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9 Cards in this Set

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What are the 7 muscles of the posterior leg?

Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexors digitorum and hallucis longus

What nerve innervates these *****?

Tibial nerve

What is the common insertion of the gastroc, soleus and plantaris?

Calcaneal tendon to posterior calcaneus

What is the origin of the gastrocnemius?

Medial and lateral tibial epicondyles, popliteal surface of femur

What is the origin of the soleus?

Fibula: head and superior quarter of shaft. Tibia: soleal line and tibial border

What are the actions of the gastrocnemius and soleus?

Gastroc: plantarflexion when knee extended, flexes leg at knee. Soleus: plantarflexion, ankle stability


O: lateral condyle and meniscus of femur. I: superior to soleal line on post. tibia. F: unlocks fully extended knee, weak flexor

Origin and Insertion of FDL and FHL

FDL O: medioposterior tibia, fibula via tendon. I: Base of distal metatarsals 2-5 FHL O: interosseus membrane, posterior 2/3 of fibula

Tibialis Posterior OIF

O: interosseus membrane, posterior tib and fib. I: tuberosity of navicular, cuboid and cuneiforms, bases of metatarsals 2-4. F: plantarflexion, inversion