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54 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Paralysis of conjugate gaze is called? Where is the lesion?
Perinauds Syndrom, lesion in the superior colliculi
Which CN is involved in the corneal reflex?
V1 Aff., VII Eff.
Which CN is involved in the jawjerk reflex?
V3 Aff., V3 Eff.
Which CN is involved in the pupillary reflex?
II Aff., III Eff.
Where are the CN nuclei located?
Midbrain:3,4 Pons:5,6,7,8 Medulla:9,10,11,12
What is the fxn of the dorsal motor nuclei?
Parasymp innervation of the heart. If pathological-- INC HR
Which nerves travel through the superior orbital fissure?
Which nerves travel through the foramen rotundum?
Which nerves travel through the Foramen ovale?
Which vessel travesl through the foramen spinosum?
Middle meningeal artery
What passes through the Jugular Foramen?
CN IX, X, XI and the jugular vein
What passes trhough the foramen magnum?
CN XI, brainstem and vertebral arteries
Opthalmoplegia, Opthalic and Maxillary sensory loss are seen in ____?
Cavernous sinus syndorome, CN III, IV, V1/2, VI travel through the caversnous sinus a mass effect casues sensory/motor impairment
What structures pass through the cavernous sinus?
Internal carotid artery,CN 3,4,V1/2, 6. 6 is "free floating"
Ku-La-Mi tests which nerves?
Ku- X, Li-XII, Ma-VII
What are the muscles of mastication?
Medial Pterygoids, Temporalis and Masserer
Which nerve is responsible for mastication?
Which muscle lowers the jaw?
Lateral Pterygoids
What is the fxn and innervation of the palatoglossus muscle?
motor of posterior tongue and innervated by the vagus
All muscles with glossus in the name are innervated by which nerve?
All muscles with palat in the name are innervated by which nerve?
Vagus, exception: tensor veli palatini- CN V
Which receptors detect fine touch?
Meissner's corpuscle
Which receptors detect textures and shapes?
Merkel's disk
Eye looks down and out, which nerve is damaged?
Diplopia with a downward gaze?
CN IV damage
CN VI damage would present as ____?
Medially directed eye
Is the cochlear membrane stiffer at the base or the apex?
Base is stiff (like flipper)
Angular acceleration is detected by which structure?
Ampulla in the semicircular canals
Linear acceleration is detedted by _____?
Maculae in the Utricle and Saccule (SUM line)
Endolymph and Perilymph have diff electrolytes, what are they?
Endo- K+, Peri- Na+
The stria vascularis is responsible for?
Endolymph production
What is damaged in wernike-korsakoff syndrome?
Mammilary bodies
Kluver Bucy is characterized by whar behavior, where is the lesion?
Hyperorality, hypersexuality and disinhibited behavior. LESION in the Amygdala
Right spatial neglect- Where's the lesion?
Right parietal lobe
A defect in a-synuclein would present as ____?
Parkinsons, dementia and hallucinations
Which neurons are located in the caudate nucleus?
GABA, when these are lost in Huntingtons there is no inhibition--chorea
Werdning Hoffman Dz, how is it diff. than ALS?
Floppy babies (not adults),LMN only
Which site does polio attack?
Anterior horns
Fasciculus Cutaneous controls the ?
Fasciculus Gracilis controls the
What anatomic landmark is used in pudendal nerve block?
Ischial spine
Where is T4?
T4 (the teet pour)
Where is 10?
Belly button
Where is L4?
Which dermatome is responsible for the penis/anal region?
What is the fxn of the muscle spindle?
alpha motor neuron,Detecting the stretch of the muscles helps gauge weight before you pick up a suitcase
What is the fxn of the golgi tendon?
Gamma fibers -detcets tension and overides the muscle, bodybuilder drops weights
Innervation of reflexes- Biceps
C5 Nerve root
Innervation of reflexes- Triceps
C7 nerve root
Innervation of reflexes- Patella
L4 nerve root
Innervation of reflexes- Achilles
S1 nerve root
Extentions of limbs when startled is called
Morro reflex
Visceral sensory info goes to which nucleus?
Nucleus Solitarius gets info on taste, baroreceptors and gut distention
Motor innervation of the larynx/esophagus goes to which nucleus?
Nucleus AMbiguous (M for motor), swallowing a palate innervation