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33 Cards in this Set

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Lung Cancer: Risk Factors
Smoking accounts for 80-90% lung cancer
Heavy smokers have 25% higher risk
Tobacco contains over 20 carcinogens
Second hand smoke has similar risk
Smokers who quit after 15 yrs have same risk as nonsmokers
Lung Cancer: Risk Factors con't non-cigarette related
Inhaled carcinogens
Exposure to asbestos, radon, nickel, uranium, hydrocarbons, chromatic, arsenic, air pollution
Common in mining, smelting, chemical or petroleum industry.
Preexisting pulmonary disease
TB, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectosis, COPD
Symptoms of Lung C.,
Persistent cough
Blood tinged sputum
Chest pain

Wt loss
Other Symptoms of Lung C,
Nonsmokers cough that persist for over two weeks.
Persistent chest, shoulder, or back pain unrelated to pain from coughing.
Change in color of sputum, increase volume of sputum.
Wheezing, recurrent pneumonia or bronchitis
Fatigue, loss of appetite
Headache, bone pain, aching joints
Neurological symptoms like unsteady gait, memory loss
Neck and facial swelling
Unexplained weight loss
Bleeding or blood clots.
Diagnosis of Lung C
Chest x-ray – tumor or atelectasis and pneumonia from bronchial obstruction.
CT scan – mass in chest and locate precisely. Lymph node involvement
MRI – Used with CT-
PET – Positron Emission Tomography – measures metabolic differences in tissues
Sputum – for cytology, collect first morning sputum-oral care 1st then spit
Bronchoscopy – visualize airways and biopsy
Classification of Lung Tumors
12 different types of tumors under lung cancer. Usually grouped in non-small cell and small cell lung cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer
75% of lung cancers and includes the following types:
Squamous cell carcinoma
Large cell undifferentiated
Squamous cell carcinoma
30% of bronchogenic Cargenic
Located near the hilus and projects into the bronchi.
Nonproductive cough, hemoptysis, chest pain if tumor large.
Metastasizes late.
Treatment surgery if metastasis has not occurred.
Chemo has limited effectiveness
30-40% of lung cancers
Arises from glands
Peripheral region of the lung and small
Often asymptomatic, discovered on routine chest x-ray
Pleural pain or weakness
Weakest association with smoking****
Metastasizes early
5 yr survival rate less than 10%
Treatment surgery, new chemo is promising
Large cell undifferentiated
10-15% arise peripherally but also found centrally and grow to distant trachea and carina
If metastasized surgery not helpful
Chemo and radiation limited usefulness
Small Cell lung cancer
25% of lung cancers
Occurs centrally
Strongest correlation with smoking***
Rapid growth and metastasis
Worst prognosis***
1-3 month survival if untreated
Associated with ectopic hormone production
b/c of endocrine tissue in bronch tree
Paraneoplastic syndrome
Ectopic hormone production
Neuroendocrine cells exist in the tracheobronchial tree.
Inappropriate production of neuro hormones
Inappropriate ADH ** don’t need to know the info above
ACTH atypical Cushing’s Syndrome with muscle weakness, facial edema. Hypokalemia, alkalosis, hyperglycemia, hypertension.
SIADH: major signs and symptoms
Isn't any pitting edema (key DDx)
Disorientation (and other psychoses)

SIADH: causes
Intracranial: infection, head injury, CVA
Alveolar: Ca, pus
Drugs: opiates,antiepileptics, cytotoxics, anti-psychotics
Hormonal: hypothyroid, low corticosteroid level
Surgical therapy for lung cancer
Lobectomy – removal of a lobe of the lung. Requires chest tubes for post op drainage. Thoracotomy –get air out of chest with chest tube
Pneumonectomy – Removal of one entire lung. No chest tube. Chest cavity needs to fill with fluid and consolidate. Position on back or operative side. HOB elevated 45 degrees- don’t want drainage on stump of bronchus
A man newly diagnosed with lung cancer tells the nurse "I never smoked a cigarette in my life" what happened?
he could have worked or live around abestos, radon, nickel, uranium, hydrocarbons,chromatic, asenic, air pollution or have TB, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectosis or COPD
A male presents to the ER with severe coughing with blood tinged sputum, chest pain, fatique, weight loss and hoarseness. The nurse suspects the diagnosis will be?
Lung cancer
The nurse knows that the test ordered for this pt. will be?
Chest x-ray
CT scan
MRI used with CT (best)
What are the two major types of Lung cancer? and how many subtypes are there?
12 different types of tumors
The nurse knows that the pt diagnosed with NSLC will either have?
Squamous cell
or Large cell undifferentiated
The nurse knows that the prognosis of Squamous cell carcinoma is?
treatment with surgery if not metastasis, and chemo is not very effective
The chest x-ray of a male smoker shows cancer near the hilus that projects into the bronchi. The nurse knows that this is what type of NSLC?
Squamous cell carcinoma
When a patient is diagnozed with this cancer, the nurse is pretty sure that the pt is not a smoker?
The nurse knows that this type of cancer metastasises early and this one late

Squamous cell
The nurse knows that the treatment for Adenocarcinoma is?
surgery with a new chemo that has shown promise
Which type of NSLC cancer is asymptomatic?
The nurse knows that Adenocarcinomma arises from which area and where?
glands near the peripheal region of the lung
Which NSLC type tumor can not be treated with surgery or chemo or radiation successfully if it metastasises?
Large cell undifferentiated
The nurse knows that the 40+ smoker who comes into the clinic complaining of coughing with blood probably will be diagnosed with?
SLC - 25% off all lung cancers
strongest correlation with smoking
The nurse knows that the patho and prognosis for this cancer is?
rapid growth and metatasis
has the worst prognosis
1-3 mth is untreated
The patient is confused when the doctor explains that the SLC tumor is producting etopic, endocrine hormones in the bronchial tree. He questions why lungs are producing endocrine hormones. The doctor explains? The example of type of dx that is caused by this is?
That there is a small amount of endocrine tissue in the lungs and etopic means that tumors produce hormones that they should not be producing in a body system.

Cushings dx & SIADH
The nurse knows that etopic production of hormones is called?
paraneoplastic syndrome

SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate Antiduirectic Hormone)is another example
The nurse knows that the treatment for Squamous cell carcinoma could be a?
Pneumonectomy-complete removal of a lung
Nursing interventions for a Pneumonectomy are?
no chest tube
position on back or operative side (?)
HOB elevated 45% (don't want drainage in stump of bronchus