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15 Cards in this Set

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Bony Landmarks
1) rib cage - xiphoid process of sternum; ribs and costal cartilages
2) pelvis
a) pubic bone - pubic symphysis, pubic tubercle
b) ilium - iliac crest, iliac fossa, anterior superior iliac spine
c) ishiopubic rami
3) Femur - lesser trochanter
Abdominal and Pelvic Cavities

1) Rib cage & thoracic diaphragm - superior
2) pelvis & pelvic diaphragm - inferior
3) anterior-lateral abdominal wall muscles - ventral (anterior)
4) vertebral column, and psoas major & quadratus lumborum muscles - dorsal (posterior)
Muscles of Anterior-Lateral Abdominal Wall
1) lateral abdominal wall consists of 3 overlapping layers of sheetlike muscle - external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique, and transvers abdominis muscles
a) muscles form either side become aponeurotic anteriorly and insert into each other at anterior midline of body- forms a raphe called the linea alba (runs from xiphoid process of sternum to pubic symphysis of pelvis)
2) fourth abdominal wall muscle is rectus abdominis muscle - paired muscles running superior-inferior on wither side of anterior midline
3) abdominal muscles innervated by lower intercostal nerves or upper lumbar nerves
External Oblique Muscle
fibers run down and medial
Origin - lower borders of last 8 ribs (ribs 5-12)
Insert - linea alba, pubic tubercle, anterior half of iliac crest
Internal Abdominal Oblique Muscle
fibers run up & medial
Origin - from anterior iliac crest, lateral inguinal ligament, & thoracolumbar aponeurosis of back (tendinous layer arising from spines of lower thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae; provides origin for litissimus dorsi, internal abdominal oblique, & transversus abdominis muscles
Insert - lower ribs, linea alba, pubic bone
Tranversus Abdominis Muscle
fibers run lateral to medial
Origin - lower ribs, thoracolumbar aponeurosis, anterior iliac crest, & lateral inguinal ligament
Insert - linea alba, pubic bone
Rectus Abdominis Muscle
runs vertically next to anterior midline
Origin - pubic bone
Insert - xiphoid process and ribs 5-7
-- muscles divide into sections of muscle fibers seperated by tendinous intersections
-- rectus muscle covered superficially by anterior rectus sheath and deep by posterior rectus sheath
-- rectus sheath formed by fused aponeurosis of external & internal abdominal oblique and transverse abdominis muscle layers
Actions of Abdominal Wall Muscles
1) all 4 muscles act to hold abdominal viscera in place and to compress abdomen
2) rectus abdominis flexes trunk of body (flexes vertebral column)
3) external & internal abdominal oblique muscles:
a) unilateral action - primary rotators of body of trunk
1) contraction of external muscle on right side of body plus contraction of internal muscle on left side of body - rotate to left (rotates toward side of internal abdominal oblique muscle)
b) unilateral action - contraction of both muscles on same side - lateral bending of trunk
c) bilateral action - contraction of both muscles on both sides - flexion of trunk (bending forward0
** commom question, "rotation to " " side requires " " muscle use **
Inguinal Ligament
1) formed by rolled under inferior margin of external abdominal oblique aponeurosis
2) spans from anterior superior iliac spine to pubic tubercle
3) passes over and attaches to deeper structures that are exiting abdominal cavity to enter thigh:
a) iliacus and psoas major muscle - from single iliopsoas tendon inferior to inguinal ligament
b) femoral arter, vein, and nerve
Inguinal Canal
1) for passage of spermatic cord (in males) between abdominal cavity and testis
a) spermatic cord contains testicular artery & vein, & ductus deferens
2) canal formed by openings through muscles of abdominal wall (external & internal abdominal oblique muscles & transversus abdominis muscle)
a) inguinal canal runs just above and parallel within abdominal cavity; deep ring formed by opening through transversus abdominis muscle
c) canal continues through opening in internal abdominal oblique muscle
d) superficial inguinal ring - exit of canal; superficial ring formed by opening through external abdominal oblique muscle
Inguinal Hernias
inguinal canal potential site for hernias (evagination of abdominal contents out of abdominal cavity, passing down inguinal canal toward scrotum)
Muscles of Posterior Wall
x 3

#1 Quatratus Lumborum
Origin - posterior iliac crest
Insert - rib 12 and lumbar vertabrae
Action - anchors 12th rib during inspiration (resists upward pull of diaphragm)
Muscles of Posterior Wall
x 3

#2 Psoas Major
Origin - vertebrae T12, L1 - L5
Insert - lesser trochanter of femur
-- psoas major passes over quadratus lumborum, then runs caudally & under the inguinal ligament into thigh
Muscles of Posterior Wall
x 3

#3 Iliacus
Origin - iliac fossa
Insert - lesser trochanter of femur
-- psoas major & iliacus muscles fust to form single iliopsoas tendon inferior ro level of inguinal ligament
-- iliacus & psoas major are primary flexors of the hip joint
Pelvic Diaphragm
1) funnel-shaped muscle layer that closes off inferior opening of pelvis (forms inferior floor of pelvic cavity; supports pelvic viscera)
a) has larger, superior opening - arises from U shaped line around inner margins of true pelvic cavity (opening of U is in anterior direction)
b) narrow, inferior opening of diaphragm allows for passage for rectum
1) rectum becomes anal canal at passage through pelvic diaphragm
2) anal canal terminates as anus - surrounded by muscle of external anal sphincter
3) rectum, anal canal, anus exit pelvis in downward & posterior direction
2) gap in anterior wall of diaphragm (anterior opening of U shape) = urogenital hiatus
a) allows for passage of urethra (male) or urethra & vagina (female) - exit pelvis in downward & anterior direction