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185 Cards in this Set

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- fever, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, maculopapular rash from head to trunk to ext.
intravascular hemolysis - schistocytes, increased indirect bili and urinary UBG, hemoglobinemia / uria. haptoglobin binds free
160/90, pulse 50/min. pt is herniating w/ blown out pupil, down n out,
IPF - results in restrictive lung disease. decreased diffusing capacity of CO, increased fev1/fvc, decrease residual volume, and
90+% of duodenal ulcers include h.pylori which u treat w/ ppi and abx
is mc carcinoma of the lid margin and may appear similar to chalazion
abdominal circumference is most effective parameter for estimatoin of fetal weight in cases of suspected fgr
is only when CD4<200. Diffuse infiltrates w/ high A-a gradient.
abdominal ct is better for detecting stones than axr
IVDA are likely ot have staph bacteremia / right sided endocarditis / septic emboli that lead to cavitary pneumonia. Pneumocystis
joints and results in functional limitation, deformity and DJD due to DM, periph n. damage, spinal cord injury , b12 deficiency, and
acalculous cholecystitis may occur after extensive burns, severe trauma, prolonged TPN, prolonged fasting, and mechanical
kids with congenital heart disease + new neurological deficits may have brain abscess. especially if febrile.
acei, arbs and spironolactone cause hyperK and hypoNa
lactose intolerance- positive hydrogen breath test, positive stool test for reducing substances, low stool pH and increased stool
acromegaly pts die of cardiovascular causes.
lidocaine - not used prophylactically in pts w/ ACS. decreases risk of v-fib but increases risk of asystole
acute adrenal insufficiency
ligament vs meniscus tear - ligaments have more rapid swelling due to actual blood supply. menisci sweall over 24 hours
acute afib w/ RVR. pt is HD unstable. DC cardioversion indicated and preferable to pharmacological. recent onset a-fib has 90%
like fibro but patients complain of extreme fatigue and not pain. no trigger points. polymyalgia rheumatica presents w/ pain and
adductors. peroneal goes to anerior and lateral leg and foot dorsum
listless babies w/ jaundice should get bcx and LP to r/o sepsis and meningitis
adenomyosis - like lyomyomas but regularly shaped and lyomyomas are irregularly shaped. both have dysmennorhea,
lithium - single episode, go on lithium for 1 year at least, then wean. 3+ relapses - go on permanent lithium for life
adjacent to eyes or ethmoid and sphenoid sinusitis
lithium tox - tremor, hyperreflexia, ataxia, sz. opioid - resp dep + miosis. phenytoin tox - horizontal nystagmus, cerebellar atax,
adolescents presenting w/ behavioral changes - suspect drugs, violence, rape, pregnancy
local invasion. followed by whole brain radiation
adrenals and ovaries secrete DHEA.
long term oxygen supplementation has been proven to prolong survival and improve quality of life for hypoxemic COPD patients.
affect on aldosterone.
loss of temp + pain below as well. bilateral.
after biopsy confirmed CIN 2/3, pt should be screened q6m until 3 negative screens are obtained. then back to normal annual
low tsh, high t3/t4 with signs of thyrotoxicosis in a girl trying to lose weight should suggest factitious thyrotoxicosis. may be due to
after draining fibrocystic mass and seeing it disappear, f/u in 4 weeks rather than getting cytology
lower extremity sensor / motor loss
albinos should stay out of the sun / minimize exposure. sunscreeen is less reliable.
lumbar spinal stenosis is mcc by degenerative disk disease and presents w/ lbp and leg pain. spinal cord compression has focal
alcoholic steatosis, hepatitis and early fibrosis of the liver can all be reversible with cessation of alcohol intake. true cirrhosis (w/
lumbar spinal stenosis is MCC by DJD. aka neuropathic claudication. symptoms worse when standing and going down hill due to
alternate complement pathway. Antibodies reacting with C3 convertase lead to persistent complement activation and kidney
lymphadenopathy are common.
alveolar infiltrates.
maintenance and low-salt diet
always check placement of central catheter before infusing with abx or heparing to make sure u are in the right space. CXR
malignant otitis externa is seen in elderly pts w/ poorly controlled dm, mcc is pseudomonas. sx include ear pain, drainage, and
and extenso surfaces of extremities. diaper region is usually spared
mallory-weiss tears - bleeding from ruptured submucosal arteries in distal esophagus / proximal stomach. varices are veins.
and less fatigue or respiratory muscles.
mammography, and core biopsy if suspicious.
and prostate
manic episode in someone who started lithium - UDS to r/o drugs, lithium level for whether they are compliant, then consider
and s/b avoided. quit smoking
mc site of lacunar infarct is posterior internal capsule, producing pure motor stroke.
anerobic, w/ sulfur granules, more commonly causes cervicofacial dz
MCC of AR - aortic root dilatoin / bicuspid valve. in 3rd world its rhematic hd
anterior cord syndrome - assoc w/ burst fracture of vertebra, characterized by total loss of motor function below the lesion and
mcc osteomyelitis - staph. if stepping on nail through shoe can be pseudomonas.
mcc travelers diarrhea is e coli
arthritis + renal failure - think tubulointerstitial nephritis 2/2 nsaids
asymptomatic pts w/ paget's dz do not require treatment. symptomatic ones are best treated w/ oral or iv bisphosphonates
medullary syndrome - medial - contralateral spastic hemiplegia, vibratory, proprioception loss and tonge deviation to side of
atopic dermatitis presents in infancy w/ pruritis and skin lesions typiccally distributed symmetrically over the face, scalp, chest
membranproliferative glomerulonephritis type 2 aka dense deposit disease is caused by IgG against C3 convertase of the
b blockers lower risk of hemorrhage from varices
menieres disease - vertigo, ear fullness, tinnitis, hearing loss. first line is environmental and dietary modification, including
b6, folate and b12 are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine. b6 lowers homocysteine levels by acting as cofactor for
menorrhagia and large uterus.
bacteria, acidifying the colon and reducing ammonia absorption. abx work too.
microcytic anemia is different from thalassemia in that RDW > 20% in iron deficiency. Retic ct is low in pt w/ fe deficiency due to
baker's cyst develop as result of excessive fluid production by inflamed synovium, in RA, OR or cartilage tears. mass is tender in
mid diastolic rumble - mitral stenosis or obstruction of mitral valve due to tumor. atrial myxoma is mc primary intracardiac tumor,
bc unconj bili is very tightly bound to albumin, bilirubinuria is indicative of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. hemolytic disease are
most common causes of thyrotoxicosis w/ low radioactive iodine uptake : subacute painless thyroiditis, subacute granulomatous
because of diffusion for nourishment / no hemarthroses
moving HOB from supine to sitting can increase FRC by 20-35%. In normal adults this is several hundred CC of lung volume.
before using it..
mucormycosis in DM- tx w/ surgical debridement and IV amphotericin
bence jones proteins collect in renal collecting tubules in multiple myeloma, so its known as a paraproteinemia. also look for
multiple thin walled caviites on cxr but shows interstitial infiltrates.
biophysical profile - NST, fetal tone, movements, breathing movements and amniotic fluid volume. out of 10, 8/10 is normal. 2 is
muscle necrosis. mortality is 10-20%
bird fanciers lung is hypersensitivity pneumonitis. HP may lead to pulmonary fibrosis and restrictive lung pattern. tx is avoid
MVA - pt hypotensive, tachycardic, given ivf, sent to hospital becomes drowsy and develops right sided weakness. bp now
blastomycosis is broad based budding yeast endemic to south-central and north-central US. affects lungs, skin, bones, joints,
nephropathy has less than 5 day latency, PSGN from pharyngitis is 10 days, and PSGN from impetigo is 21 days.
blood into the ventricle in early diastole, and is associated w/ elevated LV filling pressures.
neuro + renal + anemia + low MCV = lead poisoning.
bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain and lack of fever in pt w/o travel hx suggests EHEC.
neuro deficits. herniated disk pain worsens w/ sitting, has sciatica.
blowing systolic murmur at cardiac apex s/p MI may be mitral regurg due to papillary muscle rupture. requires emergent surgery,
neurogenic arthropathy, aka charcot's joints, is a complication of neuropathy and repeated joint trauma. it effects weight bearing
bone conduction greater than air conduction in rinne and weber tests prove conductive hearing loss, i.e. some obstruction in
BPH - smooth, firm prostate enlargement. UA and serum cr are recommended to r/o bladder ca, infection and obstruction.
never undertreat pain even if there is risk of abuse. fastest mediicne is the best for acute pain
break bad news, give prognosis, keep it simple.
nevirapine. indinavir = crystal induced nephropathy.
breaking bad news: make sure comfortable, ask how much they know, ask how much they would like to know, give warning shot,
NIPPV is recommended in pts w/ respiratory distress with pH < 7.35, or PaCO2 > 45 or RR > 25, due to better alveolar ventilation
breast and lung ca.
nitroglycerin is the most rapidly acting med for treating symptoms of cardiogenic pulmonary edema. mainstay is look diuretics.
bronchogenic cysts - mass in middle mediastinum. thymoma - mass in anterior mediastinum. neurogenic tumors - posterior
NMS is a drug induced idiosyncratic reaction from antidopaminergics. its parkinsonism + hyperthermia, w/ elevated ck and
bullous pemphigoid - igg targets hemidesmosomes / basement membrade causing tense bullae. subepidermal bullae have
NMS should be treated w/ dantrolene, bromocriptine and amantidine.
BUN / Cr ratio is useful indicator of dehydration
non-small cell lung cancer single met to brain - preferred tx is surgical resection to get histo diagosis, reduce mass effect and
calculated by examining peak airway pressures. peep is calculated w/ end-expiratory hold maneuver.
normal pc02 during asthma attack is bad sign of severe airway obstruction or respiratory muscle fatigue.
cannot be presented to t-cells. polysaccharide vaccines yield a b-cell only, t-cell independent response.
cauda equina syndrome - LBP, bowel / bladder dysfxn, saddle anesthesia, perineal anesthesia, poor rectal tone, sciatica and
NS + K will help correct this
causes stricture.
OA primarily effects DIP joints. XR shows joint space narrowing, subchondral stenosis, osteophytes, and subchondral cysts.
caustic poisoning - does not alter consciousness. pt presents w/ dysphagia, severe pain, heaving salivation and mouth burns.
occuring in 2nd or 3rd decade is 5%
cavernous sinus thrombosis - HA, low-grade fever, periorbital edema and cranial nerve palsies. typically occurs w/ skin infections
Oral contraceptives may raise blood pressure
chest pounding / waterhammer pulse - AR. usually worse when Left lateral decubitus or supine due to heart close to chest wall.
osmotic gap
chlordiazepoxide (librium) is a drug of choice of alcohol withdrawal. its a bzd
osteophytes are mc finding on cervical radiographs of pts w/ cervical spondylosis but are nonspecific.
choramnionitis after 35 weeks - give broad spectrum and expedite delivery.
painful 3rd trimester vaginal bleeding w/ normal u/s is likely placental abruption. placenta previa is painless uterine bleeding w/
circulation loss.
partially acid-fast, aerobic, gram-positive branching rods in pt w/ TB like symptoms - nocardia, tx w/ bactrim. actinomyces is
circumstantiality - drift away from topic but eventually return. tangentiality - abrupt, permanent deviation from current subject.
parvovirus b19 arthritis of the mcp, pip wrist and ankle joint can be diagnosed with anti-b19 serum antibodies
CJD - rapidly progressive dementia, myoclonus and sharp, triphasic synchronous discharges on EEG.
path of sound.
concentration of urine. (hyposthenuria)
patients w/ postprandial pain, vomiting of partially digested food and early satiety may have a pyloric obstruction, which presents
PE pleural effusions are almost always exudative and small.
condylomata acuminata - anogenital warts. may be treated w/ trichloroacetic acid, 5fu epi gel, or podophyllin, or imiquimod,
peritoneal signs = some kind of peritoneal process
confusion. bzd tox - slurred speech, unsteady gait, drowsiness w/ minor resp depression
peritonsillar abscesses must be trained immediated and given IV abx. risk of spread to carotid sheath thru paratonsillar space
congenital aromatase deficiency - prevents converstionof androgens to estrogens. causes gestational maternal virilization and
persistent pneumothorax and significant airleak after CT placement suggests tracheobronchial rupture. other findings include
consistent with fetal asphyxia. BPP < 4 delivery is indicated of > 26 weeks gestation.
person / object
contagiosum, which is due to pox virus and common in cellular immunodeficiency.
perthe aka idiopathic avascualr osteonecrosis of femoral capital head affects kids 4 to 10 with hip, groin and knee pain w/ fu**ed
pharmacologic maangement of variant angina is w/ CCB or nitrates. nonselective B blockers and aspirin worsen vasoconstriction
COPD - progressive expiratory flow limitation causing air trapping, decreased VC and increased TLC. FEV1 is disporportionaly
pickwickian syndrome aka obesity hypoventilation syndrome pt breathes slower all the time and chronicly retains CO2, so ABG
ct after ischemic bowel will show thickening of bowel wall. often occurs s/p vascular surgery w/ aortic cross clamp or collateral
pneumatic otoscopy
cystathionine beta synthase.
pneumococcal vaccine is polysaccharide. while peptides get presented to t-cells by b-cells and macrophages, polysaccharides
cytological paps.
pneuomediastinum and subq emphysema.
polycythemia + L sided varicocele = RCC. diagnose w/ CT abdomen
damage results from necrosis of the tissue of gi tract. stomach or esophageal perforation may occur causing peritonitis or
popliteal fossa.
dapsone - doc for dermatitis herpetiform
decreased compared to VC
pospartum hemorrhage - fundal massage, iv access, ivf infusion for sbp > 90, notify blood bank need prbc. give oxytocin
decreased erythropoeisis
posterior dislocation of the shoulder is common in tonic clonic seizures, w/ the patient holding the arm adducted and internally
deficiency or soemthing
Prevents postop atelectasis.
primary hyperparath - high Ca, low or normal . secondary hyperparath - low to normal Ca, high pth. (crf)
depressoin is best treated w/ cognitive therapy.
printed instructions w/ signs / sx that warrant return to hospital.
DES during pregnancy increases risk of baby having clear cell adenocarcinoma of vagina
prospective cohorts are the best for determining the incidence of disease because it allows calculation of relative risk in two
desmogleins, DIF shows igg everywhere scattered.
pt a/ SAH may get cerebral salt wasting syndrome, due to inappropraite vaspressin secretion and increased ANP/BNP.
develop autoimmune hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia 2-3 weeks post onset.
pt w/ mild-to-moderate TBI can be discharged under care of adult if they have normal CT scan. caretaker should be given
diabetic mononeuropathy often involved CN3. damage is ischemic, and only somatic fibers are affected while parasympathetic
pt w/ severe BPH may show urinary obstruction. AUS will r/o hydronephrosis
diaphragmatic rupture happens on left side due to stomach moving up during trauma i.e. mvc / seatbelt
pt w/ shock after immobility, likely PW. other findings: normal PCWP ( 6-12) , high PA pressure (>40) and high RA pressure (>10)
diarrhea from seafood - vibrio parahemolyticus
pt w/ sore throat and drooling may have epiglottitis, caused by hemophilus or strep pyogenes.
digitalis toxicity causes increased ectopy and increase vagal tone. a-tach w/ av block occurs from combination of these dig
pt w/ UC. after 8 years, annual colonoscopy is recommended.
dipstick urine testing only finds macroalbuminuria. for micro, get microalbumin / Cr ratio for screening.
pts w/ chronic lung dz end up w/ pulm htn 2/2 hypoxemia resulting in pulm vasc constriction and RHF. cor pulmonale.
displacement - psych defense mechanism in which unacceptable feelings about one person/ object are displaced onto another
pulmonary edema - differentiate b/w ards and chf pe based on PCWP. >18 = cardiogenic, <18 = ARDS. cxr shows bilateral
dizziness, headache, and agitation. after several years u get involunary movements.
Question Id
DM, arthropathy and hepatomegaly = hemochromatosis. diagnose w/ serum iron studies. liver bx to confirm.
radiation therapy works for vaginal SCCA
do Mohs on basal cell CA in tough places like perioral, nose, lips, ears...
randomization helps to control known risk factors as well as unknown difficult to measure confounders.
does exist.
recently changed mole is the strongest risk factor for melanoma w/ RR of up to 200
dont violate HIPAA w/o SIGNED consent form.
recurent chalazion requires histopathological examination due to risk of sebaceous meimbomian gland carcinoma. basal cell CA
dosing or med change
regenerative nodules) is irreversible, regardless of alcohol abstinence.
drug induced pancreatitis - diuretics, IBD, immunosuppresants, sz d/o, AIDS and pt on abx are all at high risk for pancreatitis
remove tick as quickly as possible to prevent lyme dz
dude in underground parking garage w/ dizziness, polycythemia and headaches = CO poisoning.
renal failure, hypercalcemia and back pain / fatigue.
dullness to percussion on exam = pleural effusion. must be drained to find source. except in CHF where u try diuresis first.
resolution of weakness w/ rest is hallmark of myasthenia gravis, unlike MS.
during ovulation, cervical mucus is clear, thin, pH=6.5 and profuse (friendly to sperm, ferning). during menstrual period, its thick,
results in oval shaped erythematous scaling patches in christmas tree shape
dysfunctional uterine bleeding - mild - fe supplements. moderate - progestin + fe. severe - estrogen therapy.
retrograde urethrogram is 1st step in evaluation of urethral injury. dont cath due to worsening damage / risk of abscesss.
dysthymia is a chronic lowe grade depression that last years. "ive felt this way my whole life"
rocky mountain spotted fever - rash starts on wrists and ankles and spreads to body. syphilis rash is secondary and starts on
echinococcus granulosis forms hydatid cysts in liver and lung. spread from sheep farmers
rotated. neurovascular impairment is unusual
eczema herpeticum - primary HSV associated w/ atopic dermatitis. numerous vesicles over area of atopic dermatitis, can be life
rubella - pt w/ fever, macpap rash (head to trunk to ext), occipital and posterior auricular lymphadenopathy and arthritis. measles
effects, relatively specific for dig toxicity because its a rare combination.
s/b abnormal
emergent surgical drainage will prevent avascular necrosis of femoral head
s/p bowel removal, osteomalacia has low ca, low phos, high pth
EMG only works for LMN issues, may dont detect UMN problems. use MRI if pt has umn and lmn problems.
S3 heart sound is a soft diastolic sound produced by tensing of the pappillary chordal apparatus when ther is rapid influx of
eosinophilic intranuclear and basophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodys (owl eyes)
salvage therapy - tx for disease when standard therapy fails.
eosinophils. DIF shows IgG and C3 linearly along BMZ / dermal epidermal junction. vulgaris is intraepidermal w/ igg binding
scant and acidic.
erythema multiforme is characteristic extrapulmonary manifestation of mycoplasma pneumonia, MCC of atypical pneumonia
scleroderma - sticking sensation in throat / dysphagia and manometric findings in LES
essential tremor- better at rest, worsens w/ goal directed movement.
screen for syphilis in all preggers regardless of hx or risk factors
external hordeolum is a common staph abscess of the eyelid, which responds to warm compresses. shorter onset. chalazion is a
seborrheic dermatitis - waxy scaling with udnerlying erythema on scalp, central face, presternal region, interscapular areas,
fat necrosis mimics brca on radio and image presentation due to fixed mass w/ nipple retraction, coarse calcification (unlike micro
senile purpura is due to perivascular connective tissue atrophy
femoral nerve - anterior compartment of thigh, knee extension / hip flexion. obturator innervates medial compartment of
serous otitis media - middle ear effusion w/o signs of active infection. exam shows dull tympanic membrane thats hypomobile on
fetal virilization fo xx fetuses. affected girls have normal internal but ambiguous external genitalia.
serum sickness-like reaction may occure 1-2wks post certain drugs, pcnor cefaclor. fever, rash, polyarthralgia and
fibers retain function. ptosis and down n out gaze in conjunction w/ normal light and accomodation reflexes indicate diabtic CN3
severe pain in a pt w/ mild urinary obstruction such as bph may cause urinary retention due to inability to valsalva.
fibroids are painless, endometriosis is painful. both are masses
shoulder pain and weakness on lifting the arm suggests rotator cuff pathology. MRI is excellent for soft tissue.
fibromyalgia - chronic widespread pain, fatigue and poor sleep with trigger points. tricyclics and exercise help. chronic fatique is
slipped capital femoral epiphysis is usually structurally intact within the acetabulum. usually in a fat teenager w/ pain. legg calves
fibrous tissue.
smoker + horner syndrome = lung cancer. simple cxr should be first test
fingerstick lead levels are inaccurate w/ many FP, confirm positive w/ serum lead level.
so far no case reports of congenital rubella syndrome in women inadvertently vaccinated during early pregnancy.
first renal abnormality in DM is glomerular hyperfiltration, which causes intraglomerular htn causing glom damage. acei treat
someone w/ autoimmune dz w/ acute postop abdominal pain, hypoglycemia and hypotension after a stressful event may have
fixing nursemaids elbow - aka subluxation of radial head in preschool kid - gentle passive elbow flexion and forearm supination.
source, whereas elevated DHEAS w/ normal testosterone indicates adrenal source. Only adrenals secrete DHEAS, but both
fluroscein examination for eye examination
spinal cord compression - UMN signs distal to compression site. prompt MRI is necessary
fmhx of sickle cell and nocturia - sickle cells in vasa rectae cause nocturia even w/ carriers. impairs countercurrent exchange /
spinal extension / canal smaller. pain is improved w/ flexion going uphill and sitting
for cancer cachexia, progestins and corticosteroids are beneficial but progestins are first line due to better side effect profile.
staph and strep cause septic joints like OM by spreading hematogenously. Signs are fever, WBC ct, extreme pain, elevated ESR.
for central retinal artery occlusion, ocular massage + high flow oxygen is tx of choice.
stiffness in shoulder and pelvic girdle, with ESR eleveated. complaint is stiffness rather than weakness or pain.
for idiopathic VTE, INR goal = 2-3 for prosthetic valves, INR goal = 2.5-3.5
strawberry hemangiomas are infantile, cherry hemangiomas are senile.
for neoplastic virilization, measure serum testosterone and DHEAS levels. elevated tes and normal DHEAS indicates ovarian
subacute to chronic abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and tenesmus is most likely IBD (over weeks not days). worsening
for restless leg syndrome, dopamine agonists like pramipexole and ropinerole or levodopa reduce sx and improve sleep quality
subcortical and frontal features characterize NPH, cortical features characterize alzheimers (early memory and visuospatial signs)
found on EKG. Pap muscle rupture is similar but hapens 3-7 days post MI and has no STE
success w/ cardioversion
gastric contents are hydrogen,chloride and K. vomiting causes hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia. use of IVF
sudden behavioral changes, unstable economic background and parents w/ h/o drug alcohol abuse are high risk for sexual
gestation dm - macrosomia, hypoCa, hypoglycemia, hyperviscosity (2/2 polycythemia due to hypoxia from increased metabolic
suspect this and get quantitative bHCG and ultrasound if markedly elevated
gestational trophoblastic dz - enlarged uterus, hyperemesis and markedly elevated b-HCG. with hyperemesis gravidarum
symptoms of CHF after radiation therapy - can be due to constrictive pericarditis resulting in increased JVP. venous valve
gestations and confirm viable preg.
symptoms w/ signs of sepsis should consider toxic megacolon
get acetaminphen levels 4 hours after ingestion for poisoning. give N-acetylcysteine w/in 8 hours for maximal effect
syncope + confusion = seizure.
granulation tissue in ear canal. may progress to OM of skull base and destruction of facial nerve.
systemic and topical corticosteroids may cause acneiform reaction on face, trunk and extremities
granulomatous inflammation of meimobian gland and incision / curettage are recommended.
tabes dorsalis.
HCTZ toxicity is best treated with IVF.
tachycardia (fetal and maternal). leukocytosis, fever, fetal tach are not components of normal labor
HCV + palpable purpura, proteinuria, arthralgias, HSM, hypocomplementemia = mixed essential cryoglobulinemia
tension pneumo vs hemothorax - pneumo shows hyperresonance and hemo shows dullness to percussion
hemisensory loss w/ severe dysesthesia in affected area is typical of thalamic stroke.
test for histo w/ urine antigen
hemoglobin, so hemolysis will result in decreased serum haptoglobin.
the most effective symptomatic therapy for parkinsonsism is levo-carbidopa. mc early side effects include hallucinations,
hemorrhoids can be r/o w/ rectal exam. diverticulosis is mcc of lower GI bleed in elderly.
threatening in infants and requires acyclovir
hepatic ductopenia is found in PBC, failing liver transplant, hodgkin lymphoma, GVH disease, sarcoid, cmv infection and med
thyroiditis, iodine induced thyroid toxicosis, levothyroxine o/d, struma ovarii
hiv drugs - didanosine - pancreatitis, abavacir - hypersensitivity syndrome, lactic acidosis - any NRTI, SJS NNRTI, liver failure -
hiv pt w/ bloody diarrhea and normal stool needs colonscopy and biopsy to r/o CMV colitis. biopsy shows cytomegalic cells with
trachoma presents w/ follicular conjunctivitis and pannus (neovascularization) formation in the cornea
HSV and VZV in Immunocompromised pts may cause rapidly progressing bilateral necrotizing retinitis (acte retinal necrosis)
trali or febrile nonhemolytic reactions are due to cytokines. a reaction immediate after transfusion is likely anaphylaxis due to iga
hypercalcemia of malignancy can be caused by cytokines (invasion) pthrp, calcitriol or ectopic pth. mcc is cytokines \ invasion in
treat heatstroke with evaporative cooling rather than ice bath
hyperemesis gravidarum - severe persistent vomiting, weight loss and ketonuria
treat hepatic encephalopathy with lactulose, a nonabsorbable disaccharide syrup that is converted to fatty acids by colonic
hypertension has the highest risk for stroke, even more than smoking
treat pertussis w/ macrolides regardless of age / immunization status.
hypothyroidism causes generalized myxedema, resulting in mucopolysaccharide deposition everywhere, including the carpal
treat strep throat w/ penicillin v
hypoxemia in trauma patient is indication of pulm contusion. esp w/ chest wall bruises. fat embolism is long bone fx.
treat tourettes w/ traditional antipsychotics like haldol or pimozide
if fetus is dead dont give methotrexate, just d+c
treatment of choice for fibromuscular dysplasia is percutaneous angioplasty w/ stent placement.
if maternal serum AFP is abnormal, next step is u/s to confirm gestational age, detect structural abnormalities and detect multiple
trunk and spreads to periphery. both have palm and sole involvement.
if woman with small firm cyst is < 30, u/s, if simple cyst needle aspirate, if complex or mass core biopsy. if > 50, u/s and
tunnel casuing CTS. In pregnancy its not due to MPS but accumulation of fluid in the carpal tunnel
iga nephropathy and PSGN are major causes of glomelular hematuria s/p URI. IGA nephropathy is MCC of GN in adultes. IgA
turner syndrome pts have elevated FSH because ovaries dont give negative feeedback
umbilicated, firm, flesh-colored dome shaped papules on the trunk, limbs or anogenital area are characteristic of molluscum
in androgen insensitivity syndrome complete gonadectomy should be completeed after puberty as risk of testicular carcinoma
umbilicus and folds. more common w/ HIV / parkinson dz... Pityriasis rosea is common cutaneous eruption associalted with HHV7,
in BRBPR, if cause is unk, then anoscopy or proctoscopy in office s/b done. if cause is not found, then sigmoid/colonoscopy
unconj, and gilbert is mixed. only rotor syndrome is mainly conjugated due to poor storage of cbili.
in brca) and solid on U/s. s/p surgery suggests fat necrosis
unrecognized bowel ischemia is a common cause of lactic acidosis in pts w/ severe atherosclerotic dz.
in iatrogenic (central or tertiary) adrenal insufficiency, glucocorticoids suppress CRH release, lowering acth and cortisol. no
up gait
in mechanically ventilated pts, lung compliance is calculated by performing end-inspiratory hold maneuver. airway resistance is
up to 1/3 of pts w/ porcelain gallbladder will develop gallbladder adenocarcinoma. look for calcified gallbladder on ct
in pt w/ hypovolemic shock 2/2 hemorrhage, volume resuscitate prior to intubation / mechanical ventilation because increasing
ursodeoxycholic acid is DOC for PBC. methotrexate and colchicine also help.
in pt w/ shoulder / hip pain + ESR + CK, get muscle biopsy to confirm dermato/polymyositis. give corticosteroids
use non-ionic contrast for contrast CTs in pt's with CRF / DM
in sickle cell pts, acute severe anemia w/ low to absent retics is consistent w/ aplastic crisis.
use u/s for developmental dysplasia of the hip because xrays cannot see acetabular problems til 4 months
in unstable trauma pt, FAST first, then DPL, then CT once stable.
USPSTF recommends screening for strabismus, amblyopia and refractive errors in children age 0-5
incompetence causes dependent edema not increased jvp
usually in left atrium. causes systemic fever and weightloss, neuro symptoms due to emoblization and presents w/ mass on echo.
increase warfarin activity - vit E, garlic, ginkgo biloba, st john's wort, and abx
varicocele of pampniform veins will increase in size on valsalva. worse pain when standing, dull or dragging discomfort.
increased a-a gradient.
increases LA pressure.
ventricular aneurysm occurs days to months s/p MI, sx include chf arrhythmia, MR and thrombus formation. Persistent STE are
infectious mono presents in young pt w/ st, fever, malaise, splenomegaly and generalized lymphadenopathy. pts with im may
vitD toxicity looks like hyperCa. constipation, abdominal pains, polydipsia and polyuria
INH causes pyridoxine b6 def, not folate b9 def. b9 and b12 def can cause macrocytic anemia.
volkmann's ischemic contracture is the final sequel of compartment syndrome in which dead muscle becomes replaced with
injury. lateral - ipsilateral horner syndrome, loss of pain / temp in face, weakness of palate, pharynx, vocal cords, cerebellar
w/ abdominal succession splash (full stomach) by placing stethascope over abdomen and rocking patients' hips. acid ingestion
interferon alpha, or surgery
weight loss + IVDA - suspect HIV
intraglom htn.
weight loss or attention seeking
intramniotic infection s/b suspected in prolonged or premature ROM w/ maternal fever, leukocytosis, uterine tenderness and
when recovering from URI if pt gets worse pneumonia its either staph a., strep pneum, or hemo infl. legionnaires does not cause
intrathoracic pressure may cause CV collapse
women over 65 need a one time dexa scan
zoster develops w/ reactivation of VZV often in immunocomprimised patients. pain may precede rash by several days or appear