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15 Cards in this Set

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The son of Aeetes, King of Colchis, and the yonger brother of Medea. There are differing accounts of this happless prince playing parts in the escape of Jason and Medea after the theft of the Golden fleece. One cersion says that he was sent in pursuit fo the Argo by King Aeetes and managed to trap the ship near an island at the mouth of Ister (Danube). Medea persuaded her brother to meet her on the island , sending him a message saying that Jason had abducted her. But it was Jason who went to the island, and there he murdered this man. Another version tells how Medea persuaded hr=er brother to accompany her on board the Argo and when she fled with Jason. Their father Aeetes nearly caught up with the fugitives near the isle fo Ister, whereupon Medea murdered her brother and cut his body into peices. She scattered the fragments on waves, knowing her father would collect them to make sure there was a decent burial. Thus Jason and Medea made their escape.
The name by which the invaders of Troy are known in the Illiad.The lost their power soon after the Trojan War to another set of migrants, the Dorians, sho occupied Argos and destroyed Mycenae and Tiryns, these people's leading cities. Agamemnon, leader of their army that invaded Troy, was the king of Mycenae
In mythology one of the river of the under world. Actual river has its source in the southern part of Epirus. It is joined by a tributary, the Cocytus, and flows into the seas at Thesprotian Gulf.
The principal warrior among the Greeks who took part in the Trojan War. He was the son of Peleus and Thetis, a Nereid, who was fateed to bear a child that would be stronger than his father. Zeus himself loved Thetis and he knew that he could be in danger if he had a child by one of his loves. But he only knew part of the danger- not which one it would be. the secret of her identity lay with Prometheus, whom Zeus punished by chaining him to a rock in the Caucasus mountains. Prometheus yielded the knowledge to Zeus when he was released, and so it was by Zeus's command that Thetis marry Peleus, since no mortal's son could ever be a threat to the king of the gods. When Thetis's son was born to his mother, daughter of the sea god of Nereus, tried to bathe him in fire to burn away his mortality. Peleus interfered and the angry mother left him taking her son with her. She knew what his future as a mortal would be and she did everything she could do to protect him. She bathed him in Styx to make him invunerable, holding him by the heel, and then entrusted him to the care of the wise and gentle centaur, Chiron, who taught him and raised him to manhood. But when the Greek leaders began to prepare for the Trojan war, Thetis took her son away from Chiron and sent him to the corut of Lycomedes, King of Scyros, and disguised him as a girl. But the Odysseus came looking for him, and found him when he brought a gift of fine armor and weaponry. Lycomedes gave the boy his daugther, Deidamia, in marriage, and they had one son, Neoptolemus, who joined the Greeks after his father's death. He is the central character of Homer's Illiad, knowing that he will die at Troy.