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51 Cards in this Set

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Back muscles

Trapezius, Latisimus dorsi,

Levator scapula, Rhomboids,

Erector spinae group, Quadratus lumborum


Origin: External occipital protuberance

Spinous processes of C7-T12

Insertion: Lateral third of clavicle

Acromion process

Scapular spine

Actions: Extends the neck and head

Elevates the scapula

Upwardly rotates the scapula

Retracts the scapula

Latissimus Dorsi

Origin: Spinous process of T7-L5, Ribs 9-12

Posterior iliac crest

Posterior sacrum

Inferior angle of scapula

Insertion: Intertubercular groove of the humerus

Actions: Extends the humerus

Medially rotates the humerus

Adducts the humerus

Levator Scapulae

Origins: Transverse processes of cervicle vertebrae C1, C2, C3, C4.

Insertion: Medial border of the scapula

Superior angle to root of the spine

Actions: Elevates the scapula

Downwardly rotates the scapula

Laterally flexes the neck

Stabilizes the scapula

Rhomboids major

Origin: Spinous process of T2-T5

Insertion: Medial border of the scapula from root of scapular spine to the inferior angle

Actions: Retracts the scapula

Downwardly rotates the scapula

Stabilizes the scapula

Rhomboids minor

Origin: Spinous processes of C7-T1

Insertion: Medial border of the scapula from the superior angle to the root of the scapular spine

Actions: Retracts the scapula

Downwardly rotates the scapula

Stabilizes the scapula

"Erector Spinae" group

Spinalis, Longissimus, Iliocostalis.

Quadratus lumborum

Origin: Posterior iliac crest

Insertion: Spinous processes of C2 + upper thoracic

Occipital bone

Shoulder muscles

Deltoid, Coracobrachialis, Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, Rotator cuff (SITS), Teres major, Serratus anterior


Origin: Lateral third of clavicle

Acromion proccess

Scapular spine

Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus

Actions: Flexes the humerus

Medially rotates the humerus

Abducts the humerus

Extends the humerus

Laterally roataes the humerus


Origin: Coracoid process

Insertion: Middle portion of medial humeral shaft

Actions: Flexes the humerus

Adducts the humerus

Pectoralis Major

Origin: Medial 1/2 clavicle

Edge of sternal body

Ribs 1-7 Costal cartilage

Insertion: Intertubercular groove of the humerus(Bicipital groove)

Actions: Adducts the humerus

Medially rotates the humerus

Flexes the humerus

Extends the humerus

Pectoralis Minor

Origin: Ribs T3, T4, T5 (lateral to costal cartilage)

Insertion: Coracoid process

Action: Depresses the scapula

Protracts the scapula

Downwardly rotates the scapula

Assists in forced inspiration


Origin: (proximal attachement) Supraspinous fossa

Insertion: (Distal attachement) Superior aspects of tubercle of humerus

Actions: Abducts the humerus


Origin: Infraspinous fossa of the scapula

Insertion: Middle part of the greater tubercle of the humerus

Actions: Laterally rotates the humerus


Origin: subscapular fossa

Insertion: Lesser tubercle of humerus

Action: Medially rotates arm and stabilizes shoulder joint.

Teres minor

Origin: Superior Two thirds of the lateral border of the scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of the humerus

Actions: Laterally rotates the humerus

Adducts the humerus

Teres major

Origin: Inferior third of the lateral border of the scapula

Insertion: Intertubercular groove of the humerus.

(Medial lip)

Actions: Extends the humerus

Medially rotates the humerus

Adducts the humerus

Serratus Anterior

Origin: Ribs 1-8 or 9 (Lateral costal cartilage exterior surface of the rib)

Insertion: Anterior medial border of the scapula

Action: Protracts the scapula

Upwardly rotates the scapula

depresses the scapula

Hip muscles

Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus, Piriformus, Gemellus superior, Gemellus inferior, Obturator externus, Obturator internus, Quadratus femoris

Gluteus maximus

Origins: Posterior sacrum
Posterior coccyx
Posterior iliac crest
External ilium to the posterior gluteal line
Insertions: Gluteal tuberosity(25%)
Iliotibial band(75%)

Actions: Extends the hip

Laterally rotates the hip

Adducts the hip

Posteriorly tilts the pelvis

Gluteus medius

Origin: External ilium between the anterior and posterior gluteal lines
Insertion: Greater trochanter

Actions: Abducts the hip

Medially rotates the hip

Laterally rotates the hip

Anteriorly and posteriorly tilts the pelvis

Gluteus minimus

Origin: External ilium between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines
Inserion: Greater trochanter

Actions: Abducts the hip

Medially rotates the hip

Laterally rotates the hip

Anteriorly and posteriorly tilts the pelvis


Origin: Anterior sacrum
Insertion: Greater trochanter

Actions: Laterally rotates the hip

Abducts the hip

Gemellus Superior

Origin: Ischial spine
Insertion: Greater trochanter

Action: Laterally rotates the hip

Gemellus Inferior

Origin: Superior ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Greater trochanter

Action: Laterally rotates the hip

Obturator externus

Origins: Obturator membrane
Superior pubic ramus
Inferior pubic ramus
Ischial ramus
Insertion: Greater trochanter

Obturator internus

Origins: Obturator membrane
Obturator margin
Insertion: Greater trochanter

Actions: Laterally rotates the hip


Origin: Posteriorsacrum

Transverse processes of T1-T5, L1-L5

Transverse processes of C5-C7

Insertion: Mastoid process

Transverse processes of C2-T12

Ribs 4-12(posterior)

Quadratus femoris

Origin: Lateral ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Intertrochanteric crest

Psoas major

Origins: Transverse processes of T12-L5
Vertebral bodies of T12-L5
Intervertebral disks of lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: Lesser trochanter


Origin: Inerior pubic ramus
Insertion: Medial proximal tibial shaft

Quadratus femoris

Origin: Lateral Ischial tuberosity

Insertion: Intertrochanteric crest

Action: Laterally Rotates the hip

Adducts the hip

Tensor Fasciae Latae

Origins: Anterior iliac crest

Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)

Insertion: Iliotibial band

Actions: Abducts the hip

Flexes the hip

Medially rotates the hip


Pectineus, Adductor longus, Gracilis, Adductor bravis, Adductor magnus

Adductor magnus

Origins: Ischial tuberosity

Inferior pubic ramus

Ischial ramus

Insertion: Linea aspera

Adductor tubercle of the femur

Actions: Adducts the hip

Flexes the hip

Extends the hip

Adductor longus

Origin: Anterior pubic body

Insertion: Middle third of the linea aspera (medial lip)

Action: Abducts the hip

Adductor brevis

Origin: Inferior pubic ramus

Insertion: Proximal third of the linea aspera (ML)

Actions: Adducts the hip


Origins: Superior pubic ramus

Pectineal line on pubis

Insertion: Posterior proximal femoral shaft (inferior to lesser trochanter)

Action: Flexes the hip

Adducts the hip

Quadriceps femoris

Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis, Vastus intermedius

Rectus femoris

Origins: Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)

External ilium just superior to the acetabulum

Insertions: Tibial tuberosity

Actions: Flexes the hip

Extends the knee

Anteriorly tilts the pelvis

Vastus Intermedius

Origin: Anterior lateral femoral shaft

Insertion: Tibial tuberosity

Action: Extends the knee

Vastus medialis

Origins: Linea aspera (medial lip)

Intertrochanteric line

Insertion: Tibial tuberosity

Action: Extends the knee

Vastus lateralis

Origins: Linea aspera (lateral lip)

Gluteal tuberosity

Inserion: Tibeal tuberosity

Action: Extends the knee


Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)

Insertion: Medial proximal tibial shaft

(at pes anserine)

Actions: Flexes the hip

Laterally rotates the hip

Abducts the hip

Flexes the knee

Medially rotates the leg

(when the knee is flexed)


Origin: Lateral condyle of femur

Insertion: Posterior proximal tibial shaft

Actions: Flexes the knee

Medially rotates the leg

(when the knee is flexed)


Biceps femoris, semiMembranosus, semiTendinosus


Origin: Ischia tuberosity

Insertion: Medial condyle of the tibia

(posterior surface)

Actions: Flexes the knee

Medially rotates the leg (WKF)

Extends the hip

Medially rotates the hip

Posteriorly tilts the pelvis


Origin: Ischial tuberosity

Insertion: Medial proximal tibial shaft

(at the pes anserinus)

Actions: Flexes the knee

Medially rotates the leg (WKF)

Extends the hip

Medially rotates the hip

Posteriorly tilts the pelvis

Biceps femoris

Origins: Ischial tuberosity (long head)

Linea aspera; lower lateral lip

Insertion: Fibular head

Actions: Flexes the knee

Laterally rotates the leg

(when knee is flexed)

Extends the hip

Laterally rotates the hip

Posteriorly tilts the pelvis

Pes Anserinus

SArtorius, GRACilis, semiTEndinosus