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7 Cards in this Set

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Muscle Tissue

Three types:

Smooth or non-striated muscle

Cardiac striated muscle

Skeletal striated muscle

producing body movements

stabilizing body positions (joints and standing)

storing and moving substances within the body (propel food and matter through body systems)

generating heat

Smooth or non-striated muscle

Smooth or non-striated muscle

Long spindle shaped cells
Nucleus centrally located
Thin sheets

Arrector Pili muscles (muscles that move hair follicles)
Tubuler Organs - Blood vessel walls, in the tube walls of the digestive, urinary, respiratory and reproductive systems)

Involuntary (cant regulate consciously)
Contracts to move things through tubes
Cardiac striated muscle

Cardiac striated muscle

Striated - stripe like appearance

Long tubular cells which some branch

Dark bands, membrane between two abutting cells.

Muscle fibers made up of many cells connected

Forms heart wall

Involuntary (can't regulate consciously)

Pump blood in the heart and through blood vessels

Skeletal striated muscle

Skeletal striated muscle

Long bands, very striped, each one is a cell but multiple nucleus on each band which get pushed to the surface.

Most common muscle tissue

makes up 45% of body

Voluntary (consciously controlled)

Moves the skeleton

Stabilize it (standing, maintain position)

Source of body heat (energy lost as thermal energy)

Skeletal Muscle Fibers

Slow-oxidative (SO) type 1

Large amount of capillaries, Red color fibers, Slow speed of contraction, many mitochondria (energy), high resistance to fatigue

Fast-Oxidative-Glycolytic (FOG) type IIa

Large amount of capillaries, red color fibers, fast speed of contraction, many mitochondria, intermediate resistance to fatigue.

Fast-Glycolytic (FG) Type IIb

Small amount of capillaries, white color fibers, fast speed of contraction, few mitochondria, low resistance to fatigue


Difference because of function

Back muscles can be slow-oxidative because need to last longer and doesn't need to twitch fast.

Eye muscles need to be fast-glycolytic, twitch and move fast.

Some muscles are a mixture of fibers.

Muscle organ

Muscle belly - muscular part of the muscle, cells are not red but blood gives the red color. Lots of blood vessels in tissue

Tendon - dense regular CT

At the end of muscles, connects to bone

When tear a tendon, will tear at point of attachment on bone