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56 Cards in this Set

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Psyllium mucilloid (Metamucil) is classified as a(n)
Bulk-forming Laxitive
What should you assess before administering Psyllium mucilloid (Metamucil)
esophogeal obstructions, intestinal obstruction, fecal impaction, and undiagnosed abdominal pain.
Nurse should monitor for _______ after administration of metamucil
abdominal distention
With Metamucil monitor patient's ability to ______
Swallow (there is a risk for esophageal obstruction)
How soon should results of therapy be seen after administration of Metamucil
2-3 days after beginning of therapy
How should Metamucil be administered?
orally - drink mixed in a full glass of water immediately after mixing in liquid
When taking Metamucil, when should the patient call the physician?
if they are having difficulty swallowing
Frequent use of psyllium may effect what?
blood cholesterol level (causing a small reduction)
What are benefits of taking Metamucil over other laxitives?
*rarely produce side affects
*less abdominal cramping
*more natural bowel movements
Adverse effects of Metamucil:
*if taken with insufficient water, it may cause obstructions in the esophagus or intestine.
Contraindications of Metamucil (psyllium mucilloid)
Clients with undiagnosed abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, or fecal impaction
Psyllium decreases the absorption of:
warfarin, digoxin, nitrofurantoin, antiobiotics, and sylicylates
Metamucil may increase:
serum glucose levels
Treatment for overdose of Metamucil:
no specific treatment.
Classification of Diphenoxylate with Atropine
When should laxatives be discontinued?
if diarrhea occurs
Prior to administration of Lomotil medication, assess ______:
*sodium, chloride, and potassium levels
*presence of dehydration
*allergies, drug history, and possible drug interactions
With Lomotil, patient should immediately report effects such as ______?
persistent diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, blood in stool, confusion, dizziness, or fever
The nurse should monitor ______ with patients taking Lomotil.
*frequency volume and consistency of stools.
*dry mouth
*electrolyte levels
*abdominal pain or distention and degree and location of pain
Instruct clients on Lomotil to increase _______:
fluid intake and drink electrolyte-enriched fluid
Diphenoxylate is the primary ingredient in ________ and is classified as a(n) _____
Lomotil / opioid
(slows peristalsis and allows for more water to be absorbed)
The effects of diphenoloxylate are seen within ____
45 - 60 minutes
What is the importance of atropine in Lomotil?
it deters people from taking too much
What are the anticholinergic effects of atropine in Lotomil?
drowsiness, dry mouth, tachycardia
Adverse effects of diphenoxylate with atropine (lotomil) include:
dizziness and drowsiness - (no analgesic properties)
Contraindications for Lomotil: LIST 6
1. severe liver disease
2. obstructive jaundice
3. severe dehydration or electrolyte imbalance
4. narrow angle glaucoma
5. diarrhea associated with pseudomembranous colitis
6. hypersensitivity to the drug
Drug-Drug interactions of diphenoxylate with atropine include:
other CNS depressants
MAO inhibitors (may cause hypertensive crisis)
Treatment for Lomotil overdose:
Administer Naloxone (narcotic antagonist) - administered parenterally to reverse respiratory depression in minutes
Bulk-forming agents _____
absorb water, adding size to fecal mass
Stool softeners work by
more water and fat to be absorbed into stools
Stimulants ______
irritate bowel to increase perstalsis, Side effects: diarrhea, nausea, depedence, electrolyte imbalance, abdominal cramping, fainting
Saline or osmotic laxatives _____
pull water into fecal mass to create more watery stool
Most commonly used OTC herbal agent is ______
Mineral oil acts by _______
lubricating stool and colon mucosa
Stimulant laxatives increase _____
secretion of water into large and small intestine (allowing feces to pass more easily because of presence of water)
Tegaserod is used for
When should patient report lack of relief when on Tegaserod
after 4 weeks
Patients taking Tegaserod should be instructed to
take with a full glass of water
prior to meals
not to crush tabs
Tegaserod is contraindicated in
hepatic/renal impariment, monitor liver & renal test
How does Tegaserod work
promotes peristalsis and increase stool formation
pancrelipse (Liopancreatin) is what classification
pancreatic enzyme
how does liopancreantin work
breaks down lipids into glucerol and fatty acid
proteins to peptides
starches to sugars
Pts on lipopancreatin should be instructed to
wiegh self & report changes
taught to observe changes in stool, report abnormalities
stick to diet and eat small meals
what relieves pancreatitis
fetal and leaning forward
liopancreatin interacts with _____ and shouldnt be given if allergy to _____
iron and antacids, pork
if abdominal pain is present in pancreatitis (which is common) what to do
measure at belly button w/ tape same time/day
Mechanism of action for Meridia
SSRI- blocks serotonin (nervous system) which is responsible for hunger and appetite
what are the SSRI used for
anorexiant - to produce weight loss
Side Effects of Anorexiant
insomnia, headache, risk for liver dysfunction, increase in HR and BP
Report______ asap if on Meridia
any rash, fever, difficulty breathing
Extrapyramidal signs are_____ and can occur with what drug______
acute dystonia (face twicth), akathisia (repetitive movements), tardive dyskinesia (lip-smaking) occur with antiemetic
mechanism of action of Comprazine
blocks dopamine receptors in brain which inhibit signals to vomit in medulla
big concern with Prochlorperazine
sedation so patient is at risk for falls
Nurse should monitor for _________ in patients taking Comprazine
skin (gray-bluish), urinary (urine retention), neuro status (increase seizure), I & O
Pts taking prochlorperazine should be instructed to
avoid sun= gray-blue
urine may be reddish-brown
report pain w/ urination, nausea & vomiting
change positions slowly 2 avoid dizziness
Extrapyramidal symptoms are a sign of____
Overdose of Compazine