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48 Cards in this Set

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King of the gods
Father Cronos-killed his dad and it was prophcied that his son would kill him, so he ate all of his kids, zues's mom saves zeus, and they give him a potion to make him through up all of his siblings, then zeus kills cronos.
Has many affairs
zeus's sister, married zeus, jelous!!,
what 3 gods/goddesses were both zues's and hera's, and what were they god of
Hephaestus- smith god
Eris-godddess of discourd
god of the sea, difficult god, changeful and quarrelsome. He did bear grudges, he could be pleased
one story about poeseidon and the creation of the horse
took a full week to make the horse for demeter. during that time, he made and cast aside many other creatures that didn't come out right: camel, hippo, giraff, donkey, zebra
god of the underworld
brother of zeus and poesiedon, one of the original gods from cronos and rhea
who were sisyphus and tantalus
sisyphus=punished by having to always roll a huge rock to the top of a hill, and when he gets to the top it rolls back down and he has to do it again for all eternity
tantalus- punished by being put in a cool, clear stream of water up to his chin, and with a burning thirst, and everytime he bent to get a drink, it would shy away from him
they are both in Hades
elysian fields
heaven in hades, for those judged of unusual virtue
goddess of growing things, Zeus gave her 2 kids- the daughter= Persephone
dragged to the underworld to become Hades' wife. wanted out, nothing could grow without her on earth, demeter, zeus, hades argue and hades finally agrees that she can come back to earth just as long as she didn't eat anyting in Hades. gave tantulus a drink of water-only made it worse for him(oops!)
a boy gets her to eat pomegranate seeds when no one is looking(died after being turned into a lizard by demeter (revenge)) she ate 6 pomegrante seeds, it was agreed she could leave, but since she ate 6 seeds she had to be there 6 months out of the year--- that is why we have winter/fall (nothing grows)---
twin to apollo, zeus's daughter, had a thing for silver, let no man approach her, given everything she wants from zeus
she and her twin, apollo,'s mom leto was sent to an island to give birth, cuz hera banned her from all the lands
zeus's son, god of the son, artemis twin, thing for gold, reeds sing becuase apollo and maryas had a contest, and apollo won and put maryas's skin on a tree and he sings for ever
messenger god, winged sandels
made the lyre, gave to apollo, cuz he stole his cows, and then apollo became the god of music
son to hera and zeus, very ugly, thrown off mountian by hera as a baby, smith god, crippled from fall as a baby
goddess of love and beuaty, married hephaestus, born from the sea, primal murder- when cronos was murderd, his body was flung into the sea, where she rose in foam
they fly out of crete with wings, warned not to fly to high HUBRIS icarus flew to high, wings mealted, fell to his death NEMISIS
Narcissus and Echo
echo is wandering the woods when she sees zeus, then hera, she covers for zues, hera sees she lied, curses echo- echo can only echo, no words of her own...sees narcissus falls in love, cant speak narcissus is very narsistitic, echo praies to aphrodite, narcissus falls in love with his reflection, and when he speaks he hears the ECHO and he falls in love and stays at the stream forever
eros and psyche
psyche is super pretty, and aphridite becomes jelous, send eros(son, CUPID) to scratch her with an arow so she will fall in love with someone and hit that person with the arrow of indefference, accidently scrathches himself and falls in love with psyche, marries eros, hasn't seen him, they only meet at night, and she cannot see him, her sissys visit and tell her that hes prob ugly cuz she cant see him, she believes them sees cupid while hes slepin, he wakes, hates her, sends her away
great musician, falls in love, marries, wife dies, he goes to hades to retrieve her, he gets her, but is warned that if he looks back to her she will be taken away he looks backHUBRISand she disapears 4eva
dad=apollo, tells his friend who says his dad is zues, they brag, he says that apollo lets him drive the sun chariot, and he will that night, he never has, but he travels to olympus, gets to fly chariot warned to fly perfect, doesn't listen burns his village down cant controll the horses freezes places, causes volcanos, zeus kills him with thunderbolt
loves gold, curses apollo, wishes for everything he touches to turn to gold, he gets it, it doesn't really work, he turns his daughter gold, cant eat, cant drink, then he prays to go back to normal, he eventually does, but gets donkey ears for a while.
arachne says shes better than athene, they have a contest, she loses, commits suicide, hung, turns into a spider
short temper, stron, stupid, emotional, when hes hot, he shoots arrows at the sun, when he's seasick he punches the sea, the only thing that can get him is magic, kills his wife and kids in an act of anger, zeus's son, hera's out 2 get him, does 12 labors to distract him, eventually kills himself
what are 3 of the 12 labors hercules performs
clean out stables in a single day-huge thousands
fetch the savage bull poesiden gave to minos,
golden apples
goes on a quest
prophecy to kill gramps, gets head of medusa, kills gramps
son of poesidin, very smart but phisically week, segaul comes to him in his dream(call), meeats up with monsters. ends yearly tribute
club guy
feet washing turtle guy
pine tree guy
OCD innkeeper
asked zeus why he didnt give pppl fire says its so they dont hurt themselves. fire would make man dangerous think of themselves as god. doesnt heed zeus's warning, and gives man fire. man becomes super smart, zeus was going to kill man but decieds to let them kill themselves. zeus punnishes him by bounding him to a mountain, and having 2 vultures attak him forever-hercules saves him eventually.
he was god's messenger, brought jews to the promised land from egypt. 10 plauges. sent down nile in basket, doesnt acutally go to the promised land, he dies on mt nebo, cuz he doubted god
adam and eve
first ppl, serpent tricks eve into eating an apple from the forbidden tree of knowelege, and she feeds adam it too, they find out all the bad things, they notice that they are naked. serpent crawls on belly and is hated cuz god cursed him for tricking eve, eve's punnishment is child bearing adams punnishment is cursed soil, has to work.
Cain and Abel
bros, cain kills abel, cuz he is jelous: god likes abel's offering of meat better than cain's offer of veggies, after cain kills abel god punnishes him by sending him away to wander forever, and gives him a mark so that no one will kill him, which would end his suffering
sacrifice of issac
issac=abrhams fave son, god tests abrahams faith by asking him to sacrifice issac, but right befor he does, god saves issac
samson's second disastrous marriage
she keeps asking him how to ruin his strength, he lies, and she wants to end his strenght for a reward(philistines) finally he tells her, she shaves his head, philistines kill him
wisdom of soloman
super smart
thing w/ the 2 women and they are fighing over a baby and he says well, just cut it in half and one agrees but the real mom says oh just let her have it, don't kill it, so soloman gives the kid to that one
david and goliath
goliath=super huge
david=small, but smart: kinda like theseus
they fight goliath thinks it will be an easy win, but he loses
daniel and the lions den
becomes illegal to worship, and if you do you get thrown in the lions den so they will eat you, he keeps worshiping so he gets thrown in the lions den but he doesnt get eaten cuz god saves him, cuz he kept his faith. the guy who made it illegal goes to the den and gets eatin.
6 stages
sexy lady trying 2 distract hero
wise old man
offers wisdom but usually not physical sustencance always posses superior knowledges longs to pass on his wisdom to the younger genertation
the task
fall from innocence
self explaniatary. usually bad. no longer innocent
'innocence = bliss'
alienated character an outsider or a criminal.
carl jung
coined the term archetype
3 kinds of archetypes
3 characteristics of archetypes