rhinorrhea associated w/ hay fever, antidote for cholinergic overdose & poisoning from various mushrooms.

Act: Competitively blocks acetylcholine muscarinic receptor sites, blocking the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system.

AE: Blurred vision, mydriasis, cycloplegia, photophobia, palpitations, bradycardia, dry mouth, altered taste perception, urinary hesitancy & retention, decreased sweating, & predisposition to heat prostration

Class: anticholinergic agent/parasympatholytic
Hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL)
Ind: Adjunctive therapy for edema associated w/ HF, cirrhosis, corticosteroid or estrogen therapy, renal dysfunction; treatment of hypertension as monotherapy or in combination w/ other antiHTNves

Act: Inhibits reabsorption of sodium and chloride in distal renal tubules, increasing the excretion of sodium, chloride, and water by the kidneys.

AE: Dizziness, vertigo, orthostatic hypotension, N/V/D, anorexia, dry mouth, polyuria, nocturia, muscle cramps or spasms.

Contra: Allergy to drug or sulfonamides; F&E imbalances; severe renal disease. Caution w/ - SLE; glucose tolerance abnormalities or DM; gout; liver disease; hyperparathyroidism; bipolar disorder; routine pregnancy use; lactation

Class: thiazide diuretics; sulfonamides
Furosemide (Lasix)
Ind: Tx of edema associated with HF, acute pulmonary edema, HTN.

Act: Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride from the distal renal tubules and the loop of Henle, leading to a sodium-rich diuresis.

AE: Dizziness, vertigo, paresthesias, orthostatic hypotension, rash, urticaria, N/V, anorexia, glycosuria, urinary bladder spasm

Contra: Allergy; electrolyte depletion; anuria (severe renal failure); hepatic coma. Caution - routine-use in pregnancy not approp.; SLE; glucose tolerance abnormalities/DM; gout; children < 18 y.o. monitor F&E balance w/ standby emergency.

Class: Loop diuretics (high-ceiling)
Acetazolamide (Diamox)
Ind: Adjunctive tx of open-angle glaucoma, secondary glaucoma; preoperative use in acute angle-closure glaucoma when delay of surgery is indicated; edema caused by HF; drug-induced edema.

Act: Inhibits carbonic anhydrase, which decreases aqueous humor formation in the eye, intraocular pressure, and hydrogen secretion by the renal tubules.

AE: Weakness, fatigue, rash, anorexia, nausea, urinary frequency, renal calculi, bone marrow suppression, weight loss.

Contra: Allergy to drug/antibacterial sulfonamides/thiazides; chronic noncongestive angle-closure glaucoma; routine preg.-use. Caution - F&E imbalances, renal/hepatic disease, adrenocortical insuff., respiratory acidosis, or COPD

Class: carbonic anhydrase inhibitors; mild diuretic
Spironolactone (Aldactone)
Ind: Primary hyperaldosteronism, adjunctive therapy in the treatment of edema associated with HF, nephrotic syndrome, hepatic cirrhosis; treatment of hypokalemia or prevention of hypokalemia in patients at high risk if hypokalemia occurs; essential HTN

Act: Competitively blocks the effects of aldosterone in the renal tubule, causing loss of sodium and water and retention of potassium.ypertension.

AE: Dizziness, headache, drowsiness, rash, cramping, diarrhea, hyperkalemia, hirsutism, gynecomastia, deepening of the voice, irregular menses.

Contra: Allergy to it; hyperkalemia, renal disease, or anuria; routine use in preg.

Class: K+-sparing diuretics (not as powerful as loop diuretics)
Mannitol (Osmitrol)
Ind: Prevention & tx of the oliguric phase of renal failure; reduction of intracranial pressure and treatment of cerebral edema; reduction of elevated intraocular pressure; promotion of urinary excretion of toxic substances; diagnostic use for measurement of glomerular filtration rate; also available as an irrigant in transurethral prostatic resection and other transurethral procedures.

Act: Elevates the osmolarity of the glomerular filtrate, leading to a loss of H20, Na+, & Cl-; creates an osmotic gradient in the eye, reducing intraocular pressure; creates an osmotic effect that decreases swelling after transurethral surgery.

AE: Dizziness, headache, hypotension, rash, nausea, anorexia, dry mouth, thirst, diuresis, F&E imbalances.

Contra: renal disease & anuria (severe); pulmonary congestion; intracranial bleeding; dehydration; HF; routine preg. not approp.

Class: osmotic diuretics (pull H20 into the renal tubule w/o Na+ loss)
Norfloxacin (Noroxin)
Ind: Treatment of adults with UTIs caused by susceptible strains of bacteria; uncomplicated urethral and cervical gonorrhea; prostatitis caused by Escherichia coli.

Act: Interferes with DNA replication in susceptible gram-negative bacteria, leading to cell death.

AE: Headache, dizziness, N/V, dry mouth, fever, rash, photosensitivity.

Contra: Allergy to it. Caution - renal dysfunction, pregnancy and lactation

Class: urinary tract anti-infective (antibiotic)
Oxybutynin (Ditropan)
Ind: Relief of symptoms of bladder instability associated with uninhibited neurogenic and reflex neurogenic bladder; treatment of signs and symptoms of overactive bladder.

Act: Acts directly to relax smooth muscle in the bladder; inhibits the effects of acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors.

AE: Drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, tachycardia, dry mouth, nausea, urinary hesitancy, decreased sweating.

Contra: allergy to it; pyloric or duodenal obstruction or recent surgery; obstructive UT problems; glaucoma, myas. gravis, or acute hemorrhage. Caution - renal or hepatic dysf; pregnant & lactation

Class: UT anti-spasmodics
Phenazopyridine (Azo-Standard, Baridium, Pyridium)
Ind: Symptomatic relief of pain, urgency, burning, frequency, and discomfort related to lower urinary tract irritation caused by infection, trauma, surgery or various procedures.

Act: Has a direct, topical analgesic effect on the urinary tract mucosa; mechanism of action is not known.

AE: Headache; rash; yellowish tinge to skin, sclera, urine; GI disturbances.

Contra: Allergy to it; serious renal dysf.; avoid during pregnancy & lactation, caution if needed.

Class: UT analgesic (dye used to relieve UT pain)
Pentosan polysulfate sodium (Elmiron)
Ind: Relief of bladder pain associated w/ interstitial cystitis.

Act: Adheres to the bladder wall mucosal membrane and acts as a buffer to control cell permeability, preventing irritating solutes in the urine from reaching the bladder wall cells.

AE: Bleeding, headache, alopecia, GI disturbances.

Contra: any condition that involves an increased risk of bleeding (surgery, preg., anticoag., hemophilia) b/c of heparin-like effects; hx of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Caution - hepatic or splenic dysf; preg or lactation

Class: bladder protectant
Doxazosin (Cardura)
Ind: Tx of BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy); HTN

Act: Blocks postsynaptic alpha1-adrenergic receptors, which results in a dilation of arterioles and veins and a relaxation of sympathetic effects on the bladder and urinary tract.

AE: Headache, fatigue, dizziness, postural dizziness, lethargy, vertigo, tachycardia, palpitations, N/D, dyspepsia, sexual dysfunction, rash

Contra: Allergy to it. Caution - w/ hepatic or renal dysf; HF or known coronary disease

Class: alpha-adrenergic blocker--used to treat BPH