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19 Cards in this Set

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Frontalis (Occipitofrontalis) Muscle
Wrinkles forehead, elevates eyebrowns. Involved in facial expressions.

Innervated by temporal branch of facial nerve (Cranial Nerve VII) and receives blood from supraorbital and supratrochlear arteries.
Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
closes eyelid

orbital part: tight closure, outer layer
palpebral part: gentle closure, inner layer

Innervated by temporal and zygomatic branches of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)
Anterior Auricular Muscle
pulls ear forward

innervated by temporal branch of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). Blood supplied by posterior auricular artery.
Levator Labii Superioris Muscle
Elevates the upper lip

innervated by zygomatic branch of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). Facial artery supplies blood.
Zygomaticus Minor Muscle
elevates the upper lip

innervated by buccal branch of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). Facial artery supplies blood.
Zygomaticus Major Muscle
draws angle of the mouth upward and laterally.

innervated by buccal and zygomatic branches of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). Facial artery supplies blood.
Depressor Septi Muscle
Depression of nasal septum.

innervated by buccal branch of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). Lateral nasal and septal branches of the facial artery.
Risorius Muscle
draws back angle of the mouth laterally.

buccal branch of facial nerve (cranial nerve 7). Facial artery supplies blood.
Depressor anguli oris muscle
depresses mouth inferiorly and laterally (pulls mouth down).

Inferior labial branch of facial artery. mandibular branch of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)
Mentalis Muscle
elevates and wrinkles the skin of the chin, indirectly protrudes lips.

Mandibular branch of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). submental branch of the facial artery.
Depressor Labii Inferioris Muscle
pulls inferior lip downward and slightly lateral. Eversion.

Mandibular branch of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). Inferior labial branch of facial artery.
Orbicularis oris muscle
protrudes the lips (kissing muscle)

Buccal branch of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). Inferior and Superior labial arteries (obviously bc of inferior and superior lips).
Buccinator Muscle
compresses the cheeks against the teeth (it is a deep facial muscle). Useful for blowing, assists in mastication, and used for suckling in neonates.

Buccal artery and buccal branch of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII).
Dilator Naris Muscle
dilates the nostrils (to increase breathing/sympathetic response/convey stress).

Buccal branch of the facial nerve and facial artery (superior labial branch)
Compressor Naris Muscle
compresses the nostrils.

zygomatic branch and buccal branch of facial nerve. Superior labial branch of facial artery.
Levator anguli Oris Muscle
elevates the superior lip and involved with smiling as it does have a slight angular motion upon raising.

Facial artery and Nerve.
Procerus Muscle
draws down the medial angle of the eyebrow to aid in frowning.

Buccal branch of facial nerve. supraorbital branch of opthalmic artery (which, in itself, is a branch of facial).
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi Muscle
lifts the upper lip (superior lip) and the wing of the nose. Helps with dilation of nostrils and elevation of superior lip.

Buccal branch of facial nerve. Terminal part of facial artery/lateral nasal branch of the superior labial branch of facial artery.
Corrugator Supercilii Muscle
draws eyebrows downward and medially producing wrinkles in the forehead.

Temporal branch of facial nerve. Opthalmic artery.