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37 Cards in this Set

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Upper limb Nerve Routes and Common Lesions
1. C7 root
2. Axillary n.
3. radial n.
4. median n.
5. ulnar n.
6. recurrent branch of median n.
1. cervical disk lesion
2. surgical neck fracture, IM injections
3. incorrect use of crutch, midshaft humerus fracture
4. suracondylar fracture of humerus, pronator teres syndrome, carpal tunnel
5. reeated trauma, fracture of hook of hamate
6. superficial hand laceration
Brachial plexus lesions
1. long thoracic nerve (C5, C6, C7)
2. lower trunk (C8, T1)
3. upper trunk (C5, C6)
4. posterior cord
5. radial nerve
6. median nerve
1. winged scapula
2. klumpke's palsy (total claw hand)
3. Erb's palsy (waiter's tip)
4. wrist drop
5. saturday night palsy (wrist drop)
6. dec thumb function (ape hand)
Distortions of the Hand: nerve lesion, lost lumbricals, clawed digits
1. ulnar claw
2. median claw
3. ape hand
4. Klumpke's
1. distal ulnar n. lesion; medial lumbricals; 4th and 5th digits
2. distal median n. lesion; lateral lumbricals; 2nd and 3rd digits
3. proximal median n. lesion, loss of opponens pollicis,; can't abduct thumb
4. lower trunk lesion; all lumbricals; all digits
Lower Extremity Nerves: Motor/Sensory action
1. obturator n.
2. femoral n.
3. common peroneal n.
4. tibial n.
5. superior gluteal
6. inferior gluteal
1. adducts thigh/medial thigh
2. flexes thigh, extends leg/anterior thigh, medial leg
3. foot eversion, dorsiflexion/lateral leg and dorsal foot
4. foot inversion, plantarflexion/sole of foot
5. abducts thigh (lost with polio = Trendelberg sign)
6. helps rise from seated position
Muscle contraction
1. action potential opens voltage gated calcium channels
2. depolarization travels along muscle fiber into T tubules
3. depolarization of dihydropyridine recepter, coupled to ryanodine receptor on SR, causes calcium release from SR
4. released calcium binds troponin C causing conf change that moves tropomyosin out of myosin-binding grooves on actin filaments
5. myosin release bound ADP and is displaced actin filament causing power stroke (shortened H and I band)
Muscle fibers
1. type 1
2. type 2
1. slow twitch, red fibers, inc myoglobin/mito, oxidative phosphorylation (one slow red ox)
2. fast twitch, white fibers, dec myoglobin/mito, anaerobic glycolysis
1. cause
2. inheritance
3. associated with...
4. presentation
1. mutation in FGFR3 causing impaired cartilage maturation in growth plate
2. AD
3. advanced paternal age
4. short limbs, normal head (dwarfism)
1. cause
2. XRay findings
3. lab values
1. deficiency of carbonic anhydrase II causing abnormal function of osteoclasts (dec bone resorption = marble bone disease)
2. erlenmeyer flask bones that flare out
3. calcium, phosphate, and ALP are normal
Osteitis fibrosa cystica
1. cause
2. histology
3. lab values
1. hyperparathyroidism
2. brown tumors: cystic spaces lined by osteoclasts and filled with fibrous stroma/blood
3. high calcium, low phosphorous, high ALP
Paget's disease (Osteitis deformans)
1. cause
2. histology
3. labs
4. presentation
5. can lead to...
1. inc osteoblast and osteoclast activity; most likely due to paramyxovirus
2. mosaic bone pattern
3. normal calcium, phosphorus and PTH; high ALP
4. inc hat size, hearing loss
5. osteogenic sarcoma
Lab values in bone disorders: Ca, Ph, ALP, PTH, comments
1. osteoporosis
2. osteopetrosis
3. osteomalacia/rickets
4. osteitis fibrosa cystica
5. Paget's disease
1. labs normal, dec bone mass
2. labs normal, thickened, dense bones
3. dec Ca, dec Ph, normal ALP, inc PTH, soft bones
4. inc Ca, dec Ph, inc ALP, inc PTH, brown tumors
5. normal Ca, normal Ph, inc ALP, normal PTH, abnormal architecture
McCune-Albright syndrome
1. form of...
2. pathogenesis
3. presentation
1. polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
2. bone is replaced by fibroblasts, collagen, and inrregular bony trabeculae
3. multiple unilateral bone lesions, endocrine abnormalities (precocious puberty), unilateral pigmented skin lesions (cafe au lait)
Primary Bone Tumors
1. giant cell tumor (osteoclastoma)
2. osteochondroma
3. osteoid osteoma
4. enchondroma
5. osteosarcoma
6. ewing's sarcoma
7. chondrosarcoma
1. epiphyses, knee, soap bubble appearance on xray, spindle cells with multinucleated giant cells
2. metaphysis, most common, mature bone with cartilaginous cap
3. diaphysis, interlacing trabeculae surrounded by osteoblasts, prox tibia and femur
4. intramedullary, cartilaginous neoplasm
5. metaphysis, knee, Codman's triangle/sunburst pattern on xray
6. diaphysis, small blue cell tumor, "onion-skin" on bone, 11;22
7. intramedullary, expansile glistening mass
Rheumatoid Arthritis
1. pathogenesis
2. labs
3. genetics
4. presentation
1. autoimmune-inflammatory disorder with pannus formation in MCP/PIP joints
2. positive RF
3. HLA-DR4
4. morning stiffness improving with use, systemic symptoms, boutnniere/swan-neck/Z-thumb deformities, ulnar deviation
Sjogren's syndrome
1. classic triad
2. labs
3. vs. Sicca syndrome
1. dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis
2. anti-ribonucleoprotein antibodies: SS-A (Ro), SS-B (La)
3. sicc has dry eyes and dry mouth without arthritis
1. presentation
2. findings
3. treatmetn
1. red, swollen, painful joint (1st toe MTP = podagra), tophi
2. monosodium urate crystals that are needle shaped and negatively birefringent (yellow with parallel light)
3. colchicine, NSAIDs (indomethacin), probenecid, allopurinol
calcium pyrophosphate crytals in joint space, rhomboid, positively birefringent (yellow when perpendicular light), large joints (knee)
Infectious arthritis
1. septic: common causes, presentation
2. chronic
1. S. aureus, strep, Neisseria gonorrhoeae; monoarticular, asymmetrical, migratory arthritis (gonococcal)
2. TB, lyme disease
1. ankylosing spondylitis
2. Reiter's syndrome
3. Psoriatic arthritis
1. disease of spine and sacroiliac joints, bamboo spine
2. classic triad: conjunctivitis, urethritis, arthritis; post-GI or post-chlamydia infections
3. sausage fingers, pencil in cup deformity of DIP joints
1. lab tests
1. ANA, anti-dsDNA antibodies, anti-smith antibodies, antihistone antibodies; will see false positive syphilis test
2. immunoglobulines, malar rash, discoid rash, ANA, mucositis, neurological disorders, serositis, hematologic disorders, arthritis, renal disorders/raynauds, photosensitivity
2. histology
3. treatment
1. gammaglobulinemia, rheumatoid arthritis, ACE increase, intersitial fibrosis, noncaseating granulomas
2. eipthelial granulomas containing Schaumann and asteroid bodies
3. steroids
Polymyalgia rheumatica
1. symptoms
2. associated with..
3. lab findings
4. treatment
1. pain and stiffness in shoulders and hips, systemic symptoms, not muscular weakness
2. temporal (giant cell) arteritis
3. inc ESR, normal CK
4. prednisone
1. PM symptoms
2. DM symptoms
3. lab findings
4. treatment
1. symmetric proximal weakness caused by CD8 T cell injury to myofibers, evidence of inflammation
2. also involves malar, heliotrope, and shawl and face rash, Gottron's papules, inc risk of malignancy
3. inc CK, inc aldolase, positive for ANA and anti-Jo-1
4. steroids
NMJ disease
1. Myasthenia gravis
2. Lambert Eaton
1. postsynaptic AChR antibodies, ptosis, diplopia, weakness, assoc with thymoma, symptoms worsen with muscle use and reverse with AChE inhibitors
2. presynaptic Ca channel antibodies, paraneoplastic disease (small cell), symptoms improve with muscle use
1. what is it?
2. Diffuse scleroderma: symptoms, antibody
3. CREST syndrome: symptoms, antibody
1. excessive fibrosis and collagen deopsition throughout the body (esp skin, renal, pulm, CV, GI)
2. widespread skin involvement, anti-Scl-70 antibody (anti-DNA topoisomerase I)
3. calcinosis, raynaud's, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangectasia; skin involvement often confined to fingers and face, anti-centromere antibody
Common skin disorders
1. verrucae
2. psoriasis
3. seborrheic keratosis
1. warts, koilocytosis, verruca vulgaris on hands, condyloma acuminatum on genitals (HPV)
2. silver scaling plaques on knees and elboes, paraketotic scaling, auspitz sign, nail pitting
3. keratin filled cysts (horn cysts), look pasted on
Pigmentation disorders
1. albinism
2. vitiligo
3. melasma
1. dec tyrosinase or failure of neural crest migration results in decreased melanin production (normal # of melanocytes)
2. decrease in melanocytes
3. hyperpigmentation with pregnancy or OCP use
Infectious skin disorders
1. impetigo
3. hairy leukoplakia
1. honey colored crusting, S aureus or S. pyogenes
2. S. aureus exotoxin destroys keratinocyte attachments in stratum granulosum, sloughing of upper layer of epidermis
3. white plaques on tongue, EBV mediated, specific for HIV
Blistering disorders
1. pemphigus vulgaris
2. bullous pemphigoid
3. dermatitis herpetiformis
4. erythema multiforme
1. IgG aginst desmosomes, IF throughout epidermis, bullae in skin and oral mucosa, positive Nikolsky's sign
2. IgG antibody against hemidesmosomes, linear IF, eosinophils in blisters, spares oral mucosa
3. IgA at tips of dermal papillae, assoc with celiac disease
4. pneumoniae, HSV, target lesions (red papules with a pale central area)
Miscellaneous skin disorders
1. lichen planus
2. actinic keratosis
3. acanthosis nigricans
4. erythema nodosum
5. pityriasis rosea
1. pruritic, purple, polygonal plaques, assoc with hepatitis C, sawtooth lymphocyte infiltrates at epi-derm junction
2. premalignant squamous cell, cutaneous horn, sun exposure
3. hyperplasia of stratum spinosum, assoc with hyperlipidemia and visceral malignancys
4. fat on anterior shins, assoc with cocci, histo, TB, leprosy, strep, sarcoidosis
5. herald patch followed by christmas tree distribution
Skin Cancer
1. squamous cell
2. basal cell
3. melanoma
1. actinic keratosis is precursor, ulcerative red leasion, chronic draining sinuses, keratin pearls
2. rolled edges with central ulceration, pearly papules, palisading nuclei
3. risk of mets (assoc with depth), S-100 tumor marker, dysplastic nevus is precursor
1. MOA
2. clinical use
3. toxicity
1. irreversibly inhibits COX by covalent bindings > dec TAX and PG
2. depends on dose: dec platelet aggregation (low), antipyretic/analgesic (intermediate), anti-inf (high)
3. gastric upset, Reye's syndrome (kids with viral inf)
1. examples
2. MOA
3. clinical use
4. toxicity
1. ibuprofen, naproxen, indomethcin, ketorolac
2. reversible inhibition of COX > dec PG
3. antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inf, close PDA (indomethacin)
4. nephrotoxic, GI ulcers
1. MOA
2. clinical use
3. toxicity
1. reversibly inhibits COX, mostly in CNS
2. antipyretic, analgesic (not anti-in f)
3. hepatic necrosis, give N-acetylcysteine as antidote
1. examples
2. MOA
3. clinical use
4. toxicity
1. etidronate, pamidronate, alendronate, risedronate
2. inhibit osteoclast activity
3. paget's, post-menopausal osteoporosis
4. corrosive esophagitis
Gout drugs
1. indomethacin
2. colchicine
3. probenecid
4. allopurinol
1. NSAID, acute gout, also for closing PDA
2. depolymerizes microtubues
3. inhibits resorption of urate in PCT, don't use for acute
4. inhbiits xanthine oxidase, inc concentrations of azathioprine and 6-MP, not for acute
TNF-medated drugs
1. etanercept
2. infliximab
1. recombinant form of human tnf receptor
2. anti-tnf antibody, can reactivate TB