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19 Cards in this Set

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Pronator Teres
Orig: HUMERAL HEAD by common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle
ULNAR HEAD by from medial side of coronoid process of ulna

Ins: Middle of lateral surface of radius
Action: Pronates forearm, assists in flexing elbow

N: Median n. (C6-7)
Flexor carpi radialis
Orig: Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle

Ins: Base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals
Action: Flexes and abducts the wrist (may also assist with elbow flexion & forearm pronation)

N: Median n. (C6-7)
Palmaris longus
Orig: Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle

Ins: Flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis
Action: Tenses the palmar fascia, flexes wrist (may assist with elbow flexion)

N: Median n. (C6-7)
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Orig: HUMERAL HEAD by common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle
ULNAR HEAD from olecranon and posterior border of ulna

Ins: Pisiform, hamate and base of 5th metacarpal
Action: Flexes and adducts the wrist (may assist with elbow flexion)

N: Ulnar n. (C7-8)
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Orig: HUMEROULNAR HEAD by common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle and coronoid process of ulna
RADIAL HEAD from anterior oblique line of radius

Ins: Sides of shaft of middle phalanx of fingers
Action: Flexes PIP joints of digits 2-5, assists in flexion of MCP joints and wrist

N: Median n. (C7-8, T1)
Flexor digitorum profundus
Orig: Anterior and medial surfaces of ulna, adjacent interosseous membrane and deep fascia

Ins: Distal phalanx of fingers
Action: Flexes DIP joints of digits 2-5, assists in flexion of PIP and MCP joints and may assist with wrist flexion

N: Medial half of ulnar n., lateral half by anterior interosseous branch of median n. (C8, T1)
Flexor pollicis longus
Orig: Anterior surface of radius, adjacent interosseous membrane and a variable slip from coronoid process or medial epicondyle

Ins: Base of distal phalanx of thumb
Action: Flexes interphalangeal joint of thumb, assist in flexion of the MCP and CMC joints of thumb and may assist with wrist flexion

N: Anterior interosseous branch of median n. (C8, T1)
Pronator quadratus
Orig: Lower quarter of anterior surface of ulna

Ins: Lower quarter of anterior surface of radius
Action: Pronates forearm

N: Anerior interosseous branch of median n. (C8, T1)
Orig: Upper two-thirds of lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus and from lateral intermuscular septum

Ins: Lateral side of base of styloid process of radius
Action: Flexes elbow, assists in pronation to midposition, assists in supination to midposition

N: Radial n. (C5-6)
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Orig: Lower third of lateral supracondylar ridge and from lateral intermuscular septum

Ins: Base of 2nd metacarpal
Action: Extend and abduct wrist (may assist with elbow FLEXION)

N: Radial n. (C6-7)
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Orig: Common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle, radial collateral ligament of elbow joint

Ins: Base of 3rd metacarpal
Action: Extend and abduct wrist

N: Posterior interosseous (deep) branch of radial n. (C7-8)
Extensor digitorum (communis)
Orig: Common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle and adjacent intermuscular septa

Ins: Through extensor expansion into bases of middle and distal phalanges of fingers
Action: Extends the MCP joints and in conjunction with the interossei and lumbricals extends the IP joints of digits 2-5

N: Posterior interosseous branch of radial n. (C7-8)
Extensor digiti minimi
Orig: Common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle and adjacent intermuscular septa

Ins: Through extensor expansion into bases of middle and distal phalanges of little finger
Action: Extends the MCP joint and in conjunction wiht the interossei and lumbricals extends the interphalangeal joint of digit 5 (may assist with wrist extension)

N: Posterior interosseous branch of radial n. (C7-8)
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Orig: Common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle, posterior border of ulna

Ins: Base of 5th metacarpal
Action: Extends and adducts wrist

N: Posterior interosseous branch of radial n. (C7-8)
Orig: Lateral epicondyle, radial collateral ligament of elbow joint, annular ligament of proximal radioulnar joint, posterolateral surface of ulna (supinator crest)

Ins: Upper third of lateral surface of radius
Action: Supinates forearm

N: Posterior interosseous branch of radial n. (C5-6)
Abductor pollicis longus
- Posterior surface of ulna below origin of supinator
- Middle third of posterior surface of radius below insertion of supinator
- Intervening interosseous membrane

Ins: Radial side of base of 1st metacarpal, trapezium
Action: Abducts and extends CMC joint of thumb, abducts wrist and assists in flexing wrist

N: Posterior interossesous branch of radial n. (C7-8)
Extensor pollicis brevis
Orig: Posterior surface of radius below abductor and adjacent interosseous membrane

Ins: Base of proximal phalanx of thumb
Action: Extends MCP joint of thumb, extends and abducts CMC joint of thumb, assists in wrist abduction

N: Posterior interosseous branch of radial n. (C7-8)
Extensor pollicis longus
Orig: Middle third of posterior surface of ulna below abductor and adjacent interosseous membrane

Ins: Base of distal phalanx of thumb
Action: Extends IP joint of thumb, assists in extension of MCP and CMC joints of thumb, assists in abduction and extension of wrist

N: Posterior interosseous branch of radial n. (C7-8)
Extensor indicis (proprius)
Orig: Posterior surface of ulna below extensor pollicis longus and adjacent interosseous membrane

Ins: Through extensor expansion into bases of middle and distal phalanges of index finger
Action: Extends MCP joint and in conjunction with interossei and lumbricals, extends IP joint of index finger (may assist in adduction of index finger and extension of wrist)

N: Posterior interosseous branch of radial n. (C7-8)