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45 Cards in this Set

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When are the Matins?

Midnight to sunrise

When are the Lauds?

Sunrise to 6am

When are the Little Hours?

6am to 3pm

When is Prime?

6am to 9am

When is Terce?

9am to 12pm

When is Sext?

12pm to 3pm

When is Nones?

3pm to Sunset

When are the Vespers, then Compline?

Sunset to 9pm

What are the 3 main sections of Mass?

Introductory section, readings and psalms, prayers and communion

What is included in the Proper Mass?

Introit (1), Collect, Epistle (5), Gradual, Alleluia (or Tract), Sequence (on major feasts), Gospel, Sermon (optional), Offertory (12), Secret, Preface, Communion, Postcommunion

I can't even get a small giraffe, only small pooping cat pets.

What is included in the Ordinary Mass that is NOT in the Ordinary Mass?

Kyrie (2) Gloria (3) Credo (11) Prayers (13) Sanctus (16) Canon (17) Pater noster (Lord's Prayer) (18) Agnus Dei (19) Ite, missa est (22)

Kat gets cool pastries sans chocolate. Pastries never are dry. I miss 'em.

What numbers do the choir sing?

1 2 3, 6 7 8 9, 11 12, 16, 19 20, 22

Order of church modes (1-8)

Dorian, Hypodorian, Phrygian, Hypophrygian, Lydian, Hypolydian, Mixolydian, Hypomixolydian

What are the final notes of the pairs of modes?

D, E, F, G

What are the starting notes of the plagal modes?

A, B, C, D

Where are the reciting tones?

Authentic: 5th above the final

Plagal: 3rd below authentic reciting tone (unless it's B, then it goes to C)

Mesopotamia 2500 BCE

Harps lyres, and pictures of instruments in Ur tombs

Mesopotamia 2300 BCE

Enheduanna-Akkadian high priestess composed hymns to moon god

Babylon 1800 BCE

began to write about music, genres, tunings

Babylon 1400-1200 BCE

earliest known notation, nearly complete piece


Greece 6th c. - 500 BCE

founded Greek music theory

discover octave, 5th, and 4th related to numbers


Greece 5th-4th c. BCE

Republic and Timaeus were influential writings on uses effects of music


4th c. BCE Greece

Politics was an influential writing on uses effects of music


4th c. BCE Greece

Student of Aristotle

Harmonic Elements

Rhythmic Elements

Greater Perfect System

1 c. CE Greece

Song of Seikolos


2 c. CE Greece

Book- Harmonics

Planets' movements and distance from each other correspond to different sounds and intervals in music


2 or 3 c. CE Greece

Species of 4ths and 5ths, octaves

Can be divided into tones and semitones in limited way


4 c. CE Greece

last Greek theorist

Edict of Milan

313 CE

Constantine legalizes Christianity

Churches can own property


4 c. CE

Christianity official religion

East/West division of Empire

4th c. CE

Fall of Western Empire

476 CE

Writings of Church Fathers

4-5 c. CE

Development of Chant Dialects

4-6 c. CE

Rule of St. Benedict established

6 c. CE

Rule of St. Benedict established

Turn of century, 6-7 c. CE

Schola Cantorum is Established

late 600s

Choir that sings when the pope officiates at ceremonies

Pope Zachary makes Pépin the Younger (Short) king of the Franks

8c. CE

Stephen II visits in Frankish Kingdom, Roman liturgy influence Pépin

Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor

800 CE

East/West division of Christian church

11 c. AD

Fall of Eastern Empire to the Turks

15 c. AD


Harmonic Institutions

5-6 c. AD

Musica Enchiriadis (Music Handbook)

late 800s

church modes in place


Guido d’Arezzo


11 c. CE