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139 Cards in this Set

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Which muscle has two bellies and is connected by cranial fascia? And what other name is it known as?
Occipitofrontalis or epicranius
Name the extensive network of cranial fascia which slides over the periosteum of the skull?
Galea aponeurotica
What does "frons" mean in "frontalis"?
brow or frontal bone
Frontalis ORIGIN=
galea aponeurotica is the origin
Frontalis INSERTION=
superficial fascia beneath the eyebrows
2 Actions of the Frontalis?
elevates the eyebrows
horizontally wrinkles forehead skin
Which muscle produces the expression of worry or concern and contributes to tension headaches?
Occipitalis ORIGIN=
what two bones?
lateral 2/3 of superior nuchal line (occipital and temporal bones)
Occipitalis INSERTION=
galea aponeurotica
Action of Occipitalis=
moves scalp over the cranium
Orbicularis Oculi ORIGIN=
orbital margin
Orbicularis Oculi INSERTION=
superficial fascia beneath the upper eyelids
What does "orbiculus" mean?
little circle
Orbicularis Oculi 3 Actions=
eyelid: closes, squints
skin around orbit: folds (to protect eyeball and assist in tear transport)
Orbicularis Oris INSERTION=
mucous membrane of lips
muscles inserting into lips
Orbicularis Oris ORIGIN=
Orbicularis Oris Actions=
lips: closes; protrudes; protracts
Zygomaticus Major ORIGIN=
Zygomatic arch
Zygomaticus Minor ORIGIN=
Zygomatic arch; just medial to the major's attachment
Which lies more laterally, the Zygomaticus Minor or Major?
Zygomaticus Major lies lateral to Zygomaticus Minor.
Zygomaticus Major INSERTION=
lateral angle of the mouth (near corner)
Zygomaticus Minor INSERTION=
lateral angle of the mouth (medial to the Z major insertion)
Zygomaticus Major and Minor ACTION=
mouth: elevate corners upward and outward (smile)
Zygotos means what?
yoked or to connect
Major means what?
Minor means what?
Buccinator means what?
Buccinator ORIGIN=
2: maxilla and mandible
Buccinator INSERTION=
Orbicularis Oris
Buccinator ACTION=
compresses the cheeks
What muscle creates the shape of the mouth for blowing?
How does the Buccinator earn the title of accessory muscle of mastication?
It pushes food toward the teeth.
Which muscle is the most superficial anterior neck muscle?
Platysma is the most superficial anterior neck muscle.
Which muscle is known as the "pouting muscle"?
Name the animal that comes to mind when you tense your Platysma?
Platsyma means what?
Platysma ORIGIN (2)
Superficial fascia of Deltoid
Superficial fascia of Pectoralis Major
Platysma INSERTION (3)
Muscles around the angle of mouth
Superficial fascia of the lower face
Platsyma Actions (3)
skin of anterior neck: tenses
corner of mouth: depresses
mandible: depresses
Temporalis ORIGIN=
temporal fossa (frontal, parietal and temporal bones)
Temporalis INSERTION=
mandible (coronoid process)
Actions of the Temporalis (2):
mandible: elevates; retracts
Massater means what in Greek?
Massater means what in Greek?
Massater ORIGIN=
Zygomatic arch (zygomatic and temporal bones)
Massater INSERTION (superficial layer only)=
mandibular angle
Massater INSERTION (deep layer only)=
mandibular ramus
The zygomatic arch is formed by two processes extending from which two bones?
zygomatic and temporal
Massater has what actions?
on mandible: elevates; protracts
Lateral Pterygoid ORIGIN=
on sphenoid bone (2):
lateral plate of pterygoid process;
greater wing
Lateralis means what in Latin?
toward the side
Pterygoid means what in Greek?
a wing
What are 3 actions of the Lateral Pterygoid?
on mandible: lateral movements (unilateral contraction)
on mandible: depresses; protracts (bilateral contraction)
Lateral Pterygoid INSERTION(s):
(2): mandible at condylar process;
temporomandibular joint capsule
Which muscle is called the "mirror image" of the Massater?
Medial Pterygoid
Medial Pterygoid ORIGIN(s)=
sphenoid bone (1): lateral plate of pterygoid process
Medial Pterygoid name 2 INSERTIONS on one bone=
interior surface of mandible (2): ramus and angle
Action(s) of Medial Pterygoid=
mandible: elevation and protraction (bilateral contraction)
mandible: lateral movement (unilateral contraction)
What two neck muscles help maintain an anterior curve of the cervical spine?
Longus Capitis and
Longus Colli
Longus Colli has what three subdivisions?
Superior Oblique
Inferior Oblique
Longus Capitis ORIGIN=
T.P. of C3-C5
Longus Capitis INSERTION=
Occipital bone (anterior surface)
Actions of the Longus Capitis?
neck: flexion (bilateral)
neck: lateral flexion (unilateral)
Longus Colli is similar in structure to what muscle of the lower extremity?
Give the full names of Longus Colli, starting with the most inferiorally located:
Longus Colli Inferior Oblique
Longus Colli Vertical
Longus Colli Superior Oblique
Longus Colli Superior Oblique ORIGIN(s)=
C3-C5 TP (anterior tubercles of TPs)
Longus Colli Superior Oblique INSERTION(s)=
C1 or "Atlas" (anterior tubercle)
Longus Colli Vertical ORIGIN(s)=
C5-T3 (bodies)
Longus Colli Vertical INSERTION(s)=
C2-C4 (bodies)
Longus Colli Inferior Oblique ORIGIN(s)=
T1-T3 (bodies)
Longus Colli Inferior Oblique INSERTION(s)=
C5-C6 TP (anterior tubercles of TPs)
actions of Longus Colli group (3)?
head: rotation
neck: flexion (Bilateral)
neck: lateral flexion (Unilateral)
Sternocleidomastoid spasm condition is called what?
torticolis or wryneck
Spasms in what muscle can cause vertigo because of its many sensory and positional receptors?
What muscles can move the head that are not attached to the vertebral column?
Only the Sternocleidomastoid
What muscle is called the "mirror image" of the SCM?
Splenius Capitis
What muscle is called the "praying muscle"?
What does "mastos" mean in Greek?
sternum: manubrium
clavicle: lateral 1/3
temporal bone: mastoid process and lateral 1/2 of superior nuchal line
Sternocleidomastoid actions (4)=
Bilateral contraction (2):
neck: flexion
respiration: assists in forced inspiration
Unilateral contraction (2):
neck: lateral flexion
head: contralateral rotation (to opposite side)
Scalenes, along with the Pectoralis Minor, are known as the...?
"neurovascular entrappers"
What main artery and nerve plexus pass between the anterior and medial Scalene?
subclavian artery
brachial plexus
What additional Scalene is found on 30% of cadavers?
Scalenus Minimus
Which Scalene muscle reaches the 2nd rib?
Posterior Scalene
"Skalenos" means what in Greek?
Anterior Scalene ORIGIN=
C3-C6 TP
Anterior Scalene INSERTION=
1st rib (superior surface)
Anterior Scalene action(s)=
Bilateral contraction:
1st rib: elevation during inspiration
Unilateral contraction:
neck: lateral flexion
head: rotation
Scalenus Medius ORIGIN=
C2 (posterior tubercle of TP of "Axis") -C7 TP
Scalenus Medius INSERTION(s)=
1st rib (superior surface)
Scalenus Medius action(s)=
Bilateral contraction:
1st rib: elevation during inspiration
Unilateral contraction:
neck: lateral flexion
head: rotation
Scalenus Posterior ORIGIN(s)=
C5-C6 TP
Scalenus Posterior INSERTION(s)=
2nd rib (superior lateral surface)
Scalenus Posterior action(s)=
Bilateral contraction:
2nd rib: elevates during inspiration
Unilateral contraction:
neck: lateral flexion
Why doesn't the posterior scalene muscle help to rotate the neck, like the other two scalenes do?
Not sure (look up)
Splenius Capitis is the mirror image of what muscle?
Splenius Capitis ORIGIN(s)=
C7-T4 spinous processes (SP)
inferior nuchal ligament (over C4-6)
Splenius Capitis 2 INSERTION(s)=
temporal bone: mastoid process
occipital bone: superior nuchal line, lateral region
Actions of the Splenius Capitis?
Unilateral contraction:
neck: lateral flexion
head: rotation
Bilateral contraction:
head: extension
What two muscles both insert at the mastoid process AND the lateral half of the superior nuchal line?
The SCM and the Splenius Capitis.
What two actions do the SCM and the Splenius Capitis share? Is there a notable difference in either of these actions?
head: rotation
neck: lateral flexion
The difference is that the SCM rotates the head contralaterally (to the opposite side)
Splenius Cervicis ORIGIN(s)=
T3-T6 SP (spinous processes)
Splenius Cervicis INSERTION(s)=
C1-C3 TP (transverse processes)
Which 11 muscles originate from SP (spinous processes)?
Muscle groups:
Segmental muscles (1)
Paraspinal muscles (3)
Muscles of Pulmonary Respiration (2)
Muscles of the Head and Neck (5)
Segmental muscles:
Paraspinal Erector Spinae group:
Spinalis Cervicis
Spinalis Thoracis
Longissimus Thoracis (also TP origins)
Muscles of Pulmonary Respiration:
Serratus Posterior Superior
Serratus Posterior Inferior
Muscles of the Neck and Head:
Splenius Capitis
Splenius Cervicis
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major (Axis SP)
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor (Atlas posterior tubercle)
Oblique Capitis Inferior (Axis SP)
Name the segmental muscle that has SP (spinous process) origins:
Name 3 erector spinae muscle subdivisions that have SP (spinous process) origins:
Spinalis Cervicis
Spinalis Thoracis
Longissimus Thoracis (also has TP origins)
Name 2 muscles of pulmonary respiration that have SP (spinous process) origins:
Serratus Posterior Superior
Serratus Posterior Inferior
Name 5 muscles of the head and neck that have SP (spinous process) origins:
Splenius Capitis
Splenius Cervicis
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
(posterior tubercle of Atlas)
Oblique Capitis Inferior (C2)
Name the four Suboccipitalis muscles.
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Obliques Capitis Inferior
Obliques Capitis Superior
Which muscle group did Dr Janet Travell call the "ghost headache muscles"?
The suboccipital muscles all attach on (X) and (Y) and are responsible for initiating (Z)...
C1 and C2
Suboccipitals are responsible for initiating most of the head movements.
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major ORIGIN=
spinous process of Axis (SP of C2)
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor ORIGIN=
posterior tubercle of Atlas (C1)
Which vertebrae has no "spinous process"?
Atlas (C1) has a posterior tubercle but no spinous process.
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major INSERTION(s)=
inferior nuchal line of occipital bone, lateral to its paired muscle
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor INSERTION(s)=
inferior nuchal line of occipital bone, medial to its paired muscle
Which posterior head muscle is associated with headaches of a vascular and neurological nature because of its attachment to the dura mater?
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Which suboccipital "capitis" muscle does NOT attach to the cranium?
Oblique Capitis Inferior
What are the actions of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor?
head: extension
What are the actions of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Major?
head: extension
head: rotation
What are the actions of the Oblique Capitis Superior and Inferior?
Head: extension and lateral flexion (ObliqueCapSuperior)
Head: rotation(ObliqueCapInferior)
Oblique Capitis Superior ORIGIN(s)=
transverse process of Atlas
(TP of C1)
Oblique Capitis Inferior ORIGIN(s)=
spinous process of Axis (SP of C2)
Oblique Capitis Superior INSERTION(s)=
inferior nuchal line of occipital bone, superior and superficial to Rectus Capitis Superior
Oblique Capitis Inferior INSERTION(s)=
transverse process of Atlas (TP of C1)
What three muscles elevate the mandible (close the jaw)?
Medial Pterygoid
What 2 muscles depress the mandible (open the jaw)?
Lateral Pterygoid
What 3 muscles protract the mandible (jut the chin out?)
Lateral Pterygoid
Medial Pterygoid
What muscles retract the mandible?
What muscles create side-to-side lateral movements for the mandible?
Lateral Pterygoid
Medial Pterygoid
What 3 muscles flex the head and neck?
Longus Capitis
Longus Colli
Name ten muscles that EXTEND the head and neck from these groups:
Scapular Movement (1)
Head and Neck Movement (5)
Paraspinal--Erector Spinae (2)
Splenius Capitis and Cervicis
Rectus Capitis Posterior Superior
Rectus Capitis Posterior Inferior
Obliques Capitis Superior
Spinalis Capitis and Cervicis
Longissimus Capitis and Cervicis
Name 11 muscles that ROTATE the head and neck, from these groups:
Scapular Movement Muscles (1)
Head and Neck Muscles (10)
Scalenes (3)
Splenius Cervicis and Capitis
Longus Capitis
Longus Colli
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Oblique Capitis Inferior
Name 10 muscles that produce LATERAL FLEXION of the head and neck from these groups:
Head and Neck Movement (8)
Scapular Movement (2)
Scalenes (Ant, Med, Post)
Splenius Capitis and Cervicis
Oblique Capitis Superior
Longus Colli
Levator Scapula
What muscle that is primarily used to move the scapula can also extend, laterally flex, and rotate the head and neck?
Which action to the head and neck can the Trapezius NOT do?
What action on the head and neck is assisted by the Levator Scapula?
lateral flexion
Which paraspinal muscles may assist with LATERAL FLEXION of the neck?
One of the Transversospinalis groups:
Semispinalis Cervicis
All three of the Erector Spinae groups:
Spinalis Cervicis
Iliocostalis Cervicis
Longissimus Cervicis