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63 Cards in this Set

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primarily concerned with the gods and humankind's relationships with them

legends and sagas

rooted in history (even if they are fantastical)


like legends except their primary purpose is to entertain


have a moral content and are aimed at the young

true myth

primarily concerned with the gods, religion, and supernatural


include creation, the relationship between the gods and humans, the afterlife, and other spiritual concerns

when did myths take place?

distant past, but no actual dates

etiological myths

attempt to explain the origin or less narrowly, the cause of certain phenomena

whats genesis 3?

why snakes crawl on their bellies

who said myths are metaphors for natural phenomena ? (myths and allegory)

max muller

sigmund freud

oedipus complex:

carl jung

collective unconscious : myths contain archetype images which are universal to all humans

deinotherium giganteum

giant terrible beast

gaia: mother earth

bore uranus (so he can surround her and cover her and be a secure home for gods) then slept with him and bore ocean, the titans, the cyclopes, and 3 sons the Heactorchiers with 100 arms and 50 heads

chthonic diety

female god

12 titans

6 females 6 males

- most popular are coeus and phoebe whose daughter is leto who sleeps with zeus and has apollo and artemis

- oceanus and tethys produce lots of little oceanids

-hyperion and theia make helios, eos, and selene (gods of the sun, dawn, and moon)

how did uranus die?

while laying in bed with gaia, cronos grabbed a serrates sickle and cut off his nuts (uranus hated his kids) - his blood created erinyes, the giants, and the tree nymphs

-the rest went into the sea and made Aphrodite

who are cronos and rheas kids? (they are brother and sister)

hestia, demeter, hera, hades, posideon, and zeus

- eats all his kids except zeus and rhea kills him by tricking him to swallow a rock

how did zeus get his siblings back?

he gets metis (daughter of oceanus and tethys) to help him make a potion that made cromis vomit out all of zeus' brothers and sisters

hesiods ages of humankind

- gold






names means forethought

14 main greek deities

zeus, hera, posideon, hades, hestia, hephaestus, ares, apollo, artemis, demeter, aphrodite, athena, hermes, dionysus


goddess of the hearth

maintains the domestic flame

oldest of the olympians (after aphrodite)

rejects apollo and poseidon and vows chastity


name means bright

god of sky

hurls thunder and lighting

carries the aegis

oak and eagle are also his symbols

zeus' epithets: (names)

- zeus olpympios

-zeus xenios

-zeus agoraios

-zeus panhellenios

-zeus horkios

-zeus mellichios

what is one of the 7 wonders?

the chryselephantine cult statue at the temple in olympia

children of zeus and hera

-eileithya : goddess of childbirth

-hebe: cupbearer to the gods

-hephaestus: gods of crafts, art ,and fire

- born lame; marries Aphrodite

- ares: god of war

other children of zeus

-the muses: 9 daughters of zeus and mnemosyne

-the fates: 3 daughters of zeus and themis

symbols with animals associated with the gods:

zeus: eagle

hera: peacock

poseiden: horse

athena: owl

Aphrodite: dove, sparrow, and goose

ares: the boar

hermes: tortoise, rooster

symbols with objects associated with the gods

zeus: lighting bolt, scepter

hera: scepter

poseidon: trident

athena: aegis and helmet

ares : weapons

artemis : bow and arrow

hermes: caduceus, winged sandals

apollo: lyre


human shaped - gods just like humans but more so bc their bodies can be deformed - can do everything except die


" man is the measure of all things "

- greek humanism

attributes related to Poseidon

- carries the trident

-bearded older man

-long messy hair


-associated with earthquakes and horses

athena's names

-pallas athena (maiden)

-glaukopis (Grey eyed)

-athena parthenos (virgin)

-tritogeneia (trito- born)

athenas main characteristics

-goddess of the city (Athens mainly )


-organizational powers

-helps invents boats

- gives bellerophon bridles to ride pegasus

-goddess of weaving

- best known for her wisdom and skill in battle

athena's material attributes

-the aegis (w/ gorgon's head and snakes), helmet, and spear

- the olive tree

-the owl

major buildings on the acropolis




-temple of athena nike

the parthenon

- built on top of ruins of the old parthenon

- architects: lctinus and callicrates

-sculptor: phideias

aphrodite's names

-aphros: foam

-roman name : venus

-aphrodite urania : celestial aphrodite

- aphrodite pandemos : common aphrodite


where was aprhodite born

she was born in the sea from uranus' foam

-goddess of pure love

who are aphrodite parents?

zeus (dios) and dione (she -zeus)

- DIONE: goddess of physical satisfaction and procreation

aprhodites attendants

the three graces or the horae (seasons)



-son of Aphrodite and ares

attributes of artemis




-sister of apollo


-depicted with bow and arrows

-goddess of childbirth

attributes of apollo

-young (always beardless)

-musician (holds a lyre)

-hunter (uses the bow and arrow)

-god of the sun (rides chariot across the sky)

-god of prophecy

-wears a laurel wreath

-god of sailors

-god of colonizers

-the raven

names of apollo

-pheobus apollo

-pythian apollo

-the far shooter

apollos tragic love affairs

- the cumaean sibyl

- eternal life, but not eternal youth

- priam's daughter cassandra

-princess who cried wolf


-fear of the immortal

-cyrene (ends OK)

-nymph who wrestled with a lion


- etiology of apollo's laurel

- hyacanthus

- the spartan boy

the hyacinth

used to celebrate the new year in the near east

apollo's enigmatic character

- apollo is the most greek of all the greek gods

-gentle and vehement

-compassionate and ruthless

-healer and destroyer

"know thyself"

attributes of hermes

- young and handsome

-musican (invented the lyre)

-god of poetry, literature, and oratory

-herald and escort of the gods

-psychopompos (escorts the dead to hades)

-protector of the travelers

- god of transitions (adulthood, death, sexuality)

-thief (apollos cattle)

-god of shepherds and merchants

-god of weights and measures

-god of athletics

material attributes of hermes

-petasos- traveler's hat

-caduceus- the messenger's staff

-talaria - winged sandals

where was hermes born


invention of lyre

hermes leaps out of his mothers arm and gets into trouble so he picks up a tortoise outside of the cave, guts it, then attaches some reeds to it, stretches an ox , strings it with sheep guts and begins to play

- that night he steals apollos cattle and wearing sandals which he invents to cover his foot prints

- he denies it but zeus gets the truth so the two brother exchange gifts - the lyre for the access to the Thriae

hermes transgressions

- boundary between legal and illegal

-truth and lies

-family ties

-youth and adulthood

attributes of dionysus (Bacchus)

- god of wine

-the one born twice

-effeminate features

-often wears women clothes (aka his thing with hermaphrodites and transvestites)

-depicted wearing a vine and/or leopard skin (but actually cheetah)

-thyrsus (Spear with a pinecone on top)


names means earth-mother

- not sexually blatant, but pure represented by the love between a mother and her daughter

- goddess of crops and harvest

- epitomized in 2 ways

-abduction of persephone by hades

- the eleusinian mysteries

the eleusinian mysteries

events include:

- wailing


-carrying of torches

-exchange of jests

-drinking kykeon

-wearing of special dress

- multiple levels of initiation

allegories and archetypes

the seasons

two mothers

the forbidden fruit

coming of age

hades, plutos, dis

-ooften depicted with a cornucopia

-also seen with cerberus, the 3-headed dog

the 3 judges

- aiakos (aeacus): held keys, judge of europe

-rhadamanthys: lord of elysion, judge of asia

-minos: had the final vote

who is ixion:

the first murderer

what is an archetypal element in the hero's quest

going to hades and back (overcoming death)

what came first in the creation of the world?

chaos then gaia