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30 Cards in this Set

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What type of form does a prelude have

free wheeling musical form

What is the idea in a fugue called

the subject

What 3 famous composers all had their birthday in 1685?

Scarlotti, Dominico

Bach, J.S.

Handell, G.F.

describe binary sonata form

Theme 1: starts with tonic, goes to dominant. repeats

theme 2: Starts with dominant, ends in tonic. Repeats

Where was Scarlotti born? Where did he move to

Italy, moved to spain and lived there for a long time

what spanish influences are heard in his music

guitar-like flavor

What century did Opera come into beign

first years of teh 18th century

Where was opera invented

Florence Italy

Who were the masters of drama and comedy

the Greeks

What was the goal of opera

immulate what the Greeks did

What is the story in an Opera called?

the libretto (sometimes poetic sometimes not)

Who wrote the music and libretto for an opera

somtimes the same person woul write both, but a lot it would be different people

Wht is it called when time stands still, and its time for singer to emote emotion, feeling, not story


What was the pit orchestra like in Baroque operas

string section, a few brass instruments but not many because they hadn't developed valves yet

- harpsichord, (harpsichord and bassoonist playing off figured base)

- woodwinds(but not many, wacky)

who was the 1st great opera composer


What was the first great opera? who was it by

Orfeo (Montiverdi)

What does the chorus sound like in Orfeo

madrigal like

When did Henry Persal live?

17th century 1659-1695

Who was the greatest English composer till the 20th century

Henry Persal

What was the texture of Henry Persal's work

transparent (and moder, past his time

What are Henry Persal's melodies like?

very original

What quality did Henry Persal have to his harmonization? (culture)


What kind of music did Henry Persal write?

organ music, incidental music, chamber

How long is the Messiah?

3 1/2 hours

Where was Handel born? where did he move to

Germany, moved to Italy

did Handel stay in one place or travel a lot

travelled a lot

What texture was Handel's music

many dif. textures. transparent

How many textures does Hallelujah have

all 3

What Handel secular or sacred


Who was Handel primarily employed by
