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100 Cards in this Set

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Who is the goddess of midwifery?
Who was the first wife of Athamas?
Who were the son and daughter of Nephele and Athamas?
Daughter - Helle
Son - Phrixus
What is the latin word for Evil Step-mother?
Who did Athamas get remarried too?
Who were the foster parents of Bacchus?
Athamas and Ino
Why did Ino and Athamas raise Bacchus
His mom was Semele, who was the sister of Ino
What were creatures of retribution?
Eyrines or Furies
Why are Helle and Phrixus driven out of their city?
There was a famine and they were blamed by Ino (Evil Step-mom)
Which Eyrines drove Ino and Athamas mad? (Or something like that, sorry he was talking to fast for me to get all the notes)
Trisiphone, Allecto, and Megera (Megera - could make anything)
What does Nephece give to Helle and Phrixus to keep them from getting killed?
A golden ram
Where does Helle fall off of the Golden Ram?
Which land does Phriux go to give the Golden Ram to king Aectes?
What the heck did I just say?
Who is the king of Calchis when Phrixus went to give the Golden Ram?
What creature did Aectes make guard the Golden Fleece?
Your mom O_O

..As well as a dragon/serpent
What was the city that Aeson and Polymede ruled?
Who were Jason's parents?
Aeson and Polymede
(Ae-son) (Poly-mede)
Who was the evil Step-Uncle (I think it was Step-Uncle..) of Jason?
The name of the guy who was the evil Step-Uncle of Jason is located in the context of the following word which will soon formulate itself onto this sentence. The word that signifies the Evil Step-Uncle of Jason was Pelias..
Who was Jason to be trained by?
Chiron, the Centuar
Which river did Jason go when returning to his city?
Anarous River
Which goddess was disguised as an old lady and whom Jason helped across the river?
Juno (Yes I do..)
What was the Oracle of Zeus?
What task did Pelias send Jason to do?
Go get the Golden Fleece
What kind of trees did Jason make a ship out of?
Sacred Oaks of Dondona
What special powers did the ship Jason used to get his crew to the Golden Fleece posess?
It could talk and could go faster than any other ship ever made
Who were the members of Jason's ship crew?
-Dioscouri (Castor and Pollux)
- Zetes (Boreadae Flying Person)
- Calais (Boreadae Flying Person as well)
What was the crew of Jason called?
Did you hear about the guy who invented blue toast?
Neither did I..
What does it mean to go by your patronymic?
Your father's name
Where was the first stop of the Argonauts?
Who did Jason "marry" at Lemnos?
Don't Read This
High five if you didn't read it!
What did the island Lemnos have none of and what did it have a lot of?
It had a LOT of non-males, and had NO non-females
What happened at Cyzicus?
The Argonauts got into an accidental battle with the locals
Who was Amycus and what happened to him?
He was a King and very good at boxing; he got beat by Pollux though, and he died
Who did Hypsipyle spare during the time the Lemnian women were killing all the men?
Thoas, her father
Which goddess did the Lemnian women insult, causing them to stink forever?
How do Hylas die?
He was drowned by a stalker-nymph
Why did Hercules have to quit the quest of the Argonauts?
He kept searching for his best friend Hylas, who was drowned by a stalker-nymph
What were Harpies?
Flying bird women
What were the Harpies doing causing them to be enemies?
Stealing the food of Phineas (Must of happened that episode they built the time machine..)
Who was able to kill the Harpies and why?
Boreadae (Zetes and Calais); they could fly
What does Phineas give in return to the Argonauts for them defeating the Harpies?
What were the name of the rocks that "clashed together" whenever something went through them?
How did the Argonauts get through the Symplagides?
They first sent a bird though, then went as the rocks were opening back up
Think of a number AFTER 6 and BEFORE 8. I bet I can guess it as long as it isn't a fraction or decimal.
The number you have chosen is 3. You just got pwned.
What were Jason's task to get the Golden Fleece?
1. Steal the firebeathing bulls of mars yokes
2. Kill the Dragon/serpent guarding the Golden Fleece
3. Sow the teeth of the dragon and defeat the soilders ( Haha, you get it? SOILders? Because they are in the dirt..? Nevermind...)
Who was Aeetes' daughter who loved Jason and helped him with the task to get the Golden Fleece?
Medea (witch); she gave him drugs to give to the enemies to help him defeat them
Who was Aeetes' son and Medea's brother?
What did Medea do to Apsyrtus in order to slow down her father from catching Jason and herself?
Cut him up into little pieces and threw him in the ocean (Ancient people sure had a bad habit of cutting little kids into pieces..)
Which giant does Jason have to defeat on his way home?
What does Medea do to trick the daughters of Pelius into killing him?
She gives them a not-so-right formula to kill their dad trying to make him young again
Who's daughter does Jason fall in love with and dump Medea for?
Creon's daughter named Glauce
What does Medea do as revenge to Jason?
She sends a poison dress to Glauce killing her and making Jason lonley forever
Who were Theseus' parents?
Aegeus and Aethra
(Ae-geus) (Ae-thra)
Who was the son of Aegeus and Aethra?
Where did Theseus grow up?
What stage in his life did Theseus return to Athens?
A young man
Who does Theseus defeat on his way to Athens?
6 highwaymen
- Periphetes/Cornynetus
- Sinus
- Pig of Crommyan
- Ceroyan
- Procrustes
(Note: I might be wrong on some of these, so if there is a mispelling or something I am sorry.)
What does Periphetes do?
He is a clubman who is defeated by Theseus (1st Highwayman)
What does Sinus do?
Bends two trees together and ties people to them, then lets go making the person split in two (2th Highwayman)
What is the Sow of Crammyon?
A giant pig who tries to kill Theseus but Theseus kills it first (3st Highwaypig)
Who is Sciron?
A guy who forced travelers to wash his feet, and then kicked them into a body of water with a giant turtle in it that eats people (4th Highwayman)
Who is Cercyan?
He forced travelers to a wrestling match, and if they lost he killed them. Theseus however beat him and killed him instead (The 6nd highwayman)
Who is Procrastes?
He put you in a bed and cut you to make you fit in it. Theseus when he met Procrastes put him in a bed and killed him on his way to Athens. (He was the 6rd and final highwayman)
What did Neptune give Minos to sacrifice?
A Cretan Bull
What happened as a result of Minos deciding to keep the Cretan Bull instead of sacrificing it?
Neptune made Pasiphae (Minos' wife) fall in love with the Bull
Who were the children of Minos and Pasipae?
Phaedra, Ariadae (loved Theseus), and Androgeous
What did Minos request his son Theseus to do if he returns?
Change the sails on his boat from black to white (Michael Jackson sails for the win?)
What did Theseus insist his father let him do?
Go to the Labyrinth with the other boys and girls to kill the Minotaur
Who designs the Labyrinth of which houses the Minotaur?
What did Ariadne give Theseus to help kill the Minotaur?
A string, sword, and a CD copy of "Friday" by Rebecca Black
Which island does Theseus leave Ariadne?
What does Ariadne want to happen to Theseus just like "what Theseus did to her"
She wants him to forget something
As a result of Ariadne's wish, what does Theseus forget?
To change the sails from black to white for his father to see when he returns
Who does Ariadne end up marrying on Naxos after Theseus left her?
Who did Theseus make kidnapping plans to marry Zeus' daughters with?
Who did Theseus and Pirithous plan to marry..?
Zeus' daughters; Helen and Prosphina (They are so screwed if they decide to break up with either of them...)
Who were the Amazons?
Warrior Women
- Penthesileia (Queen of the Amazons who Achillies killed)
- Hippolyte
- Antiope
After Theseus leaves Ariadne, who does he then proceed to marry?
Antiope (Amazon Woman)
Which son does Theseus and Antiope have together?
After Theseus breaks up with Ariadne and Antiope, who does he marry?
Phaedra (Ariadne's sister)
What happens to Phaedra?
She insults Venus so she is forced to fall in love with her step-son from Theseus, Hippolytus
What does the note Phaedra writes before she commits suicide say?
Hippolytus tried to rape her, which was a lie
What does Theseus ask the gods to do when he hears of the lie that Phaedra wrote about Hippolytus trying to rape her?
Make Hippolytus pay (They do this by sending the Cretan Bull back which scares Hippolytus' horses, and they run as he is slammed against the ground. He then dies..)
What does Theseus later find out about Hippolytus?
He never tried to rape Phaedra
Who organizes the Calydonian Boar Hunt?
What did Meleager organize a group of people to hunt?
A Calydonian Boar
Who did the killing shot at the Boar during the Calydonian Boar Hunt?
What does Atalanta receive for shooting the killing arrow at the Boar and thus making the others mad at her..?
She gets the best parts of the Boar
Who gets into an argument with his uncles about the Calydonian Boar Hunt and ends up killing them?
Who were the measures, cutters, and selecters of the "Thread of Life", which everyone supposedly had?
Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos
How did Meleager die?
His "Thread of Life" was thrown in the fire..
Who were Baucis and Philemon?
Two poor and old people that treated Mercury and Jupiter with hospitality when they came.
What did Baucis and Philemon offer to Jupiter and Mercury?
Their only goose
What did Jupiter and Mercury give in return to Baucis and Philemon for treating them well?
They got to survive the flood, and they got a wish (They choose to die together)
What did Baucis and Philemon turn into when they died?
An Oak and Linden Tree (Not sure about Linden, might want to look that up)
Which months have 30 days? (Remember finger trick)
11 of them..