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67 Cards in this Set

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M's--Post Triangle
Origin Insertion Innervation Action Vasculature
Inf border of mandible, skin & tissues of lwr face; Fascia of sup part of pec major & deltoid Ms; Cervical Branch of VII; Draws corners of the mouth inf & widens (sadness/fright); draws skin of neck sup'ly when teeth clenched; Branches of the Submental and suprascapular As
Lat'l mastoid process (temporal B); lat'l half of sup nuchal line; Sternal Head:ant of manubrium; Clavicular Head: sup of med'l third of clavicle; XI (motor); C2 & C3 (pain & proprioception); unilat'l: tilts head to same side & rotates so face turned sup'ly twd opposite side; bilat'l: extends neck @ C1, C2 vert; flexes neck; thrust chin fwd; Occipital & Sup. Thyroid A's
Med'l sup nuchal line; ext'l occipital protuberance; nuchal L; spinous processes of C7-T12 & lumbar & sacral Lat'l third of clavicle; acromion & spine of scapula XI (motor); C2 & C3 (pain & proprioception) Elevates, retracts & rotates scapula--shrug; Sup: maintain shoulder hgt; mid: retract scapula; inf: depress shoulders Transverse Cervical A
Middle Scalene
Post tubercles of transv processes of C4-C6 vert Sup of 1st rib; post groove for subclavian A Ant rami of cervical spinal Ns Flexes neck lat'ly; elevates 1st rib during forced inspiration Asc cervical A (branch of Inf thyroid A)
Post Scalene
Post tubercles of transv processes of C4-C6 vert Ext'l border of 2nd rib Ant rami of C7 & C8 Flexes neck lat'ly; elevates 2nd rib during forced inspiration Asc cervical A (branch of Inf thyroid A)
Levator scapulae
Post tubercles of transv processes of C1-C4 vert Sup part of med'l border of scapula Dorsal Scapular N C5 & Cervical Spinal Ns C3 & C4 Elevates scapula & tilts its glenoid cavity inf'ly by rotating scapula; if shoulder fixed, tilts & rotates neck to same side; shrug Dorsal Scapular A
Splenius Capitis
Inf nuchal L, spinous processes of T1-T6 lat'l mastoid process, lat'l third of sup nuchal L Post rami of middle cervical spinal Ns Lat'ly flexes & rotates head & neck to same side; bilat'ly extend head & neck
M's--Ant Triangle
Ant Scalene
Transverse process of C4-C6 1st rib Cervical spinal Ns C4-C6 Flex head Asc Cervical A (of Inf Thyroid A)
Manubrium, med'l clavicle body of hyoid C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis depresses hyoid after elevation during swallowing
Omohyoid (remember: inf & sup bellies)
Sup border of scapula near suprascapular notch Inf border of hyoid C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis Depresses, retracts & steadies hyoid
Post manubrium Oblique line of thyroid C C2 & C3 via ansa cervicalis Depresses hyoid & larynx
Oblique line of thyroid C Inf & greater horn of hyoid C1 via XII; N to thyrohyoid from C1 Depresses hyoid & elevates larynx
Ant Belly: Digastric fossa of mandible; Post belly: Mastoid notch of temporal Intermed T to body & greater horn of hyoid Ant: N to mylohyoid (from inf alveolar N); Post: Digastric branch of VII Depresses mandible, elevates & steadies hyoid during swallowing & speaking Ant: Submental Br of VII Post: Occipital A
Mylohyoid line of mandible Mylohyloid raphe & body of hyoid N to Myelohyoid (from inf alveolar N) Elevates hyoid, floor of mouth & tongue during swallowing & speaking Mylohyoid branch of Inf Alveolar A
Styloid process of temporal B body of hyoid Stylohyoid br of (cervical) VII Elevates & retacts hyoid,thus elongating floor of mouth
Inf mental spine of mandible body of hyoid C1 via XII; N to geniohyoid from C1 Pulls hyoid ant-sup'ly; shortens floor of mouth; widens pharynx
M's--Facial expr'n
Procerus + Transverse part of nasalis
Fascia aponeurosis covering nasal B & lat'l nasal C Skin of inf forehead b/w eyebrows CN-VII--Zygomatic Br depresses med'l end of eyebrows; wrinkles skin over dorsum of nose
Alar part of nasalis + levator labii superioris alaeque nasil
Frontal process of maxilla Major alar C CN-VII--Zygomatic Br Drepresses ala lat'ly, flaring nostrils
Frontal: epicranial aponeurosis; occip: lat'l sup nuchal line Frontal: skin & tissue of eyebrows & forehead; Occip: epicranial aponeurosis CNVII--F: Temporal Br; O: Occipital br of post auricular N F: elevates eyebrows & wrinkles forehead skin, protracts scalp; O: retracts scalp, incr action of F F: Supraorbital & supratrochlear A's; O: occipital A
Orbicularis oculi
Med'l orbital margin; med'l palpebral L; lacrimal B skin around margin of orbit; sup & inf tarsal plates CNVII--Temporal Br closes eyelids (palpebral--gently, orbital--tightly (winking)) Ophthalmic, Zygomatico-orbital, angular
Zygomaticus major
Lat'l aspect of zygomatic B Angle of mouth CNVII--Zygomatic Br Part of dilators of mouth; elevate labial commissure--bilat'ly to smile, unilat'l to sneer Facial A
Levator Labii superioris
Infraorbital margin Skin of upper lip CNVII--Zygomatic Br Part of dilators of mouth; retract and/or evert upper lip; deepen nasolabial sulcus Facial A
Mandible, alveolar processes of maxilla & mandible, pterygomandibular raphe angle of mouth; orbicularis oris CNVII--Buccal Br Presses cheek against molars, works w/ tongue to keep food out of oral vestibule; resists distension when blowing Buccal A
Orbicularis oris
med'l mandible & maxilla, deep surface of perioral skin, angle of mouth mucous mem of lips CNVII--Buccal Br tonus closes rima oris; compresses or protrudes lips or resists distension
Depressor Anguli oris
anterolat'l base of mandible angle of mouth CNVII--buccal & marginal mandibular br Part of dilators of mouth; depresses billat'ly to frown Facial A
Depressor Labii Inferioris
platysma & anterolat'l body of mandible skin of lower lip CNVII--marginal mandibular br Part of dilators of mouth; retracts and or everts lwr lip
M's--Masticat'n--Infratemporal fossa)
Inf border & med'l surface or maxillary process & zygomatic arch (quadrate M) Angle & lat'l surface of mandible CNV3--Ant Trunk via Masseteric N Elevates mandible, closing jaws; lmted contrib'n by superfic to protrusion of mandible Masseteric A
Floor of temporal fossa & deep surface of temporal fascia (triangular M) Tip & med'l coronoid process & ant border of ramus of mandible CNV3--Ant Trunk via Deep Temporal Br's Elevates mandible, closing jaws; post/horiz'l fibers retract mandible Deep Temporal A
Lat'l Pterygoid
sup: infratemporal surface & crest of greater wing of sphenoid; inf: lat'l surface of lat'l pterygoid plate sup: joint capsule & disc of TMJ; inf: pterygoid fovea on anteromed'l aspect of neck of condylar process of mandible CNV3--Ant Trunk via lat'l pterygoid N's bilat'ly: protracts mandible & depresses chin; uni'ly: swings jaw twd contralat'l side--alternate to produce larger lat'l chewing Pterygoid br's of Maxillary A
Med'l Pterygoid
sup: med'l surface of lat'l pterygoid plate & pyramidal process of palatine bone; inf: tuberosity of maxilla med'l surface of ramus of mandible, inf to mandibular foramen CN-V3--Ant Trunk via med'l pterygoid N acts w/ masseter to elevate mandible; contributes to protrus'n; uni'ly: alternating produces smaller grinding movements Pterygoid br's of Maxillary A
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
Lesser wing of sphenoid bone, sup & ant to optic canal Sup tarsus & skin of sup eyelid CN-III (Deep layer supplied by symp fibers) Elevates sup eyelid Ophthalmic A
Superior Rectus
Common tendinous ring Sclera just post to corneoscleral junct'n CN-III Elevates, adducts & lat'ly rotates eyeball
Superior Oblique
Body of sphenoid B sclera deep to sup rectus (after change of direct'n) CN-IV Abducts, depresses & med'ly rotates eyeball Lat'l muscular br of ophthalmic A
Medial Rectus
Common tendinous ring Sclera just post to corneoscleral junct'n CN-III Adducts eyeball
Lateral Rectus
Common tendinous ring Sclera just post to corneoscleral junct'n CN-VI Abducts eyeball
Inferior Rectus
Common tendinous ring Sclera just post to corneoscleral junct'n CN-III Depresses, adducts & rotates eyeball med'ly
Inferior Oblique
Ant part of floor of orbit Sclera deep to lat'l rectus M CN-III Abducts, elevates & lat'ly rotates eyeball
M's--Oral Cavity/Soft Palate
Levator palatini
C of the pharyngotympanic tube & petrous part of temporal B Palatine aponeurosis CN-X--Pharyngeal br via pharyngeal plexus elevates soft palate during swallow & yawn Facial A
Tensor veli palatini
Scaphoid fossa of med'l pterygoid plate, spine of sphenoid B, C of pharyngotympanic tube Palatine aponeurosis CN-V3--Med'l pterygoid N via otic ganglion Tenses soft palate and opens mouth of pharyngotympanic tube during swallow & yawn
Musculus uvulae
Post nasal spine Mucosa of uvula CN-X--Pharyngeal br via pharyngeal plexus Shortens uvula & pulls it sup'ly
Palatine aponeurosis Side of tongue CN-X--Pharyngeal br via pharyngeal plexus elevates post part of tongue & draws soft palate onto tongue
short T from sup part of mental spine of mandible Dorsum on tongue; inf & post fibers attach to body of hyoid B CN-XII bilat'ly: depresses tongue, esp midline; post: protrudes tongue; ant: retracts apex of protruded tongue; uni'ly: wags tongue contralat'ly Lingual A
body & greater horn of hyoid B Inf aspects of lat'l part of tongue CN-XII depresses tongue, esp pulling sides inf'ly; helps shorten/retrude tongue
Ant border of distal styloid process; stylohyoid L post sides of tongue; interdigitates w/ hyoglossus CN-XII retrudes tongue & curls its sides (w/ genioglossus to form a central trough while swallowing)
Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor
Pterygomandibular raphe, post. margin of med'l pterygoid plate, pterygoid, humulus, alveolar process of mandible Post med'n raphe, pharyngeal tubercle; Sup border joined to skull base by pharyngobasilar fascia Pharyngeal plexus (IX-XI) contracts on bolus & conveys it downward Sup Thyroid, Asc. Pharyngeal & pharyngeal branch of Maxillary A's
Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor
Gr'r & Ls'r cornuae of hyoid bone & stylohyoid L Post med'n raphe Pharyngeal plexus (IX-XI) acts w/ other pharyngeal constrictor M's Sup Thyroid, Asc Pharyngeal A's
Inf Pharyngeal Constrictor
Thyroid & Cricoid Cartilages, Tendinous Arch Post med'n raphe, Inf fibers continuous w/ circular fibers of esoph Pharyngeal plexus (IX-XI); branches from Ext Laryngeal & Recurrent Laryngeal N's acts w/ other pharyngeal constrictor M's Sup Thyroid, Laryngeal & Esophageal branches of Inf Thyroid A
postero-med'l area at base of styloid process Passes thr opening b/w sup & middle phar'l constrictors and spreads out beneath mucous mem. Some blends w/ pharyngeal M's. Some fibers insert on post. Border of thyroid C Glossopharyngeal N (IX) draws sides of pharynx upward & lat'ly --> incr transverse diameter Sup Thyroid, Asc Pharyngeal A
Inf margin of Eustachian/auditory tube Blends w/ palatopharyngeus Pharyngeal plexus (IX-XI) draws pharynx upward; dilates pharynx during swallowing Pharyngeal branch of Maxillary, branches of vessels supplying palatopharyngeus
Palatopharyngeal arch, post border of oral pharynx, soft palate Joins salpingopharyngeus & blends into pharyngeal wall; post. border of thyroid C Pharyngeal plexus (IX-XI) coordinates movements w/ salpingopharyngeus Asc palatine & tonsillar branchs of Facial, Dorsal Lingual, Ls'r Palatine branch of Desc Palatine A
Anterolat'l part of cricoid C Inf margin & inf horn of thyroid C CN-X--Ext'l Laryngeal N Stretches & tenses vocal L Cricothyroid A (from Sup Thyroid A)
Post Cricoarytenoid
Post of lamina of cricoid C Vocal process of arytenoid C CN-X--Inf Laryngeal N (terminal part of Recurrent Laryngeal N) Abducts vocal folds
Lat'l Cricoarytenoid
Arch of cricoid C Vocal process of arytenoid C CN-X--Inf Laryngeal N (terminal part of Recurrent Laryngeal N) Adducts vocal folds
lwr 1/2 of post of angle of thyroid lamina & cricothyroid L anterolat'l arytenoid surface CN-X--Inf Laryngeal N (terminal part of Recurrent Laryngeal N) Relaxes vocal Ls
Lat'l surface of vocal process of arytenoid C Ipsilat'l vocal L CN-X--Inf Laryngeal N (terminal part of Recurrent Laryngeal N) Relaxes post vocal L while maintaining ant tension
Oblique/Transv interarytenoids
One arytenoid C Contralat'l arytenoid C CN-X--Inf Laryngeal N (terminal part of Recurrent Laryngeal N) Adduct arytenoid C Sup Laryngeal A