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51 Cards in this Set

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What muscles move the scapula?

A. Trapezius

B. Rhomboids

C. LEvator Scapulae

D. Pectoralis Minor

E. Serratus Anterior

What is the function of the trapezius?

elevates, depresses, retracts, and rotates scapula

What is the function of the rhomboid (major, minor)?

elevate and retract scapula

What is the function of the levator scapulae?

elevates scapula

What is the function of the pectoralis minor?

protracts (pulls forward) and depresses (downward) scapula

What is the function of the serratus anterior?

same as pectoralis minor:

protracts (pulls forward) and depresses (downward) scapula

What muscles move the humerus/shoulder joint?

1. Pectoralis Major

2. Latissimus Dorsi

3. Deltoid

4. Coracobrachialis

5. Teres Major

6. Subscapularis

7. Supraspinatus

8. Infraspinatus

9. Teres Minor

Where does the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi originate from?

axial skeleton

Where does the deltiod, coracobrachialis, and the teres major originate from?

the scapula

The subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor are all considered what kind of muscles?

"rotator cuff" muscles

What is the function of the pectoralis major?

flexes, adducts, and medially rotates humerus

What is the function of the latissimus dorsi?

adducts, extends, and medially rotates arm/humerus

What is the function of the deltoid?

abducts, flexes, and extends arm/humerus

What is the function of the coracobrachialis?

flexes, adducts arm/humerus

What is the function of the teres major?

extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm/humerus

What is the function of the subscapularis?

medially rotates arm/humerus

What is the function of the supraspinatus?

abducts and laterally rotates arm/humerus

What is the function of the infraspinatus?

laterally rotates arm/humerus

What is the function of the teres minor?

laterally rotates arm/humerus

What muscles are flexors of the forearm/elbow joint?

1. Biceps brachii

2. Brachialis

3. Brachioradialis

What muscles are extensors of the forearm/elbow joint?

1. Triceps brachii

2. Anconeus

What muscles are in the SUPERFICIAL group of the anterior surface of the forearm?

1. Pronator Teres

2. Flexor Carpi Radialis

3. Palmaris Longus

4. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

What is the function of the pronator teres?

pronates forearm

What is the function of the flexor carpi radialis?

flexes wrist and abducts hand

What is the function of the parlmaris longus?

flexes wrist

What is the function of the flexor carpi ulnaris?

flexes wrist and adducts hand

What muscles are in the INTERMEDIATE group of the anterior surface of the forearm?

flexor digitorum superficials

What is the function of the flexor digitorum superficials?

flexes wrist and flexes digits 2 through 5 at the MP and PIP joints


PIP=proximal interphalangeal)

What muscles are in the DEEP group of the anterior surface of the forearm?

1. Flexor Digitorum Profundus

2. Flexor Pollicis Longus

3. Pronator Quadratus

What is the function of the flexor digitorum profundus?

flexes wrist and digits 2-5 at the MP, PIP, and DIP joints (DIP=distal interphalangeal)

What is the function the the flexor pollicis longus?

flexes thumb

What is the function of the pronator quadratus?

pronates forearm

What muscles are in the SUPERFICIAL group of the posterior surface of the forearm?

1. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

2. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

3. Extensor Digitorum

4. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

What is the function of the extensor carpi radialis longus?

extends wrist and abducts hand

What is the function of the extensor carpi radialis brevis?

extends wrist and abducts hand

What is the function of the extensor digitorum?

extends wrist and extends digits 2-5 at MP, PIP, and DIP joints

What is the function of extensor carpi ulnaris?

extends wrist and adducts hand

What muscles are in the DEEP group of the posterior surface of the forearm?

1. Supinator

2. Abductor Pollicis Longus

3. Extensor Pollicis Longus

What is the function of the supinator?

supinates forearm

What is the function of the abductor pollicis longus?

abducts thumb

What is the function of the extensor pollicis longus?

extends thumb

What are the muscles of the hand?

1. Thenar

2. Hypothenar

3. Midpalmar

What is the function of the the thenar muscles?

move the thumb

What is the function of the hypethenar muscles?

move little finger

What is function of the midpalmar muscles?

move fingers 2-5

What muscles flex the MP joints and extend the PIP/DIP joints?

Thenar, hypothenar, and midpalmar muscles

How many lumbricales do we have?


How many palmar interossei do we have?


How many dorsal interossei do we have?


What is the function of the palmar interossei?

adducts fingers

What is the function of the dorsal interossei?

abduct fingers