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61 Cards in this Set

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Rust Fungi cannot grow in Plants Unless They are in this relationship
Obligate Parasite
3 Feature of Potato Culture
- Genetic Uniformity (MonoCulture)
- Cull Piles
- Peasant Dependence on Crop
Why Barberry Eradication Is so important to wheat rust eradication
- Barberry is the plant on which the wheat rust is able to sexually reproduce
4 Pieces o the Disease Pyramid
1) Versatility
2) Susceptible Host
3) Climate
4) Time/Government Intervention
Example of Plant Pathogen

1) With swimming spores
2) trasmitted by wind
1) Potato Bight. P. Infestans - Any Phytphothora
2) Rusts, Powdery Mildew, Corn Smut
Alcohol Formation Formula
1) Yeast + Water + Sugar = Ethyl Alcohol + C02

- Must be an anerobic situation - no oxygen externally
Why Does Wine only have 14% Alcohol
Yeast Dies
Differences Between Beer and Wine Production
1) Sugar (malt)
2) Sterlilization
3) hopps are added
Chemical in wine that is purportedly lowers blood cholesterol
What do you add to wine to kills unwanted microbes
Sulfur Dioxcide (sodium bisulfate)
3 Men Who Discovered Penicillan
1) Alexander Flemming
2) Ersnst Chain
3) Howard Flowery
3 Important Pharmaceutical Compunds Produced by Mold
1) Cyclosporin - suprresed immune system before organ transplant

2) Locastatin (statins): Reduces Choloesterol

3) Griscofulvin: Manages human fungal diseases

4) Paclitexol: Reduces Tumors (found on the barks of trees)
Why Flemmings Contributions to Penicillan Overblown:
- Limited to observation of accidental lab
- Only observed fungus in petri dish not in blood sample
Reason Behind Resistant Strains of Penicillin
1) Widespread use in farm animals
2) Over-Presicription
3) Not finishing full doses
Symptoms of Ergot Poising
1) Halluncinations, Death of Extremeties/gangrene, Convulsions
Greek town where treated with hallucinogenic ergot decoctic
Who discovered LSD and When
Albert Hoffman - 1943 (1938)
Practices to keep ergots out of food
1) Fall plowing - keeps scletorium buried
2) Inspection
3) Crop Rotation
Why is Ringworm named that way
Its appearance is wormlike
This Mycosis is of special concern to the Southwest
Coccidiodiomycosis - cough - affects elderly
3 Reasons why death by fungal disease is increasing
- live longer but weaker immune system
- better diagnostics
-increased international travel
- HIV/AID incidence
This conditin predisposes peopel to mycosis
Supressed/weakened immune system
Common disease caused by fungus that is abundant and caused by changes in body chemistry
1) Yeast Infection
2) Candidans
3) Thrush
Yeast primiry respod asexuall throught this simple way
Addics of yeast could have this problems
Acidosis - to much toxic acid in digestive tract - caused by RNA and DNA
Symbiotic yeast relation that has healing powers
Yeast Based Product that contains cholesteral lowering drug
red yeast rice (includes statins)
3 foods "molded" from soybeans
soy saunce, miso, tempach, sake
Common name of Botyritos Cinera
Noble Rot - used in expensive wine
Difference in normal yeast and yeast in petri dish
slimy - no mycellium
Two Kinds of cheese made with mold
Bleu Cheese, and Brie Commebert
Sake is made with what cereal grain
Fungus causes this trea disease produces an aromatic mycelium mat
Oak Wilt
Fungus causes plant disease most visible on hose as a mass of white mycellium and spores
Powedery Mildew
Symptom of bark disease in which little/no denfese utilized
canker - (target vs non-target) - in target the tree survives
Major Crops lost to infection
wheat, rice, corn, soybean
Why was Potato not adopted so quickly
Doctrine of Signature - flatulence, not in bible, meant for poor people
Why Adopted in Ireland
1) Can be planted underground
2) Storable
3) Contained Starch
Anton Debary
Named Irish Corn Blight (P. Infestans) Phythptora
Contributing Factors of Irish Plight
- cull piles
-temperateure lukewarm (swimming spores)
-reliance on potatoes
- genetic uniforminty
British ignored the problem
Is Phyptophera is fungus
1) Two Tailed Sprm
2) Cellulose as Cell Wall
3) Different DNA sequence
Helminothosporium Orgzae
Caused the Bengali Famine
Similarities between Bengali Famile and Irish Potato Blight
- extended monsoon
- cold termperatures
- lack of variantion
-reliance on rice
-lack of govenrment intervention
3 Parts of Classic Disease Triangle
1) Pathogen Versatility
2) Susceptible Host
3) Favorable Weather Conditions
Types of Versaility
1) Pathogen has enzymes to digest the host
2) Pathogen is abundance of sporulate
3) Pathogen can produce assexually or sexually
4) Pathogen can tolerate extreme weather
5) Pathogen can survive without hose
Classic Disease Pyramid add?
What genus are rusts in
Why do rust spores survivice
Thick Cells walls that protect them from UV and dissection
Uganda strain of wheat rust that is able to overcome all resistance strains - recently spread to the Middle East
Discula Destructiora - Dogwood Anthracinose
- Affected Dogwood Treest - treated by cross-breading
Tar Spots
Spores on maple trees, that are shot onto leaves during spring - gelatinous cover to make sure they stick

- one wave per year -
Tar Sports Continuity
Less likely have a wave year
1) Less spores dispersed
2) LEaves likely to covered dead leaves on ground
Oak Wilt Disease
- spores go into open wholes, grow where water conducts are, eventualy block water to the tree - leaves a oderous mycellium matt at bottom of tree- caused by C. Fagacearum
C. Fagacearum
Oak Wilt Diseas Fungi
Dutch Elm Disease
occured on Cornell's Campus
Fungi that infected steroid back medice

- opportunistic- affects those with weak immune systems

- resulted in fungal menigitis
Conditions for Fungi as Human Pathogens
1) Can grow in our body temp
2) Easily enter human body
3) Ability to fight or sneak around immunge system
4) Ability to eat some part of human body
Coccidiodymycosis Disease
(c. Immitis)
in the southwest in dry areas- spread by sand - affects the lugs - .5% of people who breathe spores are killed - increased since 1990's
Three types of Fungi on Human Body
1) Athlete's Foot
2) Ringworm
3) Toenail fungi
2 Types of Anti-Fungal Drugs
Amphotericium B
Azole Drugs
White Noise Syndrome
Affects animals - kills bats - possibly killed dinosaurs