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40 Cards in this Set

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1. What is the usual cause of death in myocardial infarction?
a. Infarct-induced ectopic focus
b. Sends heart into fibrillation
2. What is a type I MI?
a. Spontaneous syndrome
3. What is a type II MI?
a. Infarction secondary to ischemia
b. Due to increased oxygen demand or decreased supply
4. What is a type III MI?
a. Sudden, unexpected cardiac death
5. What are types 4a, 4b, and 5 MI?
a. MI associated with various procedures
6. What are the elements of an MI dx?
a. **Rise and fall of biochemical markers indicative of myocardial necrosis AND 1 of the following:
b. → ST changes, new Q waves
c. Chest pain characteristic of AMI
d. Imaging evidence of myocardium loss or regional wall motion abnormality
7. What chest pain is characteristic of an MI?
a. Discomfort in chest, epigastric region, arm, wrist, and jaw
b. Lasts at least 20 minutes, may be shorter
c. May develop centrally and radiate
8. With what symptoms can MI chest pain be associated?
a. Dyspnea
b. Diaphoresis
c. Nausea
d. Vomiting
e. Lightheadedness
9. How can an MI present in females?
a. Upper abdominal pain
b. Dyspnea
c. Nausea
d. Fatigue
10. What can be absent in an MI in diabetic patients?
a. Chest pain
11. What does hypoxia cause in the heart muscle during an MI?
a. Cell death
b. Lysis
c. Spillage of enzymes into circulation
12. What enzymes are assayed for an MI?
a. CK
b. LD
13. What is the relationship between amount of serum enzymes and severity of MI?
a. The greater the levels of enzymes, the greater the extent of myocardial damage
b. The higher the level of enzymes, the lower the chance of survival
14. What are the different subtypes of LD?
a. LD1- HHHH
b. LD2- MHHH
c. LD3- MMHH
d. LD4- MMMH
15. Where are the different subtypes of LD found?
a. 1- Heart, kidney, RBC
b. 2- Heart, kidney, RBC
c. 3- Lung, spleen
d. 4- Liver, kidney, brain, skeletal muscle
e. 5- Skeletal muscle, liver
16. What LD subtypes are especially elevated in cardiac muscle?
a. LD2 and LD1
b. LD2>LD1
17. What is the LD1:LD2 proportion in normal serum?
a. LD1>LD2
18. When does LD peak after an MI?
a. 2 days after onset of chest pain
b. Remains elevated for 10-14 days
19. What are the major types of CK?
a. MM
b. MB
c. BB
20. Where are the major types of CK found?
a. MM- skeletal and cardiac muscle; major form
b. MB- cardiac muscle, trace in skeletal
c. BB- brain; only isoform in CSF
21. When will CK be elevated in relationship to MI?
a. 3 to 4 hours after onset of chest pain
b. 12-24 hours most sensitive and specific for MI
22. How do you calculate the CK index?
a. (CK-MB)/total CK
1. What does an elevated CK index indicate?
a. CK-MB is probably cardiac as opposed to skeletal
24. What does a high CK-MB with a low CK index indicate?
a. Other muscular damage
25. What is elevated in a subendocardial infarction?
a. Large amounts of CK2 (MB) are released
26. What leads to necrosis in a subendocardial infarction?
a. Oxygen free radicals
27. What is released in a total occlusion of the coronary arteries?
a. Lower levels of MB
b. Appear later, remain subsequently elevated
28. When will myoglobin levels be elevated after an MI?
a. 1-3 hours
b. **Not a specific marker
29. What does the presence of cTnt and cTnI indicate?
a. Myocardial insult
30. When does cTnT appear after an MI? Peak? How long does it remain elevated?
a. Increase at 3-4 hours after MI
b. Peak at 10-24 hours
c. Remain elevated for 10-14 days
31. When does cTnI appear after an MI? Peak? How long does it remain elevated?
a. Increase 4-6 hours after MI
b. Peak at 10-24 hours
c. Remain elevated for 4-7 days
32. What is the dx value of MB?
a. Reinfarction
33. What is the dx value of CK-MB?
a. Early thrombolytic tx
34. What is the dx value of cTnI and cTnT?
a. All types of insult
35. What is the dx value of LD1?
a. Late-admitted patients
36. What enzyme is elevated in 100% of MI patients?
a. LD1
37. What is the usefulness of an LD1 test?
a. Dx of an MI which might have occurred several days earlier
b. May not have resulted in immediate hospitalizations
38. A patient has had an MI if he/she has an elevated CK-MB/CK index and…
a. 1+ elevated cardiac marker
39. What is the dx value of myoglobin?
a. Early dx marker for AMI
b. Reinfarction of a patient with previously confirmed MI or surgery-induced infarct
40. How high to cTn levels rise in classic AMI?
a. 20 to 50 times