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113 Cards in this Set

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Children raised in a home with a ______ parent are increased risk for developing a mental disorder
Children of ______ are at risk for developing emotional, intellectual, and social problems as a result of their traumatic experiences
The goal of treating childhood and adolescent disorders is to intervene ______ and effectively to prevent profound adult problems.
_____ factors cause childhood/adolescent disorders
_________ is often delayed due to the difficulty of distinguishing between normal and abnormal development in very small children
Not all vulnerable children develop mental disorders, it is assumed that _______, _______, and ________ play roles in the development of a disorder
environment, temperament, and resilience
Environmental factors causing stress influence development, examples?
traumatic events, abuse, severe marital discord, poverty, large families/overcrowding, parental criminality, maternal psychiatric disorders, foster care
Trauma and abuse automatically _______ your brain
living in families with consistent _______ makes children most vulnerable to disorders
_________ is the child’s style of coping
_________ is the child’s ability to adapt to the environment
studies indicate that children are born with specific ________ which influences their reaction to the environment.
What 3 temperament styles are there?
easy, slow to warm up, and difficult (can also be mixtures of these three)
Key factor in how the child adjusts to life has to do with “____ ___ ____” in terms of the parenting syle.
Goodness of fit
if there is a ______ between the child and its immediate environment, there will be greater stress in the child’s life potentially leading to adjustment problems
Many children who are exposed to stressful lives develop without mental problems. It is believed that that have a ________ which allows them to tolerate these stresses.
Characteristics of a resilient child:(5 things)
1. adaptable, 2. forms nurturing relationships with others if parent not available, 3. distance self from emotional chaos of family, 4. good social intelligence, 5. problem-solving skills.
SI is the ____ leading cause of death in adolescence
Autism spectrum disorders include (3)
autism, asbergers, and rett's
Autism spectrum disorders key symptoms are _____ and ______
socialization and communication
Rett’s disorder
onset before 4, genetic mutation on X chromosome, inherited, boys that get it die (because 1 X chrom)
S/S Rett’s disorder
EEG abnormalities, seizures, and profound mental retardation. Child loses psychomotor skills, develops stereotypical hand movements, loses interest in social contact.
less than autism but still have socialization problems
Nursing diagnoses for autism spectrum disorders
Impaired social interactions, Impaired verbal communication, Delayed growth and development -->only time this is an appropriate nursing diagnoses.
Children with Disabilities Act
treatment of childhood disorders mandated- Special pre-schools, day treatment programs, special education classes, parental training to help child’s development be more normal.
Medications for autism spectrum disorders
antipsychotics- to control behavior
Inderal- beta blocker to help reduce aggression
Attention Deficit Disorders (3)
Characteristics of Attention Deficit Disorders (3)
inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity
What causes ADHD
understimulation of attention centers (this is why stimulants are used to treat)
Children with ADHD 3X’s more likely to have ____ _____and 5 X’s more likely to have ____ ______.
nocturnal enuresis

daytime enuresis
Meds used to treat Attention Deficit Disorders
Ritalin SA, Adderal LA, Concerta LA, Cylert LA
ADHD treated with?
Behavior modification and meds
Nursing diagnoses for Attention Deficit Disorders
Risk for violence, Risk for Suicide, Risk for injury (because of impulsivity)
Mood Disorders include
Onset 7, physical symptoms, vocal and physical tics- compulsions, hyperactivity, waxes and wans
How to treat Tourette’s
Modifying the environment to reduce triggers for tics, habit reversal, counseling, and medications
What medications are used to treat Tourette’s?
atypical antipsychotics- dopamine blockers
Disruptive, Impulse, Control, and Conduct disorders (2)
Oppositional defiant disorder and Conduct disorder
Oppositional defiant disorder
negativistic, disobedient, hostile, defiant behavior toward authority figures without serious violations of the rights of others (VERBALLY defiant but not physical).
Conduct disorder
persistent pattern of violating the rights of others, societal norms, or rules. Males more than females. Outcome poor – end up in institutions and later as antisocial personality disorder. (PHYSICALLY and VERBALLY disruptive)
Nursing diagnoses for Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders
Risk for violence, Risk for Suicide, Risk for injury
Treatment of Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders includes...
Cognitive behavioral therapy to improve coping
Behavior modification
Family Therapy
Medications used for Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders
Antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, other anti-aggression drugs
Techniques for managing disruptive child/adolescent behavior on the unit
Intervene, move closer to child, redirect attention, use humor, change the group or activity, last resort remove the child "time out"
Childhood anxiety disorders
Separation anxiety and PTSD
Separation anxiety
excessive anxiety when separating from parents – refuses to go to school/be home alone- does not resolve over time
preschool children internalize (nightmares, increase in specific fears, sleep difficulties), school-age children externalize (repetitive playing out of event, hypervigilant, belief that lives will be short)
Therapies used with children
Behavior modification
Removal and restraint
Family Therapy with children
children are part of a family system. The family needs to in included in the treatment to ensure success. Also family needs to be educated about the disease and how to cope with it.
Group Therapy with children
helps children learn social skills of taking turns/sharing. Lets them know they aren’t the only one. Can enhance problem solving skills. Key danger is the contagious nature of disruptive behavior. Set up group rules to provide acceptable/safe ways of behaving.
Behavior modification with children
rewarding positive behavior. Point & level systems
use children’s literature to provide framework for discussing issue pertinent to child or group
Removal/restraint with children
usual restraint procedures for adults don’t work as well with children due to the fear they cause. Considered better to use more open room for a time away from too much stimulation. Also hold child if getting out of control. Adolescents fall in middle of this. May need true restraints due to their ability to harm others.
Name some risk factors for children to develop a psychiatric disorder.
Genetics, environment, foster care, parents in jail or criminals out of jail, traumatic events, overcrowded living situations, severe marital dischord
What are the key features of autism?
social and communication difficulties
How does conduct disorder differ from oppositional defiant disorder?
conduct is verbal and physical, oppositional is only verbal
Explain the various factors and influences involved in childhood and adolescent disorders.
If the parent has a disorder, abuse, drug use, poor parenting, trauma, things are bad at home, low socioeconomic status, overcrowding at home, parents are criminals, placed in foster care
Analyze the role of “temperament” in child rearing
Have to figure out what type the child is and then adjust parenting style for that type
Compare and contrast three treatment modalities for children and adolescents.
Play therapy: lets them get out feelings in a constructive way
Time outs: separate from others and let them decide when they are ready to come back
Bibliotherapy: learn morals from books
inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, treated with Ritalin
fails to be interested in others or be socially responsive. Indifferent or adverse to physical contact
Autistic disorder
persistent pattern of violating the rights of others, societal norms, or rules. Males more than females. Outcome poor – end up in institutions and later as antisocial personality disorder.
Conduct disorder
Limit setting
set limits for the child and don’t allow them to go beyond those limits
Pervasive developmental disorder
is characterized by severe and pervasive impairment in social interaction and communication skills. It is usually accompanied by stereotypical behavior. Mental retardation is present in some of these disorders
ability to adapt to the environment
excessive anxiety from separation from parents
Separation anxiety
Stereotypic movements
seen with Rhett’s disorder… a flapping motion of the hands
child’s style of coping
Therapeutic play
a constructive way for the child to release tension
separating the child from the group, allow them to determine when they are ready to come back
vocal tics (grunts), motor tics (blinking), autosomal dominant, compulsions, and hyperactivity
Tourette’s disorder
usually observed before age 3; the child fails to be interested in others or to be socially responsive. May be indifferent or averse to physical contact.
later onset that autism, no significant delay in cognitive or language development. Key issue is severe & sustained social impairment
Asperger’s disorder
Onset before age 4. Isolated a genetic mutation that is carried on the X chromosome. EEG abnormalities, seizures, and profound mental retardation. Child loses psychomotor skills, develops stereotypical hand movements, loses interest in social contact
Rhett’s disorder
Childhood disintegrative disorder
more common in males, marked regression in multiple areas after at least two years of normal development
What are the elderly age groups?
65-74 (young old)
75-84 (middle old)
85 and older (old-old)
Most adults past the age of 65 are demented. True or False?
Sexual interest declines with age. True or False?
The senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell decline with age. True or False?
Muscular strength decreases with age. Muscle fibers atrophy and decrease in number. True or False?
Older adults are not able to learn new tasks. True or False?
As individuals age, they become more rigid in their thinking and set in their ways. True or False?
At least 50% of restorative sleep is lost as a result of the aging process. True or False?
The elderly have a high incidence of depression. True or False?
Most elderly are infirm and require help with daily activities.
True or False?
Most older adults are socially isolated and lonely. True or False?
Many individuals experience difficulty when they retire. True or False?
The elderly are prone to become victims of crime. True or False?
Depression is often confused with _______ in the elderly
________ among the elderly is closely associated with undiagnosed depression
_____, _____ males have the highest rate of suicide in the US.
Elderly, white
______ are the first drug choice for elderly depressed patients because of their low side-effect profile.
Another mental health issue for the elderly is ________. This is a hidden epidemic.
Many patients admitted to the hospital with head trauma due to falls are actually _____ who fell while _______
There are two types of elderly alcoholics
The aging alcoholic and the Geriatric problem drinker
The aging alcoholic
This is a person who has had a life time of alcohol abuse. This person is difficult to treat since alcohol is a long standing part of their life style.
Geriatric problem drinker
This person coped well in the past but is currently using alcohol deal with losses and loneliness. This person often responds well to intervention. Met a maturational crisis- trial and error brought them to use alcohol to cope at a lower level of functioning
Treatment for the elderly alcoholic involves...
both self-help groups such a AAA as well as social and emotional support to reduce loneliness and restore self-esteem.
Specialized treatment modalities for the elderly (4)
partial hospitalization, behavioral health care, day treatment, group therapy
Partial hospitalization
psychiatric care is provided during the day but the patient returns home in the evening. This type of program addresses medication compliance, health education, relapse prevention, symptom monitoring.
Behavioral health care
visiting nurses and other health care professionals provide care in the patient’s home. Problems addressed are difficulties with ADL’s, physical illnesses, and chronic mental illnesses.
Types of day treatment (3)
Social day care, Adult day care, and Maintenance day care
Social day care
recreation and social activities are provided to elderly patients who need socialization and physical activities.
Adult day care
requires physician referral and seeks to prevent or slow physical, mental, and/or social decline. Medical, psychiatric, and rehabilitation services are provided to help maximize the functioning of elderly patients at high risk for physical and psychological deterioration.
Maintenance day care
addresses the needs of patients with dementia and/or chronic mental illnesses. An interdisciplinary team focuses on maintaining the functioning of these patients.
3 types of group therapy are useful in addressing the needs of elderly patients.
Remotivation therapy, Reminiscence therapy, and Psychotherapy groups
Remotivation therapy
resocialize regressed and apathetic patients, reawaken interest in the world; focuses on a topic to help patients relate to the world realistically
Reminiscence therapy
share memories, increase self-esteem & socialization; focuses on remembering life events
Psychotherapy groups
used to reduce psychiatric symptoms; groups are made up of patients with similar problems and functioning and focus on reducing isolation and functioning in appropriately in roles. Good for chronically mentally-ill- balance to capabilities
non residential facility that provides services and activities to elderly or handicapped individuals
Adult day care
Assisted living
facility where the elderly adult lives and has staff there to assist them as needed.
Describe common roadblocks to elders receiving mental health services.
Ageism: people assume it is because they are getting older and it is a normal part of living.
Discuss common manifestations of mental health problems in the aged.
Depression, anxiety, delirium, dementia, alcohol abuse