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23 Cards in this Set

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how many type of muscular tissue are there, and what are they?
1. Skeletal Muscle Tissue
2. Cardiac Muscle Tissue
3. Smooth muscle Tissue
describe the properties of the different types of muscular tissue
1. Skeletal Muscle Tissue - voluntary, striated.
2. Cardiac Muscle Tissue – invol, striated
3. Smooth muscle Tissue – smooth (non striated) usually involuntary.
describe 4 functions of muscular tissue
1. Producing body mvt
2. stabilizing body mvt
3. Storing and moving substances within the body. Through smooth muscles = sphincters. Ie food in stomach, urine in bladder. Cardiac muscle pumps blood, moves bile etc.
4. Generating heat – as muscle contracts it produces heat. Thermogenesis.
describe 4 properties of muscular tissue
1. Electrical excitability
2. Contractility
3. Extensibility
4. Elasticity
Define Fascia
* a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue that supports and surrounds muscles and other organs of the body
What types of fascia are there?
Superficial and Deep
Define Superficial fascia
Other names?
composed of?
*separates skin from muscle
* also called hypodermis or subcutaneous
*composed of areolar conn. tissue and adipose tissue
*provides pathway for nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels to enter and exit the muscle.
* adipose tissue stores most of the body's triglycerides
function of adipose tissue
* adipose tissue stores most of the body's triglycerides
* serves as an insulating layer to reduce heat loss
* protects muscles from physical trauma
What is the epimysium
the outermost layer of the deep fascia.
fibrous dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle
what is the perimysium
the middle layer of the deep fascia. Surrounds groups of 10 - 100 muscle fibres, separating them into fascicles.
what is the endomysium
separates individual muscle fibres from one another.
what are the function(s) of the epimysium, perimysium and endomysium?
all continuous with and contribute collagenous fibres to connective tissue for muscle attachment.
what is a tendon
a cord of connective tissue that attaches a muscles to the periosteum of a bone
what is an aponeurosis?
a type of tendon, where the connective tissue elements extend as a broad flat layer ie epicranial aponeurosis on top of the skull.
What is the sarcolemma?
the plasma membrane of a muscle cell
What is the sarcoplasm?
The cytoplasm of the muscle fibre. Includes a substantial amount of glycogen.
What is found within the sarcoplasm?
substantial amounts of glycogen - used for synthesis of ATP.
Also contains - myoglobin - a red-coloured protein - and binds with oxygen molecules for release when needed by the mitochondria for ATP production.
What are myofibrils?
The contractile organelles of the muscle fibre. Consist of 2 types of myofilaments - thick and thin.
Do myofilaments extend the entire length of the myofibril?
No - they are arranged in compartments called sarcomeres.
What are sarcomeres?
compartments along myofibrils - the basic functional unit of a myofibril, separated by Z discs.
What are A bands?
the middle part of the sarcomere and extends the entire length of the thick filaments. Contains some portion of the thin filaments.
What are I bands?
The area that contains the rest of the thin filaments, but no thick filaments.
H zone
contains thick filaments only.