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61 Cards in this Set

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What muscle originates on the ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of 7th cervical vertebra and inserts on the occipital bone?
Splenius capitis
What is the action of the Spenius Capitus?
Rotates head to same side as contracting muscle
Where does the Splenius cervicis originate and insert?
Spinous processes of 3rd-6th thoracic vertabrae, and transverse processes of cervical vertabrae
What is the action of the splenius cervicis?
It acts together with the splenius capitus to rotate head to same side
What are the Erector Spinae also known as?
a. erector vertabrae muscles
b. sacral spinalis muscles
c. thoracolumbar muscles
d. cervi thora capa muscles
B. Sacral Spinalis muscles
Name the 3 muscles that work together to maintain erect posture and laterally flex.
Iliocostalis cervicis, I. thoracis, and I. lumborum
Where does the iliocostalis cervicis originate and insert?
Superior six ribs, and transverse processes of the 4th -6th cervical vertebrae.
Where does the Iliocostalis thoracis originate and insert?
Inferior 6 ribs , and superior six ribs
Where does the Iliocostalis lumborum originate and insert?
Iliac crest, and inferior six ribs
What muscle originates on the transverse processes and inserts on the mastoid process of the temperal bone?
Longissimus Capitis
What is the action of the longissimus capitus?
Extend head and rotate to same side
What muscle does the longissimus capitis work with to perform extention?
Longissimus cervicis
Where does the longissimus cervicis originate and insert?
Transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae, Transverse processes of cervical vertabrae
What muscle originates on the transverse processes of the lumbar vertabrae and inserts on all thorasic transverse processes and laterally flexes the spine?
Longissimus Thoracis
What muscle arises from the semispinalis capitis and inserts on the occipiyal bone?
Spinalis capitis
What muscle originates on the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertabra and inserts on the spinous process of C-2?
Spinalis cervicis
Where does spinalis thoracis originate and insert?
Spinous processes of the lumbar and inferior thoracis vertabrae, spinous process of superior thoracic vertabrae
Acting together, what is the action of the Spinalis capitis, S. cervicis and S. thoracis?
Extend vertebral column and keep body erect
Name the three muscles of the spinalis group.
Spinalis capitis, S. Cervicis, and S. thoracis
What is the mass of muscles called that forms the prominent bulge of the back?
Erector Spinae (or sacral spinalis muscles)
Where does the semispinalis capitis originate and insert?
Transverse processes of thoracic and cervical vertabrae, and occipital bone
What is the action of the semispinalis capitis, Ss. cervicis, and Ss. thoracis?
rotate head to opposite side
Where do the Ss. Cervicis and Ss. Thoracis originate and insert?
Transverse processes , and Spinous processes
what muscle originates on th sacrum, ilium and transverse processes and inserts on the spinous processes of a more superior vertebra?
What muscle originates only on all transverse processes and inserts on the spinous process of the one above?
What is the action of the multifidus?
rotate head to opposite side
What is the action of the rotatores?
rotate vertebral column to opposite side
Where does the interpinales originate and insert?
Superior surface of all spinous processes, and inferior surface of spinalis process superior to the one of origin
Where do the intertransversarii originate and insert?
transverse processes, and transverse processes of the one above
What is the action of the interspinales?
extend vertebral column
What is the action of the intertransverii?
laterally flex and stabalize spine
What is the action of the scalenes as they work together?
flex head, elevate first ribs during forced inhalation, and laterally flex and rotate head to opposite side
What two muscles of the neck are well known for arteies, veins and nerves to pass through on their way to the arm?
Anterior and middle scalenes
Where does the anterior and middle scalene originate and insert?
transverse process of cervical vertabrae, and first rib
where does the posterior scalen originate and insert?
transverse processes, and second rib
This group of muscle is named so because their fibers run from the transverse processes to the spinous processes of the vertebrae.
a. interspinales
b. segmental
c. transversospinales
d. scalenes
C. Transversospinales
A rupture or tear in one of the inner thigh muscles is called what?
a. Groin Pull
b. Strain
c. Ruptured Groin
d. Sprained Crotch
A. Groin pull
What does RICE stand for?
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
What are the 2 muscles of the iliopsoas?
Psoas major and iliacus
What is the nerve innervation for the psoas major?
Lumbar spinal nerves L2-L3
where does the psoas major originate and insert?
Transverse processes and bodies of lumbar vertabrae (as well as discs), into lesser trochanter of femur
What 2 muscles insert on the lesser trochanter of the femer?
psoas major and iliacus
What is the action of the psoas major and iliacus as they work together?
flex thigh, rotate thigh laterally and flex trunk on hip as sitting
Where does the iliacus originate?
iliac fossa and sacrum
Where does the gluteus maximus originate and insert?
iliac crest, sacrum and coccyx-and gluteal tuberosity
What is the action of gluteus max?
Extend thigh, laterally rotate and adduct
where do gluteus medius and G. Minimus originate and insert?
ilium, and greater trochanter of femur
What is the action or G. medius and G. Minimus?
Abduct and medially rotate thigh
Where does the tensor fasciae latae originate and insert?
ASIS, and tibia by way of iliotibial tract
What does the tesor fasciae latae do?
flexes and abducts
Name the 5 muscle that laterally rotate and abduct the thigh.
Piriformis, obturator internus, obturator externus, superior gemelius, inferior gemelius
where does the piriformis originate and insert?
Anterior sacrum, and greater trochanter
What muscle originates on the outer surface of the obturator and inserts on the greater trochanter?
Obturator externus
What muscle originates on the inner surface of the obturator?
Obturator internus
What muscle originates on the ischial spine and inserts on the greater trochanter?
Superior gemellus
Where does the inferior gemellus originate and insert?
Ischial tuberosity and greater troch.
O and I of Quadratus femoris
Ischial tuberosity and intertrochanteric crest
What 3 muscles originate on the pubis and insert on the linea aspera?
Adductor longus, A. brevis, and A. magnus
What is the action of all 3 adductor muscles?
adduct, flex and medially rotate
What is the nerve innervation for the 3 adductor muscles?
Obturator nerve
Where does the pectineus originate and insert?
Pubis and pectineal line of femur