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48 Cards in this Set

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What is the origin for the Abductor Hallucis?
Medial process of the calcaneal Tuberosity

Flexor Retinaculum

Plantar Aponeurosis

Intermuscular Septum between it and the flexor digitorum brevis
Where is the insertion of the abductor hallucis?
Medial side of the plantar surface of the base of the proximal phalanx.

The tendon is in common with the flexor hallucis brevis.
What innervates the abductor hallucis?
Medial Plantar Nerve
What is the origin of the flexor digitorum brevis?
Originates from plantar aponeurosis, medial and lateral intermuscular septa, and medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity
Where does the flexor digitorum brevis insert?
Runs in the same sheath as the longus until the base of the proximal phalanx then divides.

Reunites deep to the flexor digitorum longus and inserts on the middle phalanges of the the lateral 4 toes.
What innervates the flexor digitorum brevis?
Medial plantar Nerve
What is a variation that can occur with the Flexor digitorum brevis?
Tendon to the 4th digit may not be present
Where is the origin of the abductor digiti minimi?
Lateral and medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity as well as the depression between them.
Where is the insertion of the abductor digiti minimi?
Passes in the groove under the 5th met. Inserts on lateral plantar side of the base of the proximal phalanx, in common with the flexor digiti minimi brevis
What innervates the abductor digiti minimi?
Lateral Plantar Nerve
What are the functions of the abductor digiti minimi?
Abduction as well as flexion
What variation can occur with the abductor digiti minimi?
An accessory insertion into the base of the 5th met can occur.

Abductor os metatarsi digiti minimi
What muscles comprise the second layer of the plantar surface of the foot?
Quadratus Plantae

Describe the origin of the quadratus Plantae?
Two heads separated by the long plantar ligament

Medial which is larger arises from the medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity

The lateral head arises from the lateral process of the calcaneal tuberosity
Describe the insertion of the quadratus Plantae muscle?
The two heads unite and insert on the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus
What innervates the quadratus Plantae?
Lateral Plantar Nerve
What is the function of the Quadratus Plantae?
Accessory flexor.

Straightens the line of pull for the digitorum longus
What variation can occur with the quadratus Plantae?
Either the lateral head or the whole muscle can be absent.
Describe the origin of the lumbricals?
Take origin from the flexor tendons.
2-4 arise from adjacent tendons. 1 is the only one arising from only the medial side.

They cross the medial side of the metatarsophalangeal joint and continue on the medial side of the digits
Describe the insertion of the lumbricals?
Medial surface of the extensor expansion, a little dorsal to the horizontal plane.
1 and 2 go to digits 2 and 3

3 and 4 go to 4 and 5

They form part of the wing of the extensor hood
Describe the innervation of the lumbricals?
First lumbrical is innervated by the medial plantar nerve

The others are innervated by the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve.
Describe the function of the lumbricals?
Flex the MP joints and extend interphalangeal joints
What are some variations that can occur with the lumbricals?
One or more can be absent

3rd or 4th may be doubled.

Can insert directly on the bone of the proximal phalanx
What muscles are in the third layer of muscles of the foot?
Flexor Hallucis Brevis

Adductor Hallucis (both heads)

Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Describe the origin of the lateral head of the flexor hallucis brevis?
Arises near the peroneal groove on the cuboid, from lateral cuneiform, and some times from the long and short plantar ligaments.
Describe the origin of the medial head of the flexor hallucis brevis?
Deep fibers arise from the tendon of the tibialis posterior.

Superficial fibers arise from the intermuscular septum between the medial and central compartments.
Describe the insertion of the flexor hallucis brevis?
The medial and lateral heads fuse briefly and then form two bellies.

The medial inserts on the medial base of the proximal phalynx, medial sesamoid, and plantar pad.

Same for Lateral head.
What innervates the flexor hallucis brevis?
Medial Plantar Nerve
What variation can occur with the flexor hallucis brevis?
Origin from cuboid may be absent.

Insertion may include the base of the second digit.
Describe the origin of the oblique head of the adductor hallucis?
Plantar surface of the bases of the second, third, and fourth metarsals, as well as the tendon of the peroneus longus.
Describe the origin of the transverse head?
Plantar Plates, plantar metatarsophalangeal ligaments and from the deep transverse metatarsal ligaments.
Where is the insertion of the Adductor hallucis?
Lateral side of base of 1 proximal phalanx, lateral sesamoid, and plantar pad.

Same as lateral head of flexor hallucis brevis.
What innervates the adductor hallucis?
Deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve
What variations can occur with the adductor hallucis?
A portion can insert into the first met forming an opponens hallucis muscle.
Describe the origin of the flexor digiti minimi brevis?
Plantar surface of the base of the fifth metatarsal, tendon of peroneous longus, and plantar aponeurosis.
Describe the insertion of the flexor digiti minimi?
Plantar surface of proximal phalanx of 5th digit. Is in common with abductor digiti minimi.
What innervates the flexor digiti minimi brevis?
Superficial branch of the lateral plantar nerve
What actions does the flexor digiti minimi brevis do?
Flexion and abduction of 5th digit
What variation can occur with the flexor digiti minimi brevis?
Deep fibers can form an opponens digiti minimi
What muscles are in the fourth layer of the foot?
Plantar Interossei

Dorsal Interossei
Describe the origin of the plantar interossei?
The three interossei arise from the bases and medial sides of the shafts of the third, fourth, and fifth mets.
Describe the insertion of the plantar interossei?
Only attach to one bone.

All insert on the medial side of the bases of the proximal phalanges, capsule of the MP joints, and extensor expansion
What is the innervation of the plantar interossei?
Lateral Plantar Nerve

Deep branch serves the first and second muscles, while the superficial branch serves the third.
What is the function of the plantar interossei?
ADDuction of the third, fourth, and fifth digits.
Describe the origin of the dorsal interossei?
Adjacent sides of the metatarsals

The first from the first and second met.

Four in total
Describe the insertion of the dorsal interossei?
Insert on the extensor expansion of the proximal phalanx as follows.

First dorsal Int to medial side of second digit.

Second to lateral side of second digit

Third to lateral third digit

Fourth to lateral fourth
What innervates the dorsal interossei?
All but the fourth dorsal interosseous is provided by the deep branch of the lateral planter nerve.

The fourth is served by the superficial branch of the lateral plantar nerve
What is the function of the dorsal interossei muscles?
Abductors of the digits