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14 Cards in this Set

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Uranus married Gaea and had 6 kids but throw them away into the underworld cause Uranus thought they were going to rule over him. Then he created 12 more kids that were titains one of his son Kronos the youngest one mutilated his dad and got his powers from that.



Zeus marriage hera his sister and had 7 kids. Zeus fought in the titan war with his brothers Posisen and Hades. Zeus saved the hunderd handed gaints and the cyclopse. With there help he won the war and became the god of all gods.



Kronos marrige Rhea and had 6 kids and ate 5 of his kids. Rhea hid her last kid Zeus who would one day challenge his father Kronos. Rhea tricked Kronos into thinking he ate her last son but he instead ate a rock. Kronos lost the war against zues his brothers, the ganits, and cyclpose. After that Kronos lost his power.



Prometheus created all living things and has a brother Epimetheus he gave living things characteristics to survive but forgot mankind. Prometheus went to Hephaestus to help with mankind so Hephaestus gave fire to man to survive. Prometheus was afraid that man would give all the good foods to the gods so Prometheus tricked Zeus to pick what kind of meat mankind should eat and Zeus picked the white fat meat that looked good but filled with bones mankind got the rich organs that were hiding inside the oax stomach. Zeus got mad and took away the fire and sent Prometheus away were he would be in chains for eternity. Prometheus had a secret that one day Zeus son would be more powerful than him and Zeus demanded him to tell him if not Prometheus would be tortured fro all eternity.

 Pandora myth

Pandora myth

In the myth of Pandora. Hephestus Created a women that Zeus wanted to punish man. Thena gave her love and desire and the source of sorrow of men. Zeus gave her a golden box and told Pandora not to open it but she did and sorrow and sickness fell out but hope was still in the jar.

Demeter myth

Demeter myth

Demeter is god of crops. Her daughter is Persephone in charge of flowers. Demeter wont grow any crops if he doesn't get his daughter back. His daughter Persephone ate 6 seeds in the underworld but in the underworld if you eat something there you wont be able to come back. Demeter will only have his daughter back for 6 months but the other 6 months his daughter will go to the underworld with hades for the 6 months.

Psyche and eros myth 

Psyche and eros myth

Psyche the youngest but most beaytiful. Aphrodite grew jealous that men stop worshipping her even that she was a goddess and started worshipping Psyche. Aphrodite sent her son Eros to hit Psyche with his arrow and make her fall in love to the first person she see's like a monster but Eros was caught with her beauty that he hit himself with his arrow. In order for Psyche and Eros to stay together Aphrodite made Psyche do challenges that took more than one person for help in the end they ended up together.

Daedalus myth

Daedalus myth

Daedalus is Athenas favorite mortal. Athena is the Goddess of wisdom. Perdix is Daedalus nephew. Daedalus is a inventer but he grew jealous of his nephew because he was better than him so he killed his nephew for his inevention and showed it to Athena but she didnt like what he did to his nephew and got angry. King MInos liked Daedalus invention and made him an important man. KIng MInos wife liked white bulls so she told Daedalus to male her a wooden bull then later she gave brith to a half man have bull called Minotaur.

Narcissus and Echo myth

Narcissus and Echo myth

Echo had a beautiful vocie and people loved to hear her sing. Aphrodite loved Echo and was her favorite mortal being because of her vioce. She told echo that she coould grant her one wish. Echo told hera one of zeuses wife that he was wainting for her in olympice. Zesus overhead echo talking to hera trying to cover for him so he gave her a ring but later hera know that ring and pjuished Echo by reapeting only the last words that someone talkes to her. Narcissus was the most beautiful boy who was lost in the woods he wanted to find someone so beautiful as him but he never found anyone excepted for himself.

Orpheus myth 

Orpheus myth

Orpheus was a poet and musician. When he played all living things followed him. But then he found out that one person always followed him and she was Eurydice they later got marreied for 1 year one one day. People started saying rumers that Apollo killed Orpheus because nobody was hearing his music. But people thought and enchantries got him so Aristeus went and found a lady so he charged at her but Eurydice ran away from him but she got bite but snakes and died before hitting the ground. Later Orpheus found his wife but didnt feel sad he went to tarturers the underworld and tried to make hades bring back his wife but it didnt work untill his people from hades told im that just this oneces so he made Orpheus go back from were he came from but if he ever looked back onces he wouldnt get his wife back but then he turned around and saw her for a secound but thurned into smoke later.



Midas recognizes Silenus as a follower of Dionysus and honors him with a ten-day feast, because apparently that's a big deal.When Midas returns Silenus to Dionysus, the god of wine rewards Midas by offering to grant him a single wish.Midas's wish? That everything he touches would turn to gold. (Sounds like a good choice to us.)At first, Midas loves his new power, but when even the food he tries to eat turns to gold, he panics. (Hmmm, we didn't think about that part.)When Midas begs Dionysus to take back the wish, Dionysus tells him to bathe in the river Pactolus.He does, and the power of his golden touch flows out into the water, leaving gold nuggets in the sand. Ta-da—wish ungranted.



Theseus was a hero of Greek mythology associated with the city-state of Athens, and best known for slaying the Minotaur. Theseus was also the leader who unified the Greek region of Attica under a single ruler, which paved the way for the development of democratic principles in Athens.Theseus' father was Aegeus, king of Athens, and his mother was Aethra, daughter of the king of Troezen. King Aegeus had no children and no heir, and so he traveled to the Delphic Oracle to seek counsel. On the journey home, he stopped to visit King Pittheus of Troezen and became drunk. Pittheus offered his daughter to Aegeus, and she became pregnant.Aegeus resumed his journey, but left Aethra with her father in Troezen. He instructed her to send their child, if it was a boy, to Athens when he reached a certain age. As the story goes, Aegeus left a sword and sandals under a very heavy rock. If their son was able to retrieve the sword and sandals, he would be recognized as Aegeus' heir upon arrival in Athens.When Theseus reached the age of a young man, his mother shared Aegeus' instructions with the boy. Theseus successfully moved the boulder and claimed the sword and sandals of Aegeus. He then set out for Athens, encountering outlaws and monsters along the way. By defeating these obstacles and many more over the course of his life, Theseus became a Greek hero.



Perseus, in Greek mythology, son of Zeus and Danaë. His grandfather, Acrisius, had been warned by an oracle that his grandson would kill him and therefore put Perseus and his mother in a chest and threw it into the sea. It drifted to Seriphus, where King Polydectes befriended the two. After a time Polydectes fell in love with Danaë but was embarrassed by the presence of her full-grown son. He sent Perseus to fetch the head of the Gorgon Medusa, thinking that Perseus would die in the attempt. The gods, however, loved Perseus. Hermes gave him a curved sword and winged sandals, Athena a mirrorlike shield, and Hades a helmet that made Perseus invisible. Thus armed, Perseus slew Medusa. While fleeing the other Gorgons, Medusa's sisters, Perseus asked Atlas for help. Atlas refused, and Perseus, by means of the Medusa head, promptly turned him into a mountain of stone. On his way home Perseus rescued Andromeda from a sea monster and married her. When he arrived in Seriphus, he killed Polydectes and his followers. He then gave the Medusa head to Athena. He went with his mother and his wife to Argos. There, while competing in a discus contest, Perseus accidentally killed his grandfather. Thus the prophecy was fulfilled. Perseus was the father of Electryon, who was the grandfather of Hercules. The famous figure of Perseus by Benvenuto Cellini stands in the Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence.



Medusa was a monster, one of the Gorgon sisters and daughter of Phorkys and Keto, the children of Gaea (Earth) and Oceanus(Ocean). She had the face of an ugly woman with snakes instead of hair; anyone who looked into her eyes was immediately turned to stone. Her sisters were Stheno and Euryale, but Medusa was the only mortal of the three.She was originally a golden-haired, fair maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; however, after being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him, she forgot her vows and married him. For this offence, she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner. Each wavy lock of the beautiful hair that had charmed her husband was changed into a venomous snake; her once gentle, love-inspiring eyes turned into blood-shot, furious orbs, which excited fear and disgust in the mind of the onlooker; whilst her former roseate hue and milk-white skin assumed a loathsome greenish tinge.Seeing herself transformed into such a repulsive creature, Medusa fled her home, never to return. Wandering about, abhorred, dreaded, and shunned by the rest of the world, she turned into a character worthy of her outer appearance. In her despair, she fled to Africa, where, while wandering restlessly from place to place, young snakes dropped from her hair; that is how, according to the ancient Greeks, Africa became a hotbed of venomous reptiles. With the curse of Athena upon her, she turned into stone whomever she gazed upon, till at last, after a life of nameless misery, deliverance came to her in the shape of death, at the hands of Perseus.See Also: Perseus, Adventures of Perseus, Pegasus, Gaea, Oceanus, Athena