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47 Cards in this Set

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Quadratus Lumborum
Origin: Illiac crest
Insertion: Lumber vertebrae 1-4 and last rib
Action: Lateral flexes trunk
Origin:Illiac fossa
Insertion: Lesser trochanter
Action: Flexes thigh
Psoas Major
Origin: Vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs of T12 and L1-5
Insertion: Joins illiacus tendon into the lesser trochanter
Action: Flexes thigh
Psoas Minor
Origin: T12 &L1
Insertion: Illiopectineal eminence
Action: (weak) flexes trunk
Gluteus Maximus
Origin: Posterior gluteal line, sacrum and coccyx
Insertion: Gluteal tuberosity and tesor fasciae latae
Action: Extends thigh
Gluteus Medius
Origin: Between the anterior and posterior gluteal lines
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Action: Abduction of the thigh
Gluteus Minimus
Origin: Between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Action: Abduction of the thigh
Tensor Fasciae Latae
Origin: Anterior Superior Illiac Spine
Insertion: Illio-tibial band
Action: Create tension of the illio-tibial band (allows Gluteus maximus to act)
Outward Rotators
Piriformis, Glemellus superior, Obturator internus, Glemellus inferior, Obturator externus and Quadratus femoris
Origin: Anterior superior illiac spine
Insertion: Medial boarder of tibial tuberosity
Action: flexes of thigh and leg (weak)
Rectus Femoris
Origin: Anterior Inferior Illiac Spine
Insertion: Patella and tibial tuberosity
Action: Flexes thigh and extends leg
Vastus Intermedius
Origin: Shaft of femur
Insertion: Patella and tibial tuberosity
Action: Extends leg
Vastus Lateralis
Origin: Greater trochanter and linea aspera
Insertion: Patella and tibial tuberosity
Action: Extends leg
Vastus Medialis
Origin: Intertrochantic line
Insertion: Patella and tibial tuberosity
Action: Extends leg
Biceps Femoris
Long head origin:Ischial tuberosity
Short head origin:Linea Aspera
Insertion: Fibular and lateral condyle of tibia
Action: Flexes leg (long head also extends thigh)
Origin:Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Medial shaft and condyl of the tibia
Action: Flexes leg and extends thigh
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion:Medial condyl of tibia
Action: Flexes leg and extends hip
Origin: Pectineal surface
Insertion: Pectineal line
Action: Adducts and flexes thigh
Adductor Longus
Origin: Pubic crest and symphasis
Insertion:Linea aspera
Action: Adducts and flexes thigh
Adductor Brevis
Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis
Insertion: Linea aspera
Action: adducts and flexes thigh
Adductor Magnus
Origin: Ischial tuberosity and inferior ramus
Insertion: Linear aspera and adductor tubercle
Action: Extends and adducts thigh
Origin: Pubic symphasis
Insertion: Medial shaft of tibia
Action: Flexes and adducts thigh
Tibialis Anterior
Origin: Lateral condyl and shaft of tibia
Insertion: 1st Cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal
Action: Dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Origin: Shaft of fibular
Insertion: Distal phalanx of hallux
Action: Extends hallux
Exensor Digitorum Longus
Origin: Lateral condyl and shaft of tibia
Insertion: Middle and distal phalanx of digits 2-5
Action: Extends digits 2-5
Peronues Longus
Origin: Lateral tibial condyl and fibular head and shaft
Insertion:1st cuneiform and 1st metatarsal
Action: Plantarflexes and everts foot
Peroneus Brevis
Origin: Shaft of fibular
Insertion: 5th metatarsal
Action: Plantarflexes and everts foot
Peroneus Tertius
Origin: Shaft of fibular
Insertion: Metatarsal 5
Action: Dorsiflexes foot
Origin:Medial and lateral femoral condyls
Insertion; Calcaneal tuberosity
Action: Plantarflexes foot and flexes leg
Origin:Head of fibular and soleal line
Insertion: Calcaneal tuberosity
Action: Plantarflexes the foot
Origin:Lateral femoral condyl and supracondylar line
Insertion: Joins calcaneal tendon
Action: Plantar flexes foot (insignificant)
Origin:Lateral femoral condyl
Insertion: Medial shaft of tibia
Action: Medially rotates tibia
Tibialis Posterior
Origin:Interossues membrane
Insertion:Naviculae and cuneiforms 1-3
Action: Inverts foot
(TOM, dick and harry)
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Origin: Shaft of tibia
Insertion:Distal phalanges 2-5
Action:Flexes digits 2-5
(tom, DICK and harry)
Flexor Hallicus Longus
Origin: Shaft of fibular
Insertion: Distal phalanx of hallux
Action: Flexes digit 1
(tom, dick and HARRY)
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Action: Extends hallux
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Action: Extends digits 2-5
Action: Abducts Hallux
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Action: Flexes digits 2-5
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Action: Abducts digit 5
Quadratusplantae (Flexor Accessorius)
Action: Flexes digits 2-5
Action: Flexes digits 2-5
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Origin: Shaft of fibular
Insertion: Distal phalanx of hallux
Action: Flexes digit 1
(tom, dick and HARRY)
Adductor Hallucis
Action: Adducts digit 1
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Action: Flexes digit 5
Dorsla interossei
Action: Abducts digits 2-4
Plantar Interossei
Action: Adducts digits 3-5