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51 Cards in this Set

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CO2 acts as acid/base?
tactile fremitus ("99") inc in ____ and dec in ___
inc in pneumonia
dec in COPD
main cause of pneumonia in cystic fibrosis
#1 cause of bronchiectasis
cystic fibrosis
meconium ileus pathonomic of
cystic fibrosis
"popcorn lesion" on CXR
what type of lung ca is associated with SIADH
small cell carcinoma
what is Horder's Spots?
macular rash on face; due to C. psittaci pneumonia (Psittacosis)---spread via birds
currant jelly sputum
klebsiella pneumonia (seen in alcoholics)
how does one get pneumonia due to francisella tularensis (tularemia)
rabbit exposure
apical infiltrate on CXR indicates
TB of spine aka
pott's disease
bx of lung infiltrate comes back as "caseating granuloma" dx?
if no known risks, diameter of induration on PPD is pos for TB
>= 15mm
(only has to be 5mm if have HIV, CXR shows previous inactive TB, or contact c case)
lung bx: caseating granuloma vs. noncaseating granuloma
caseating granuloma: TB
noncaseating granuloma: sarcoidosis
what is erythema nodosum and what is it a sign of
painful red nodules on anterior lower leg; sign of sarcoidosis
asthma with marked eosinophilia is what dx
churg strauss syndrome (vasculitis of small/med arteries)
what is findings on CXR of pt c Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis
diffuse small opacities in upper lung fields
Westermarks sign and Hamptons hump on CXR indicate
gold standard to dx DVT
gold standard to dx PE
pulmonary angiography
goal PTT if on heparin
most common cause of ARDS
CXR of ARDS shows pulm infiltrates that spare?
costophrenic angles
most common cause of bronchiolitis
antiviral that can be used in RSV
3 most common bacterial pathogens of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
H. influenzae
Strep Pneumo
M. cattarhalis
need 2 of 3 symptoms to meet criteria of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis,,, what are the 3 symptoms
1) inc SOB
2) inc sputum vol
3) inc sputum purulence
in pleurisy, the pain of pleural inflamm is due to irritation of which pleural lining
parietal pleura
sarcoidosis in adults predominantly affects what race/gender
african american females
---tactile fremitus & ___percussion in pleural effusion
decrease tactile fremitus and dull to percussion
in atelectasis how is percussion and tactile fremitus
dull to percussion and decr tactile fremitus
whats drug of choice for tx of mycoplasma pneumonia
erythromycin or tetracycline
pt with HIV dx'd with legionella. what should you treat him with
levaquin (if he wasnt immunocompromised then you can tx c doxy or erythromycin)
what is characterisitc prodome of acute pneumonia caused by chlamydia
HA and sore throat (just like prodrome of mycoplasma pneumonia)
7y/o c asthma has nocturnal cough q night c daily exacerbations of wheezing & SOB. how to classify asthma?
severe persistent
large bronchiole disorder that characterized by destruction of bronchial walls that is commonly found in pts with cystic fibrosis
tx of choice for early stage pertussis
influenza immunization can only be given to kids after what age
must be >6 months of age
the live version of the influenza vaccine (ie the nasal spray) cannot be given to children under the age of
5 yrs
3 signs/symptoms of Horners syndrome (the syndrome that can be presenting sign of lung cancer)
ipsilateral ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis
if pt has croup with stridor at rest, first thing to give when pt presents to ER
nebulized epinephrine
what pulm function parameter is most helpful in predicting postop complications (ie inability to wean from vent)
(if < 1 then bad)
regular, cyclic increasing and decreasing respirations alternating with periods of apnea describe what resp pattern
Cheyne-Stokes respirations
most common causes of hemoptysis
acute and chronic bronchitis
oxygen device of choice for max percentages of inspired oxygen in conscious patients is
non rebreather mask
how to assess quantity of medication in MDI
see how high it floats in water
when are thee sounds heard: systole or diastole?
opening snap of mitral stenosis?
ejection sounds?
opening snap of mitral stenosis: diastole
clicks and ejection sounds: systole
intrinsic firing rate of AV node
normal PR interval
diastole murmurs

(MS. AR)